Chapter 504
After Qingyun came out of the shower, Bai Shaojie had already put away his exposed emotions, and Bai Yanheng and Bai Yanheng took their places.

"Master Qing, Guo Xin is here again, in the lobby of the inn, do you want to meet?"

Bai Shaojie came back from the outside and saw Guo Xin pestering the shopkeeper in the lobby to inquire about Qing Yun, but Guo Xin didn't see him, otherwise he would pester him for questioning.

Qingyun wanted to cool him down, but the cooling time was a bit long, but Guo Xin suffered a serious crime, one of his arms was removed by the casino staff, and it was said that if he didn't return the money, it would be his leg next time.

Those cronies of his have borrowed money wherever they could, and those who can hang out with Guo Xin are good people, like-minded, whoever has money in their hands is either whoring or gambling, how can there be a few coppers in spare money.

After a round of borrowings, he didn't get a few taels of silver. The people in the casino pursued the debt tightly. Guo Xin was afraid of death, so he had to ask Qingyun for money again.

"No, you go and tell him that I will come back tomorrow and ask him to come see me tomorrow." She had just returned and hadn't eaten yet. Seeing that scumbag Guo Xin would affect her appetite.

When she sneaked back, she saw people from the casino beating Guo Xin in the alley. He must pay back the money tonight, and if he didn’t pay back, he would cut off his leg. Guo Xin cried and begged for mercy, and sold her by the way, guaranteed I must go to the casino tonight to pay back the money.

Guo Xin came to the inn, and the people from the casino were probably guarding not far outside the inn.

Guo Xin's information was reported to her every day on the fifth day of the lunar new year, and she only lost an arm. The resentment value is not enough!

There must be less legs, so the resentment towards her will be deeper, and he can't wait to kill her.Only then can the subsequent plans be carried out smoothly.

Before Bai Qi had time to report, Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie didn't know what Qingyun was planning. He played with Guo Xin in the palm of his hand, and he must have his intentions. It can only be said that Guo Xin was unlucky and fell in love with Qingyun, a demon.

Bai Shaojie left.

Qingyun sat down to eat, cast a deep glance at Captain Bai, and soon the whole table was finished.

Bai Yanheng handed the information they collected to Qing Yun, a thick stack of paper, it can be seen that Bai Yi and the others are very capable, unlike Chu Wu and the others, they only inquired about corners and corners of the news, and did not touch any important matters.

Qingyun browsed while drinking tea, read the news that did not relate to them, and put it aside. Among them, news about hunting, the Bai family, several princes, drought and floods were pulled out separately, and after reading all the information, re-read look again.

Qing Yun took a closer look at the hunting information, and scanned the list of participating dignitaries. No one from the Duke's Mansion, no one from the Uncle Zhongyong's Mansion, and all other dignitaries linked to the prince had their children.

"Hunting fifty miles away from the outskirts of Beijing?"

Qingyun clicked on this message, and she suddenly remembered that the mountain forest she was investigating was also fifty miles away, so that's where the hunting place should be, right?

Qingyun didn't know what to think of, his pupils shrank, and his pupils were full of shock.

How evil is human nature?Sometimes, it really refreshes people's bottom line and three views.

When fleeing famine, the hunger was at its extreme, eating people and eating corpses, "people do not kill themselves for themselves"!understand!If you don't eat it, you will die!
But some people lived a life of rich clothes and fine food when they were young, served by groups of servants, and hugged them before going out, but they didn't do anything about personnel, and they didn't treat the people as human beings.

She once saw a TV show, but she forgot the name of the show, and in it, the children of the rich and powerful caught people as prey everywhere and hunted people for fun.

She has investigated that forest, and found that there are the most slopes, sparse trees, and mostly bushes. There are at most a few hares and pheasants in the forest, but there are no large prey or expensive prey.

Hunting shit!

If she just had a hazy feeling before and couldn't judge, after seeing this information, she is very sure and certain that this hunting is—human hunting!
Qingyun was angry and angry, crumpled up the paper balls and threw them away, then slammed down the table in frustration, and cursed: "A bunch of sons of bitches."

Bai Yanheng was startled, and glanced at Qingyun unexpectedly, he didn't expect Qingyun to be so angry.After all, the Qingyun he has seen and known is just a cold person who has nothing to do with himself.

If it wasn't about her own safety, she wouldn't even have to suppress the bandits in Qishan.

If Qingyun knew Captain Bai's thoughts, he would definitely have to distinguish a few words, can it be the same?The positions are different. For those who are bandits, burning, killing and looting are their essential jobs!
Those powerful children, the families behind them are all important ministers in the court. They were supposed to protect the people of the world, and it's fine if they don't protect them, but they were arrested and killed?
There are still several princes among the hunters, and one of them will be the emperor in the future. Could it be that they think that they only need the support of the ministers and not the support of the people?

They don't understand the truth that 'water can carry a boat and also overturn it'?Still unimpressed.

Throughout the dynasties, grassroots uprisings and people who finally ascended to the throne can be found everywhere.

Bai Shaojie outside the door was also startled, and turned his head to look into the room, but unfortunately the door was closed and he couldn't see anything.

Qingyun poured a pot of tea before calming down.

Well, it's useless if she gets mad.The country of the Dayong Dynasty was not hers, nor was she the one who hunted people. The blame can only be blamed on the common people living in the Dayong Dynasty.
Qingyun saw the news of the drought and floods, and the imperial court was clamoring to send people to rescue the disaster every day. The officials to be dispatched have not been finalized yet, and there is no food, silver and medicinal materials for disaster relief.

Where did the money go?
Border soldiers used it, the emperor used it to build a palace, used it to practice alchemy, used it to build temples, and some princes were transferred.

In short, the household department has no money.

Qingyun scratched his chin, blinked, and dropped a few pieces of information about the disaster.

Looking at the information of the Bai family again, Qingyun tsk-tsk while watching.Because of going to Su Bai's house, several princes who appeared to be brothers and sisters, finally tore their faces and changed from fighting secretly to fighting openly.

Of course, it is also related to the coma of the emperor's old son.According to the information, after taking the elixir, the old emperor suddenly fell into a coma. After the diagnosis at the imperial hospital, he secretly said that the old emperor was very dangerous this time.

The matter of going to Su Bai's house was a trigger, and a large number of officials in the capital were going to be sacked.

Qingyun tapped the table with her fingers, would she like to add a fire?

The tip of Qingyun's tongue touched her teeth, and the fire was already burning on her body. It's hard to justify the fire without adding it!They should be burned together, and let them eat dogs.

"There are so many people missing in the capital. What's happening in Jingzhao Mansion, Dali Temple, and Wucheng Division?"

Qingyun burned all the information he had read, and green smoke lingered in the room, and it took a long time for it to dissipate.The information given by Captain Bai was only a few words about the case of missing persons, which was only registered by the government.

(End of this chapter)

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