Chapter 493
"Brother Fei, where is the money?" When Wang saw the money in his hand, she was very flustered.

The whole family could not earn that much money for a few months. Wang was worried that his eldest son would be kidnapped and do something bad.

Huang Pengfei naturally understood his mother's worries, he didn't want to say it at first, but after looking at his younger sister who was also worried, he still said it out.

"Mother, where did you think, my son didn't do anything illegal, the money came from a legitimate source, and someone else compensated me."

"Brother, what did you do, to compensate you so much money." Huang Shuwan was not so easy to fool, she looked directly into her brother's eyes.

"Last night, I had a busy night and didn't have much time to sleep. Several caravans came in the morning. When I was helping the merchants to carry the goods, the carriage I was carrying was knocked down by another caravan's carriage..."

"What? The carriage was knocked down? Are you all right?"

Huang Shuwan and Wang's wife almost died of fright.

Wang's face turned pale, and people trembled with fright. He pulled him to take off his clothes and look through them. While looking through, he wept and said, "What's the matter with you, child? You don't want to tell such a big thing, but you keep it a secret , are you trying to scare me to death!"

"Mom, I'm fine. I was rescued. I have nothing at all." Huang Pengfei was extremely helpless, he knew this was the result, and he couldn't explain the source of the money if he didn't say anything.

"Mother, you haven't seen that the person who rescued me is not as tall as I am, and he is also thin and small, but his strength is really great, he can be regarded as infinitely powerful.

One hand lightly supported the carriage, lifting a thousand catties without any effort, neither blushing nor out of breath.The wagon didn't even get on the side of my clothes, which is amazing! "

Huang Pengfei was writing while talking, excited and excited, and at the same time there were admiration in his eyes, this is the performance that a teenager should have.

Mrs. Wang asked repeatedly, and Huang Pengfei repeatedly assured that he was not injured. To prove that he was really not injured, he stretched and ran around the yard for more than a dozen laps, only to let Mrs. Wang and Huang Shuwan feel relieved.

"...The caravan is sorry, so it makes up for my money. The money in my hand is nothing. The caravan gave me a lot of life-saving benefactors. The price is 50 taels, and the two families are 100 taels. Mom, you can rest assured. .”

"Okay, mother will take it first, the money will wait for your uncle to come back, let him pay back the money, and the bear will pay back a little bit. The neighbors trust our family to borrow it, and we have owed it for a long time. If you don't pay it back, you will be ashamed to face others." .”

"Mother is right." Huang Pengfei heaved a sigh of relief, the matter was finally over.

Wang's mother Huang Pengfei and her son didn't notice Huang Shuwan's face changed, and there was a flash of struggle in her eyes. They glanced at Wang and then at elder brother, and finally decided to tell the truth to elder brother.

After Huang Pengfei woke up, Huang Shuwan, who was guarding the yard, immediately called him.

"Brother, come here, I need your help with something."

Huang Pengfei thought that his sister was in trouble, so he didn't think too much about it. He walked over and said with a smirk, "Little sister, what are you talking about? Big brother will take care of it for you."

"Brother, don't be poor, I'm talking about business."

Huang Shuwan avoided Wang's, took her eldest brother to a corner, and quietly told her the truth about borrowing money.

"...On the surface, it was the neighbor's money borrowed by my uncle, but the creditor behind it was that dog Chen Dongyang. Brother, you don't know. He came here with an IOU two days ago and forced me to be his concubine.

My uncle is still in the dark, so I didn't tell my mother about it.When my father was still there, he had been helping their Chen family, buying fields, land and shops for them, otherwise the Chen family would have the current situation.

The Chen family is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. After the accident with their father, the Chen family did not divorce but did not communicate with each other. It seems that there is no such in-laws.

While clinging to the high branches, they are reluctant to part with the glory and wealth, and it's okay to mock our family's lost soul, and they dare to think of me as a concubine. Whenever his name is mentioned, I feel sick.The eldest brother couldn't bear it, he should have been killed in the first place. "

Huang Shuwan's expression was unprecedentedly fierce.A girl from Jiangmen, decisive and heroic.

"Bastard!" Huang Pengfei was so angry that his face turned blue. Chen Dongyang is stepping on their Huang family's face!

"Don't worry about this matter, I will deal with it myself, and I will talk to my uncle."

These two days, Huang Pengfei was busy with his sister's affairs, so he still remembered the agreement with Qingyun.


Wanbu Lane

Qingyun Tian Duoliang, each with a straw in their mouths, walked slowly on the street in a dawdly way, one was a ruffian and the other was a sloppy one, they looked like hooligans.

The two of them are not acting, they are playing their true colors, and the common people on the street subconsciously avoid the two of them when they see them.

"Master Qing, there is a sycamore tree in the yard in front of him, which is Brother Kun's house."

Qingyun glanced casually, Huang Kun's family was very easy to recognize.

"On my right side, there is a gap in the threshold is the Zhang family."

Qingyun looked to the right, and he really saw a family with a gap in the threshold. He was about to take a peek into the yard, when the door of Zhang's family opened suddenly, and a middle-aged woman came out.

The middle-aged woman carried a blue bag with a piece of cloth covering it, so she didn't know what was inside the blue bag.

"Aunt Zhang, exchange eggs for money to pick up medicine for your son!"

In the alley, the woman who gathered together under the shade of the tree to hold the soles of her shoes was familiar. When she saw Aunt Zhang going out again, she greeted her warmly, if there was no obvious gloating in her eyes.

Aunt Zhang rolled her eyes at the woman, walked away with a gloomy face, and glanced at Qingyun Tian Duoliang who passed by.

"If you want me to tell you what to spend that money on, her tuberculosis will be cured in vain. It won't improve at all. It's better to be more virtuous. Give his man another concubine and give birth to a big fat man to take care of him. It's better than raising a half-dead man." Tuberculosis is much stronger, isn't it?"

Several other women also agreed with what she said, which made the woman think that what she said was more reasonable.

Hearing about Zhang's family, Qing Yuntian Tara looked at each other, did not stop, and continued to walk forward.

Turning around the alley, following the brothers of the Huang family, he hurried to find the two of them.

"Master Qing, something happened. Huang Pengfei went to Chen Dongyang to settle the score, but was arrested by Chen Dongyang's people."

It's not good for the brothers to come out suddenly to save people, otherwise they won't be able to explain clearly, so they can only come to Master Qing, who knows Huang Pengfei well.

Qingyun's eyes lit up, it's good, he finally had the opportunity to get close to Huang Pengfei's family's excuse.

"Let's go, lead the way. I'll save people, Daliang, find a chance to get acquainted with the local hooligans nearby, and I'll tell you when I go back tonight."

"No problem." Tian Duoliang said.He was born as a hooligan, and getting to know them is not easy!

"Why did Huang Pengfei ask Chen Dongyang to settle the score?" Qingyun frowned. She was not here these two days, what happened that she didn't know?
 Thanks to 20180322143800122, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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