Chapter 50
Old Man Li didn't dare to come forward when he saw that Mr. Song's face was not good.The situation of the young master in the water pool was unknown. He was very upset, and his daughter came to add to the confusion and asked him to ask the young master about the situation.

After being pushed down again by his daughter, the old man Li bravely came over and asked, "Mr. Song, young master he..."

"I can't die!" Song Wenqian suppressed his anger, he was worried about him here, and the bastard took a bath and slept.


As soon as Qingyun came up, he heard that the old man was very angry and ignored him. He walked over and threw the fish to Old Man Li, "Uncle Li, it's cooked!"

She was frightened and had to eat fish to suppress her fright.

Old Man Li was surprised to see such a big catfish: "Where did it come from? Young master, did you catch it? There are still such fat catfish in the pool? It must be more than ten years old?"

Song Wenqian also saw the big catfish, and he didn't know what to think. Suddenly, he looked back at Qingyun. Seeing that Qingyun's people were a little tired and lacking energy, he was worried.

"Aren't you hurt?"

"It hurts, head, waist, leg, it hurts to death." Qing Yun said while grinning and rubbing his waist.

The cave is narrow and the movements are bigger, either hitting here or there, and getting kicked by a fish tail.Is it easy for her to eat a fish?
Song Wenqian knew from his ruffian appearance that he didn't have much of a problem.

"Are you stupid? You can't call people if you can't catch them! You have to make yourself so embarrassed, go wash and see what you look like." Song Wenqian disgusted and chased people away.

Qingyun pouted, do you think she doesn't want to shout?

The problem is that I can't shout!

The old man squinted, wiped the yellow muddy water on his face, and walked to the riverbed.There was a stone several meters high over there, and I took a bamboo jar and went to the back to wipe it.

"Old man, don't come over to peek, men and women can teach or not."

Qingyun really dared to say any nonsense, and he really drank Song Wenqian.

Song Wenqian was worried about him and wanted to come over to check. Hearing what Qingyun said, he had to rest his mind.

Qingyun took off her robe, wrung out the water, spread it out on the rocks, and touched the cloth belt on her waist, and suddenly remembered that the old man asked her about her "waist". At that time, she didn't understand what the old man meant.

The old man who dares to love is not the one who worries about her, but her employment document.

"It's over, it's over, it's over"

Qingyun immediately changed his face, untied his belt, took out the box and opened it, and saw that the paper was a little wet, and even the paper was dyed black after the fonts fainted.

Qingyun immediately let out a shrill wailing, which frightened Song Wenqian over there to jump.

Song Wenqian frowned and roared, "What are you doing, kid?"

In the barren mountains and mountains, the ghosts cry and howl, trying to scare people to death!
Qingyun immediately closed his mouth and replied, "The stone is too hot, it burned me to death!"

Hot to death!

Song Wenqian took a few deep breaths before suppressing his plan to rush over and beat him.

"It's fine, it's fine!" Old Man Li wiped the cold sweat from the fright, and went to clean up while carrying the fish and the bamboo can.

Qingyun wiped the sweat from his forehead and carefully opened the appointment documents.Fortunately, only a little water was poured in, and it got wet a little on it, and the words were a little blurry. I tried to look carefully, and I could still recognize it from the shape...

Qing Yun didn't even dare to let the old man know that she had wet the paper.She decided that from now on, she would never open this box until she took office.

The old man was more nervous about this piece of paper than he was about her.

She spread the paper on the stone, hoping to dry it quickly and put it away. She was worried that the old man would suddenly come over to see it, and she would be finished!
 Did the babies miss anything?For example, recommended tickets, favorites

(End of this chapter)

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