Chapter 508
The dishes were loaded on the trolley, and everyone went to the kitchen first.

In the kitchen, the old man flipped through the vegetables in the basket, disliked that one was bad and that was bad, for a while the vegetables didn’t grow well and were small, for a while the vegetables were not fresh, and for a while the leaves were bitten by insects , Then the food money was pressed and pressed, and finally he reluctantly agreed to accept it.

Very annoyed!

"Master, I haven't been here for a while, and I want to kowtow to the wife in charge, and then collect the slops and leave. I'm sorry for your tiredness, so go ahead and ask?"

Huang Pengfei bowed his head to curry favor with the old man, and secretly gave him a piece of silver.

The old man squinted at him with a pair of cloudy eyes, and then snorted coldly, "Our family is not a small family, and the head wife can't be seen by anyone who wants to see her. If it weren't for the slop collected in your house for decades , Not even qualified to come to our house.

Wait, then!Old man, let me go and ask, do you know the rules?Don't look around, let alone walk around casually, just wait here. "

"Hey, don't worry, grandpa, those who are not well-behaved know it. It's not the first time I'm here, so keep it safe and don't wander around."

After receiving Huang Pengfei's permission, the old man walked away with a lamp in his hand.

As soon as he left, there was no light in the yard, it was dark, without the old man's swearing, the whole house was too silent, empty and desolate, and after staying for a long time, I was very flustered.

Fortunately, the weather has been fine these few days, the sun is shining during the day and the moon is shining at night, so it is not impossible to see people.

The four of them didn't move or talk, and they were tired from just standing, so they all sat on the cart.

It seemed like a long, long time before the old gatekeeper came back and said to them, "Let's go, my wife wants to see you."

The house is very large, with courtyards everywhere, all empty and unoccupied.One lamp, five people, wandering around the house like ghosts, and turned into a yard.

"Ma'am, they are here." The old man shouted in the yard.

"Come in!" A female voice sounded from the room, her voice was deep and hoarse, as if she hadn't spoken for many years.

With the master's permission, the old man pushed open the door and signaled the four of them to go in.

There was only one lamp in the room, and the light was rather dim. There was a screen in the room, which separated the room, and the light was even darker. If you were farther away, you could not see people clearly.

The old man brought him there, walked away slowly with a lamp in his hand, and returned to the corner gate to continue guarding.

When the old man left, two people sent by Qingyun walked around the yard, but no one was watching around the yard. One guarded the dark place at the door, and the other went to the back of the yard to guard against anyone approaching.

Huang Pengfei stepped forward respectfully and reported in a straightforward manner.

"Ma'am, there are fresh vegetables at home. I'll bring you some to try. I don't have time to deliver them during the day. I just come to collect slops at night. I brought them together and sent them to the kitchen."

At the same time, Huang Shuwan quietly went to the inner room to see his wife.

"Madam, are you all right? No one is embarrassing you?"

Mrs. Meng was very happy to see Huang Shuwan, she took her to sit beside her softly, and whispered.

Mrs. Meng shook her head and said: "Why are you here? The girl's house is so unsafe at night, and your mother is also big-hearted, so don't come next time. Your brother often comes, why don't you worry about it, okay? Boil it!"

The three of their mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and granddaughter are alive, isn't it because the court made it for the world to see, the court is so benevolent and righteous, it doesn't even implicate the family members of the traitors, and they still support them.Don't starve to death or freeze to death, don't think about anything else.

She and the old lady can't seek death yet, those beasts have let go, if they die, Su Qing will have to accept guests to make amends.

Suqing's side is the same, can't seek death, she died, her mother and grandmother sold her to the lowest flower building to pick up guests and make amends.

The mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and granddaughter dare not die, so let's endure it. If they can't survive that day, the three of them find a rope and hang themselves together.

"My brother is a foreigner after all, so many things are inconvenient. Ma'am, I have something very important to tell you this time. My father dragged someone to the capital to find us"

Huang Shuwan made a long story short, talked about Qingyun and the others coming to the capital to pick them up, and didn't mention anything about their plan.

".My father said that he must pick you up and go together. The capital is not a place to miss, and you will never come back after leaving. When will Sister Suqing come back? When she comes back, we will come to pick you up."

"What you said is true, is your father okay?" Mrs. Meng trembled excitedly when she heard that Huang Kun was not dead.Huang Kun is not dead, is it him?
"Wanwan, are those people reliable? Wouldn't they be sent here to test? Those people have done a lot of probing things, you must be careful."

Mrs. Meng held Huang Shuwan's hand tightly, her expression was a little strange, Huang Shuwan thought she was excited after hearing the news, so she didn't think much about it.When she and her mother heard that they could leave, they were not as good as Mrs. Meng!
"It's absolutely true, they took my father's token and found them here." Huang Shuwan repeatedly assured her that the person who came this time was real.

Mrs. Meng was a little too excited, walking up and down the house in a daze, looking forward to it for more than ten years, thinking that there was no hope.

"Ma'am, when will Sister Suqing come back? When she comes back, we can send someone to pick you up. This matter is very important, you must keep it a secret, and you must not let outsiders know. If the news leaks, Everyone in our two families will die. If it’s not convenient for you, Sister Suqing, I’ll go with my brother.”

"You're right, this matter is very important, and you must not let it leak. You don't have to go to Suqing. Her grandmother's birthday will be five days later, and she will take half a day off every year to come back.

I can handle the puppies and cats in the yard, so don't worry.Be careful out there. Mrs. Meng patted her hand to reassure her.

"Madam, we haven't been here for a short time. It's time to go. Wait for us to come over in five days."

Mrs. Meng sent Huang Shuwan and the others out, then turned back to the house and entered the side room inside the inner room.

After the defeat of the Meng Mansion, all the servants and maidservants were sent away, leaving only three guard gates, two at the main gate and one at the corner gate, and the others were sent by the imperial court.

The old matriarch was in poor health and had no one to take care of her, so she moved to Mrs. Meng's house and lay down in this side room, eating and drinking, and Mrs. Meng served herself.

There are no servants in the family, and Mrs. Meng does all the laundry, cooking and cleaning by herself.

"Who's here?" The old lady asked when she saw her daughter-in-law before she fell asleep.

"It's Wanwan and the others who are here. They brought some fresh dishes from the house for us to try. Mother, let me tell you something..."

Madam Meng lowered her voice and learned that Huang Kun was still alive and sent someone to pick them up.

"...Mom, you have always eaten more salt than your daughter-in-law. What do you think of this? Is it reliable?"

 Thank you Ah Man 76, huabinbin, Gu Qin, I don’t know what the name is, the son went to the brothel together, and voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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