Chapter 522

Qingyun raised a few words, and everyone in the Huang family understood.

They are just missing, not dead. If the government wants to investigate, they can find some clues, but at most they can only find out that they were taken away by hooligans. The same is true for Mrs. Meng. But will not let them go.

Old thief Qian's hands and eyes are open to the sky, how he climbed to his current position, anyone with a clear mind knows in his heart that if there is a slight possibility, he will never let the people of Huang Jiameng's family go.

Overnight, all members of Huang's family and Meng's family disappeared. A three-year-old wouldn't believe it if there was nothing weird in it.When old thief Qian received the news, he immediately announced that they were wanted all over the world, so they really couldn't show their faces and stay outside.

"Brother... Master Qing is right, then we will listen to Master Qing. Mrs. Meng, Miss Meng, don't worry, they are all understanding people. The old lady left suddenly, and I feel uncomfortable. It will be fine after a while, and we will also I will watch them." Mrs. Huang said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Huang." Qingyun clasped his fists and said.

"It should be, it should be," Mrs. Huang looked at the two sons and confessed, "You two brothers, please help me more..."

Mrs. Huang was halfway through her speech when she realized that she couldn't continue.

The two sons are not dark, and the younger brother-in-law is fair and clean, and his appearance is not outstanding. The government has left a file, and their daughter can hide in the carriage. What will the three of them do?

"Don't worry, Mrs. Huang. Pengfei, his uncle and nephew have other arrangements. The three of you come with me." Qingyun said.

Mrs. Huang believed in the magistrate from the bottom of her heart, and she was relieved when she heard that the magistrate had other arrangements.Huang Shuwan looked at her mother, then at the county magistrate and asked, "Can I go together?"

"Yes." Qingyun readily agreed, and it's not something that he can't see people.

Huang Pengfei believed in Qingyun, and the three of them followed Qingyun.

Several people returned to the ruined temple.

"Shaojie, tell Bai Shi to come over here." Qingyun ordered Bai Shaojie who was behind him, and Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie knew what he was up to after listening to him.

Huang Pengfei's uncle and nephew didn't know about the magistrate's arrangement, so no one interrupted, they waited quietly.

Bai Shi came very quickly, Qing Yun pointed to Uncle Huang Pengfei and the three of them, "Give them a disguise."

Bai Shi nodded, and fiddled with their faces one by one for a while, and when he turned around again, three completely unfamiliar faces appeared.

Huang Shuwan stared at them from beginning to end, watching the three of them change into this appearance, she couldn't see the original appearance at all, if he hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't dare to recognize it.

"It's amazing!" Huang Shuwan was amazed.

The group returned to the convoy, and Mrs. Huang frowned unhappily when she saw three strange men coming back with Huang Shuwan, with a somewhat friendly attitude.

"Mom, let me tell you, just now..."

Before Mrs. Huang had time to talk about her, Huang Shuwan ran over cheerfully, hugged her arm, and whispered what happened just now.

After listening to her daughter's words, Mrs. Huang was embarrassed and guilty. No wonder she saw the familiar clothes on them, and they were still her cubs after a long time.

"Very good. Be smart in the future and help the convoy do more work." Mrs. Huang didn't want to see them, she waved them away to let them go to work, and took her daughter to see Mrs. Meng's mother and daughter.


Taohualihua and Lihua learned that they would not serve the young master any more, but go to serve the two wives.

Tao Hua thought deeply, she couldn't see anything on her face, so she agreed with a smile.

The boss in Lihua's heart was unwilling, and some emotions appeared on her face. She seized on the fifth day of the lunar new year and asked:

"The young master has always been served by the slaves and maidservants. Why don't the servants serve the servants? It is not good for the servants to serve you? The servant Zha serves the lady, who will serve the young master?"

Chuwu is a rough man who doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. The most annoying thing is that the girls are chattering and can't see their identity clearly.

Master Qing didn't want them to serve him, he didn't know why!I really think Master Qing is that kid who has never seen the world, and he wants it if he is a mother!

"Master's matter is not something you can ask. If you are asked to serve Madam, you can go and ask whatever you want. If you don't want to go, you can sell them all in the next county."

Chu Wu cast a cold glance at the group of servants, and warned: "Serving Madam and the others is doing the young master a favor. The young master will see it in his eyes. When we return to the mansion, the young master will arrange for you."

After explaining on the fifth day of the fifth day, I left.

Lihua stamped her feet aggrieved and sad, not daring to talk too much.Others dare not say, but they know a thing or two about the young master's temperament.

Don't look at the young master who is kind, doesn't beat or scold, and treats them as nicely as Miss Qianjin, but the young master is not good at color, and he does what he says, which delays his affairs, and no one will lose face. No discount.

"Ghost knows where it came from, such a lucky fate!" Lihua muttered, afraid of being heard, she threw the bowl and chopsticks to vent her anger.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth. I have told you many times, but I still can't change it. If you don't change this problem, the young master will sell you, and no one can save you." Taohua glared at her, and then glanced towards the carriage. , saw nothing.


"Master Qing, Mrs. Meng and Miss Meng are awake."

Just after dinner, Qingyun and Tian Duoliang were about to discuss something on the fifth day of the new year, when the brothers on duty outside came in to report.

Qingyun looked up at the brother, woke up and woke up, what to say to her, every little thing has to wait for her to decide, she must not be exhausted!

Looking back, the two women of the Meng family are much more delicate than Mrs. Huang's mother and daughter, so they came here to report, and she still went to have a look.

"You guys discuss it first, and I'll be right back after I go." Qingyun left this sentence and walked out.

Wanting to follow along to meet the legendary Suqing Fairy Tian Duoliang, who is as beautiful as a celestial being, silently withdrew her feet.

What Qingyun came over to see was Mrs. Meng and Miss Meng, their faces were ashen and mournful. Mrs. Huang and Ms. Huang tried to persuade them for a long time, but there was no improvement at all.

Qingyun is not good at comforting a woman, so she put herself in the shoes of others, if she is Meng Suqing, and her dependent relatives die, she will feel uncomfortable, and it is also difficult to accept it.

"When a person dies sooner or later, it depends on whether the death is worth it. The old lady sacrificed herself to change the way of life for you, and then think about General Meng who died in vain on the charge of crimes. If you think it doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want."

Qingyun scratched his head, thought for a while and added a few words.

"At least you are still alive. In the future, you will have the opportunity to avenge their grievances and avenge them. Those who are dead will have no chance at all. Think about it carefully. My condolences will change!"

Qingyun went to Huang Pengfei's place, and whispered, "Let your mother and sisters pay more attention. We are all outsiders and can't help you. Tell them what you need."

Qingyun can only do this, it is their business whether to listen or not.

"How is it? Are you all right?" Tian Duoliang asked Chuwu when he saw Qingyun come back.

What can happen? It is understandable for a loved one to be sad for a few days after the death of a loved one. Those who are looking for death and life are still living too well. If they are thrown to escape for ten and a half months, all death, suffering, and pain are gone.

"It's okay, let's continue to discuss the return journey."


It was dawn, and everyone in the team woke up. After breakfast, the team hurried on their way.

The return journey is much easier than when we came here. The road surface is flat and dry. March and April are the seasons when wild vegetables grow wildly. If you want to eat a few baskets in the mountains by the river, you can eat as much as you want, and you can save a lot of money. Food money.

Mrs. Meng and Ms. Meng walked out of the pain of bereavement quietly. Mrs. Huang was worried that she was too worried and seriously hurt her roots. .

Mrs. Meng is the mistress who came out of the mansion, and she acts according to the rules.

actually not.

Since she took over the team, all the complicated things in the team, including Taohua Lihua and the others, have been arranged properly, and they are convinced from top to bottom, saving Qingyun and the others from a lot of trouble, and the atmosphere of the whole team is very good. It's different.

When it came to the next county, the political turmoil in the capital and the prey of people by the rich and powerful had ruined most of the Yong Dynasty. When the people mentioned these gossips, they all shook their heads and sighed.

The atmosphere of the team has also become much more lively, and the brothers are all relieved to follow the gossip and make comments by the way.

Everyone has a nose and an eye, but unfortunately no one believes it.I don't know what kind of rumors spread outside, even the emperor's old man is a disaster.

While the brothers were happy alone, they felt aggrieved at the same time.

Obviously they are the parties involved!

The gates of the prefectural capitals of various states are covered with wanted portraits of Mrs. Meng and Miss Huang Pengfei's family, and the rewards are still quite rich.

Qingyun and the others went to see the wanted paintings. The skills of ancient paintings are different from those of modern times. The portraits are so different from the real ones that they may not be able to recognize them in front of the officers and soldiers.

Everyone is relieved.


When I came here, there were floods in many places. The officials of the imperial court went to the court every day to discuss countermeasures. Qingyun and the others returned, but the results of the discussions have not yet been reached.

Without the disaster relief from the imperial court, the flooded villages had no land to plant. In the desperate situation of no food, money, or medicine, the villagers could only wait for death in despair.

Qingyun looked at the villagers, scratched his chin, and invited Tian Duoliang to discuss it on the fifth day of Chuwu. Huang Pengfei had the cheek to lean over to listen.

"Looking at those villagers, what do you think?" Qingyun looked at the two of them and asked.

If they can feel anything, they can at most sympathize with them.

They can't control the flood, they can't eliminate the disaster, and they can't stop the hungry.

The most hateful and hateful thing is the inaction of the court.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, he glanced at Qingyun, and before Tian Duoliang opened his mouth, he habitually scolded the emperor's old man and the officials in the court one by one.

Tian Duoliang looked at Chu Wu in shock. This kid is treacherous. He just wanted to do something like this, but Chu Wu took the lead. He can't keep scolding him again!

Tian Duoliang had nothing to worry about, staring at Qingyun's cold eyes, he cheekily scolded the old emperor again, and the old thief Qian was not left behind.

After Qingyun finished listening, his face was so dark, he didn't have any hope for the two of them, and he didn't want to scold them anymore, so he wiped his face and said, "What do we lack in Qishan?"

"Everything is missing!" Tian Duoliang reacted quickly this time, rushing to answer.

The main reason was that Qingyun was discussing with Du Zhubo, and the two always said unconsciously, "Qishan lacks everything." He listened too much, and answered subconsciously.

"It is true that everything is lacking, but the most important thing is the lack of people. You see, if they continue to stay here, they will die. It is better to go to Qishan.

Qishan Mountain is beautiful, the land is fertile, the products are rich, and the people are simple and hospitable. Isn't it a good place to settle down? "

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and looked at them with warning eyes.

Tian Duoliang understood within five seconds that Lord Qing wanted to abduct someone back to Qishan.

"Master Qing, leave this matter to us, absolutely no problem."

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Tian Duoliang picked out the brothers with simple and honest looks, and explained the instructions of Master Qing in detail. The brothers all patted their chests and promised to complete the task.

Qingyun changed his lord's robe and put on a bookish white robe. At first glance, he thought he was a scholar from somewhere, with a gentle manner.

Walking slowly, listening to the brothers fooling the villagers, when the villagers looked over, they pursed their lips and smiled, which was quite convincing.

Anyway, they have nothing, and they are not afraid of being cheated.

Let's go, if you don't go, you will die if you stay here. If you go, there is still a chance of life, and you can earn a living for future generations.

Behind the convoy are dotted villagers in distress. After passing through village after village, more and more refugees followed behind the convoy. Qing Yun, who gave out money to support his people, was bleeding from the heart, and had to put on a magnanimous face appearance.

Qingyun is not free, he has to work, the villagers are kind-hearted by nature, they know how to dig wild vegetables to eat.

Seeing that the silver disappeared like running water, Qingyun felt compelled, Tian Duoliang and the others figured it out on the fifth day of the fifth day, and they usually stayed away from him for nothing, so as not to be scolded.

It's not easy for Qingyun to take her brothers to rob, so she can only find out that there are bandits and bandits there. There are not many of them, and the Bailaihao will take people there. By the way, search their old lair to make up for it.

Mrs. Huang, Mrs. Meng and the others, when they first heard about this, they were terrified. They wanted to persuade them but had no position. They kept thinking of Amitabha Buddha in their hearts. They had never seen such a bluffing magistrate.

Later, after seeing Qingyun's bully temperament, the two wives huddled in the carriage and could drink tea in peace.

With this subsidy, Qingyun's complexion improved a lot.

The convoy entered the end of spring from the beginning of spring, and a group of people finally stepped into the boundary of Weiyang.

"I have already entered Weiyang. The surname of Li in the Weiyang mansion is not a thing. He has close contacts with the old thief Qian at the border. You should pay attention. I guess the old thief Qian may have mentioned your two families. thing."

Tian Duoliang and Huang Pengfei's nephew and uncle talked about the matter here in detail. Qi Shan's matter is more complicated, the forces are intertwined, and there are many connections behind it.

"Qishan used to be a village of eighteen bandits. When Master Qing came to Qishan, the bandits of eighteen villages controlled the entire Qishan County, bullying men and women, and the people dared not speak out.

Bandits are inhumane, the tax rate is [-]% to [-]%, heavy punishments are imposed, one person offends the bandits, the whole village is killed, ten villages and five empty mountains..."

Thanks to Tingting Yuli 216, Aman 76, miss the dream in the rain, satisfied Duo Duo Le, Chen Rong, Zhang Sansui, 123456oo, Mo Yi, Seamos Koda, Min, voted for the monthly ticket, Meme Da

(End of this chapter)

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