Chapter 519

Under the night, the capital city was brightly lit as before. People walking on the streets were all smiling, as if they could not see the solemn and tense atmosphere in the city. People in teahouses and inns were gossiping about what happened during the day.

At the end of the deepest alley in Dongcheng, a tall and mighty house stood there quietly, with a plaque with the word "Mengfu" hanging on the main entrance of the house.

In the past, this house was lifeless, and it was difficult to see anyone walking in the house during the day. After dark, the whole house seemed to be covered with a black cloth. It was so dark that there was no light or sound, just like a dead house.

This house, which has been silent for a long time, has a little light tonight. Looking at the direction of the light, it should be the main courtyard in the backyard.

At the entrance of the main hall of the main courtyard, a red lantern was hung on the left and right sides. Dim candlelight shone through the red lanterns, reflecting the redness of the ground below the corridor, while the place outside the corridor was still dark.

The door of the main hall was opened, and festive red candles were lit in the room. There was an octagonal table in the hall. There were two plates of pastries and eight meat dishes on the table. The old lady of the Meng family sat on the main seat, and the old lady was left and right. Sitting on both sides are the daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

Now there are only three masters left in General Meng’s mansion, their mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandson. Today is the old matriarch’s birthday. Meng Suqing specially asked for leave in the afternoon to come back from Yuxian Pavilion. Every year on the birthday of the old matriarch and her mother, she would ask for leave Live with them.

"Grandmother, granddaughter replaces wine with tea. I wish you a long life like the South Mountain and happiness like the East Sea." Meng Suqing held a bowl and respected the old lady.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law wishes you good health and longevity than Nanshan, peace and joy."

"Okay, okay, all three of us should be good. Mother Suqing, I will rely on you at home from now on. Suqing, I will listen to your mother from now on. Outside is no better than at home. Don't stand out in everything. Listen more, watch more and learn more." .”

The old lady was holding a teacup, and there was a rare smile on her blue and white wrinkled face. She looked at her granddaughter and then at her daughter-in-law, and she didn't say much.

God finally opened his eyes and left an incense for the Meng family. Their Meng family finally struggled out of this mess. She had a face in hell and faced the ancestors of the Meng family.

Su Qingniang felt uncomfortable, worried that her daughter would notice the abnormality, so she cheered up to suppress the grief in her heart, twitched the corners of her mouth, and forced a smile on her face. Fortunately, the room was not bright, and Su Qing on the opposite side did not see it.

Meng Suqing frowned lightly, feeling uneasy in her heart, wondering if it was an illusion, as if her grandmother's words were like... last words.

Meng Suqing panicked in her heart, but smiled happily on her face. She gently pulled the old lady's cuff and said coquettishly: "Grandmother, Qing'er will not rely on you, and Qing'er can't live without you. You want to live a long life. Watch Qing'er get married." people."

Meng Suqing's words made the old lady happy. She entered the Yuxian Pavilion, and other girls may have a chance to redeem themselves and leave. She can only rot in it for the rest of her life. Not eligible to choose.

Su Qingniang couldn't bear it a little, fearing that her daughter would see the strange color on her face, she hurriedly took a sip from the tea bowl, and pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Okay, okay, grandma will live a long life and watch Qing'er get married." How could the old matriarch resist her granddaughter's coquettishness, she agreed to everything she said.

The three grandparents and grandchildren in the house were chatting, and at some point someone came from the yard, guarding the gate of the yard, staring vigilantly outside, and when they heard the laughter in the main hall, a smile appeared on their faces.

At the same time, a group of people came from the corner door of the back door of the house, pushing several carts full of vegetables, and the leader knocked on the corner door.


There was a voice from inside, it sounded very annoying, and then someone came and opened the door, glanced over unkindly, seeing the man in front, his face was not so ugly, but his tone was still not very good.

"It's you! You came at the wrong time. The old lady in the mansion is celebrating her birthday today, and no one is allowed in the mansion. Go back!"

The little brother at the door snorted coldly, and was about to enter the door with a flick of his hand.

Chu Wu chased him two steps forward, quietly handed over a piece of silver, and said in a low voice: "Master, we met last time, it's convenient.

I saw the old lady last time, and I learned that today is her old man's birthday. The little ones came here to kowtow to her. Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. After kowtowing, we will remove the dirty water immediately come out. "

Chuwu bent over to laugh with him, flattered and flattered him for a long time, and even stuffed him with a small piece of silver, only then did the doorkeeper let go.

"It's just my heart. Go in, behave yourself, don't look around, don't go where you shouldn't go, if the things inside are damaged, you won't be able to pay for it if you sell it. Kowtow, get out as soon as you finish, otherwise Don't blame the young master for turning his face and denying people."

"Hey, don't worry, the safekeeping won't cause you any trouble, and it's not the first time you've come here."

Chuwu gestured to the brothers behind his back, and the brothers came in quickly and closed the door by the way.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, he followed the janitor brother all the way into the next hut, and saw that there were two other people inside, with their hands behind their backs, making a two-to-one comparison, and then two brothers came over, each holding a wine jar.

"Sirs, I have caused troubles for these lords over the years. The younger ones are ordinary people and there is nothing they can do to help you. These two jars of wine are for you."

Chu Wu smiled flatteringly, squinted his eyes at the brothers, and asked them to bring in the wine, and he walked behind the little brother Kanmamen calmly, and the two brothers came in, put the wine jar on the table, and while turning around In a short time, they turned behind the other two, and when Chu Wu finished speaking, the three of them took out a handkerchief at the same time and covered their mouths like lightning.

There was a drug on the veil, and soon the three of them passed out.

"Hurry up, before the people in the yard know about it, follow the plan."

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, I put away the handkerchief and went out to talk to Tian Taliang.

The two acted separately. Tian Duoliang took Guo Xin and the others straight to the main courtyard. Chu Wu took his brothers to push the cart, sprinkled oil on the main courtyard and several courtyards near the main courtyard and piled firewood on the walls. After lighting the fire, Run to meet the main courtyard.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Do you know where this place is? There is a happy event today, you leave now, and you will not be held accountable, otherwise..."

A group of people appeared suddenly, the old man guarding the gate of the yard was startled, he yelled at them sharply, at the same time he picked up the wooden stick beside him, and stared at them fiercely.

When the general left, he handed over the three of them, grandparents and grandchildren, and risked his life not to let these gangsters step into the main courtyard.

He secretly scolded the bastards who were guarding the door. They didn't open the door. This group of people couldn't get in, and there was no internal response. How did these people know that there were people in the main courtyard?

The white-eyed wolves, who are unfamiliar with them, took away so many good things from them, and dared to collude with outsiders to murder their master.

Thank you for the love of Qiangwei and Peony, 77889, rattan pepper flavored candy, Jing, Ah Man 76, baby [??] Rong Rong, 20181122205803439, Tianyi Operations Officer, WEMY, Huobao Benbenbenben, 160908160435971, Psychedelic Fairy, cast Thanks for the reward from Tianyi Operations Officer, meme

(End of this chapter)

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