Chapter 535
"Hei Xiong is right. Luomeng Mountain is not our territory. There are high mountains and dense forests over there, and it is easy to get lost. I am worried that they will scare the snake by relying on their team alone. He let the wind go."

Tian Duoliang's eyes flashed, and he immediately followed up and spoke.Just kidding, he doesn't like to open up wasteland and farm, okay?
Heiba ​​opened his mouth to speak: "..."

Heiba ​​was very annoyed, and slowly tightened his hand on the chair.Every time he reacted, he always took a pat on the back. He also wanted to take his brothers to military training, so he looked eagerly at Huang Kun.

Huang Kun didn't say a word, his eyes swept from one to the other.Lord Qing wrote a letter saying that this military training is up to him.

"Why are you joining in the fun? Is there no one for me to let the air go? I still need you to let the air go. Go, go, go." Hei Xiong slammed him angrily, worried that Tian Duoliang would stir up trouble, so that he would not have a chance to go up.

"Brother Kun, I...I also want to train soldiers." Heiba ​​looked at Huang Kun pitifully. Master Qing was not there, so Brother Kun was the one who decided.

Well, Tian Duoliang hasn't persuaded him to quit, yet another one comes.

The black bear's eyeballs were about to pop out, and he glared at the two of them viciously and said, "Why are you two coaxing? Master Qing went to the capital to do business, he didn't take you two with him, and I didn't stay here to watch the cottage, what did I say? ?"

Then he turned his head and looked fiercely at Huang Kun, as if he wanted to present the facts and reason.

"Brother Kun, come and judge. Last time the two of them went to the capital with Master Qing to do business, is it our brother's turn this time? It's up to the two of them to stay and watch the cottage!

One person takes one turn, fair!You can't see us two being honest, but you can bully honest people!Brother Kun, do you think this makes sense? "

The black bear man looks bulky, but he has a lot of eyes.He can't say it alone, it's only fair to pull Huang Kun into the gang, two against two.

"I went to the capital with Master Qing, but I left halfway, and I did nothing but pick up people!" Hei Ba still felt wronged!
It is said that it is dangerous to go to the capital to do missions. To put it nicely, it means to have a good reputation.But he didn't give him a chance to show off any abilities other than walking with him all the way!

"Brother Daliang went to the capital with Master Qing. He fought wits and courage with the officers and soldiers. He was almost shot through in the hunting ground, and almost burned to death in the general's mansion. It was a thrilling escape."

It's not like him, living a normal life.None of the shit.

Tian Duoliang pointed at Heiba's hand shaking from the air, angry and wanted to laugh, then laughed angrily, and scolded: "You little traitor, where are you from?"

Heiba ​​smiled flatteringly on his face, and thought: This can't be his fault!He didn't speak anymore, guessing about the military training, he had nothing to do.

Ask him to say that the person who should stay and guard the cottage this time is Tian Duoliang, and he can't let him occupy it alone.

Hei Xiong rolled his eyes at Heiba, wanted to laugh but held back, and said, "Heiba's words are too good. Daliang, the one who should stay this time is you. You can't be too greedy, and you can't let you take over any good things. Luo There are more than one bandits in Mengshan, this time we are going to train soldiers, next time you go again, it will be fine."

"Get out!" Tian Duoliang scolded him with a smile, then looked at Huang Kun, "Brother Kun, you are in charge now, I will listen to you."

"That's right, Brother Kun is the most fair person, we will listen to you." Hei Xiong and Hei Ba agreed.

"Outsiders only know that there are eighteen villages in Qishan, but they don't know that the bandits in Luomeng Mountain are also eighteen villages in Qishan. This is why after the eighteen villages in Qishan are wiped out, they always come back from the ashes." Huang Kun said.

"You should know the information about the eighteen villages in Qishan. After hundreds of years of extermination, there are only eight villages left. The four villages in Qishan and the four villages in Luomengshan.

The four villages in Qishan are Ming villages, and they have a fierce reputation outside, so outsiders only know that the eighteen villages in Qishan are in Qishan.The four villages in Luomeng Mountain are dark villages, because there is no reputation outside, people outside don't know these four villages.

A dog that bites does not bark!Among the eight strongholds, these four hidden strongholds are the most powerful. "

If Master Qing didn't want to defeat Meng Shan, Huang Kun didn't plan to reveal this information.

The expressions of Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong gradually became serious.In general organizations, those with the word "dark" are the most powerful people or methods in the organization.

There are only bandits in eighteen villages in Qishan, but they are divided into light and dark. I am afraid that these bandits have other identities.

Black Bear unconsciously muttered the doubts in his heart.

"That's not true. They are bandits. There is no other hidden identity. It is said that one is in the open and the other is in the dark. They support and help each other. The cottages on both sides have not been in contact for more than a dozen years.

Even the village head of Huangquanzhai didn't know that the village on Qishan's side could not contact Luomeng Mountain, and only the bandits from Luomeng Mountain had ever contacted them.

I heard that in the past, the Four Villages of Qishan Mountain invited the Four Villages of Luomeng Mountain to come to a party, but the Four Villages of Luomeng Mountain never responded.Several village chiefs privately speculated whether the four villages in Luomeng Mountain had changed to other masters. "Huang Kun said.

He also guessed so in private.

"Does Master Qing know about this?" Tian Duoliang asked after a while.

"Master Qing only knows that the four villages in Luomeng Mountain are the eighteen villages in Qishan Mountain. I don't know about the Anbu." Huang Kun shook his head and continued:
"I heard this news by accident. I heard it from the former head of the village. No one said it. If Master Qing didn't designate Luomeng Mountain as an army training ground, I didn't plan to tell you about it. Luomeng Mountain The situation is more complicated than we imagined."

It sounds complicated.

"It shouldn't be! Luomeng Mountain also belongs to the Weiyang area. The four villages of Luomeng Mountain are unknown to others. It is impossible for the surnamed Li to not know. This can be his territory." Hei Xiong was puzzled.

"That's right. The man surnamed Li is so shrewd. The former Qi Shan was in his hands. If the Four Villages of Luomeng Mountain were converted to other people, it would be a big hidden danger for Li. The expropriation of Luomeng Mountain The grain tax is no less than that of Qishan." Tian Duoliang said.

Huang Kun looked serious, yes, the grain tax collected is no less than that of Qi Shan.But the population of Luomeng Mountain is double that of Qi Mountain, this is the strange thing.

"Everyone knows that there are bandits in Luomeng Mountain, but who has seen the bandits in Luomeng Mountain? Has anyone seen the bandits in Luomeng Mountain blocking the way?" Huang Kun said.

"The bandits in Luomeng Mountain don't rob houses?" Tian Duoliang didn't believe it, he had never heard of wolves that don't eat meat.

"Most of the robbers are bandits. This is another thing I want to tell you. There are many bandits in Luomeng Mountain. The number of bandits in each team is not large. The largest number is a hundred people, and the least is a dozen. 20 people.

The bandits live in no fixed place, they run around, robbing property and fleeing to the mountains, the Luomeng Mountain is high and densely forested, and the bandits are familiar with the terrain, so it is difficult for the government to track them down if they hide in any cave.

The most important point is that the bandits in Luomeng Mountain seldom kill people. They rob people and goods together.This is the opposite of what the Qishan Four Villages do, and there is no ruthless means by the gangsters at all. "

There is also a reason why Luomeng Mountain has become an unmanaged territory.Whether it is a person or a thing, as long as it enters Luomeng Mountain, it will disappear completely.

There are rumors from the outside world that Luomeng Mountain is a ghost mountain, and there are evil spirits everywhere in the mountain.

"It's strange!" Tian Duoliang touched his chin and said.

Black Bear also nodded.

"It's useless for us to speculate here. It doesn't matter to us whether the four villages in Luomeng Mountain are the eighteen villages in Qishan Mountain, or whether they are converted to other people. We only care about our military training.

This time, Tian Duoliang stayed to guard the cottage, and Hei Xiong Heiba ​​went to Luomeng Mountain to train soldiers.You must keep in mind that Luomeng Mountain is different from Qi Mountain.Who is a bandit and who is a citizen is up to you to judge for yourself.Be careful! "

Huang Kun had an inexplicable feeling that this time the military training would not go smoothly, so he told them more.

"Zhuzi! Bastard! Bastard!"

Li Futai went into a rage in the study, and he swept all the things on the table down, and they fell everywhere on the ground.

He just received the news that the officers and soldiers who escorted the food to Qishan were wiped out, and there was no one alive.And it was Qishan county magistrate who did it. They pretended to be Qishan bandits and robbed all the food.

He should have guessed that something had happened to Qi Shan when Liang Butou and the others went to Qi Shan a year ago and did not return.

The staff members were silent, no one thought that the magistrate of Qishan was such a person, and none of them could see that he was acting.With such courage, he set up a trick to trick Mr. Li into getting food.

"Tell me, how to solve this matter?" Li Futai was so angry that his eyes were red, his face was gloomy, and if he didn't chop the magistrate of Qishan into pieces, it would be hard to dispel the hatred in his heart.

"My lord, a letter from General Qian."

Before the staff had time to speak, the voice of the yamen servant came from outside the door, and they were rescued in time, and the staff breathed a sigh of relief.

After Li Futai read the letter, his face became even more gloomy, and he cursed: "Too much bullying!"

"What did you say?"

Qingyun dug his ears, thinking he had heard wrong.

As soon as she came out from Old Man Song's side, Du Chun'an arrested her and said that she was looking for him on important matters.

"My lord, you heard me right. It's exactly what you heard. A letter from Mr. Li from Weiyang said that the bandits in Qishan are rampant, committing crimes, and robbing the imperial court of taxes. The imperial court has issued a call for you to send troops to join forces with the officers and soldiers in Weiyang to suppress the bandits." " Du Chun'an said expressionlessly.

The magistrates of the county killed Weiyang officers and soldiers, and the food robbing was exposed.There was also the matter of Liang's captive years ago, the matter of Qishan bandits, and the matter of not receiving taxes, all of which were presented one by one. Li Futai couldn't doubt them or not.

"Let me lead soldiers to suppress the bandits?" Qingyun chuckled, this was the biggest joke she heard this year, she didn't even read the letter paper, folded it into a paper airplane carelessly, flung it, and flew out.

"Has his brain been trapped by the door? What good things are he thinking about! Uh, he knows that I killed the officers and soldiers in Weiyang and robbed him of his food and silver, and dare to send a letter. What exactly is he trying to do?"

Qi Shan's nominal bandits are all soldiers raised by her.Asking her to lead soldiers to suppress her soldiers is nothing but her brain being trapped by the door.

"He wants to come let him come and see how many officers and soldiers he has in Weiyang that we can kill." Qing Yun didn't care.

There are tens of thousands of brothers on the mountain, and there are 5000 soldiers defending the city of Weiyang. She is afraid that he will fail.

"My lord, I'm afraid that's not the intention of Li Futai." Du Chun'an narrowed his eyes and said.

Li Futai is now jealous of Qishan, Weiyang city guards are not many, so they will not send troops here easily.If you want to come to Qishan to find out the truth, suppressing bandits is the best excuse.To suppress the bandits, he must send troops. His soldiers cannot be dispatched, but they can be transferred from other places.

For example: border.

Qingyun tilted his head, glanced at Chun'an, his eyes fell on the paper airplane on the ground, and turned his mind: "Listen to you, Mr. Li may not send him when he comes to Qishan to suppress the bandits." The city guards, are you dispatched from elsewhere?"

Qingyun put down his Erlang legs, walked down from the high platform, and walked slowly back and forth in the lobby a few times.

"That's right. If he is a mansion, if he has no guards, he is a bare commander, how can he sit firmly on Weiyang's Diaoyutai. Suppressing bandits is not a trivial matter, and there are not many places where he can deploy troops. Apart from the border, he has no place. Adjustable!"

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "Isn't there a fight at the border? The old thief Qian still has the heart to send troops to suppress the bandits!"

"There shouldn't be a fight, and even if there is a fight, it's for the court to see. The agreement signed by Marshal Meng before is likely to be changed. Now that General Qian is guarding the pass, the agreement should be signed again."

The court will benefit from the agreement signed by Marshal Meng, and if General Qian signs it again, the benefits will go into his own pocket.

Du Chun'an was also worried, there were no people from them infiltrating at the border, and they didn't know a lot of news.After all, the foundation is still too shallow.

It's only been a year since Qishan was full of fights. This year, he was either suppressing bandits, or running around for his livelihood. While guarding against attacks at the border, he also had to guard against Weiyang, and he didn't even care about the people going to the border.

Qingyun also sighed, why is it so difficult to live a comfortable life!I thought in my heart, it would be good to fight at the border!
"Come and come! Sooner or later. The road in the canyon has been blocked. Apart from this road, is there any other way to secretly lead to Qishan?"

Qingyun doesn't want to be beheaded in his sleep.

"I know about this, and I will notify Huang Kun to deal with it. By the way, do you still have those rotten clothes? Prepare dozens of sets. In case Mr. Li comes to suppress the bandits, I have to welcome him well."

Qingyun didn't know what kind of idea came to his mind, his eyes flickered faintly.

The corners of Du Chun'an's eyes twitched, and he said, "The rotten clothes you came back from last time are still piled up in the grocery store."

The smell was too smoky, no one cares about throwing it there, and he planned to ask someone to pull it out and burn it.

"Let's go, go and see the tax collection." Qingyun's heart was wide open, he was heartbroken in the first second, and smiled like a flower in the next second.


Outside the county government, people lined up in long queues, waiting to pay taxes.

This year is different from previous years. The people all have smiles on their faces, and a few people gather together to chat, how much land your family has planted, what is the harvest, etc.

I want to ask why the people are happy?
Then there is something to be said.

There are no more bandits, and there is no longer any need to worry about the daughter-in-law being robbed by the bandits, or that the bandits will enter the village one day and die at the hands of the bandits.

There are so many taxation items for bandits, and they are like a mountain pressing down on them and they can't breathe.

It's different when the county magistrate comes, the tax is reduced by [-]%, and other taxes are all exempted.Although it is only exempted for five years, the head tax and military tax will cost three or four taels of silver a year, and more than ten taels in five years, which is a lot of money saved.

The food tax is reduced by [-]%, and in two seasons a year, in addition to paying taxes, the common people can still eat [-]% to [-]% full. Other miscellaneous taxes save a few taels of money, and the common people are crazy about it.

"Sir, you are here."

Those who knew Qingyun were all from the nearby villages, and when they saw him coming, they greeted him one after another. Those who had never met the county magistrate, heard other people shouting, and looked over curiously.

Qing Yun smiled and nodded in response, seeing the bags of rice transported into the granary, the smile on his face never stopped.

As soon as Qingyun left, the people in other villages asked people they knew, and heard that the white-faced scholar just now was the county magistrate, and they all gasped.

"The magistrate of the county is too young. He really led people to exterminate the bandits. Doesn't he look like that?"

Many people think so.

Qingyun didn't know her image in the hearts of the people, she was a poor-faced scholar, and she led a miserable study life.The only joy is to hear the news about Hei Xiong Hei Ba's military training, and then wait for the event of suppressing the bandits.

Qi Shan's tax collection is coming to an end, Hei Xiong Hei Ba's military training is in full swing, and there is no sign of Li Futai's suppression of bandits.

'Is the one surnamed Li not suppressing bandits anymore? '

Qingyun made a fishing rod by himself, dug up a lot of earthworms, carried a bamboo basket and wore a bamboo hat, and wandered out, intending to go fishing by the river.

With Du Chun'an in the county government, she was on the right track, and Huang Kun was in charge of the cottage, so she didn't need to worry about anything. Apart from studying, practicing martial arts, and working, she had a rare day off and didn't have to do anything.

A group of children are taking a bath by the river, the older ones are seven or eight years old, the younger ones are four or five years old, all of them are naked, and they are not ashamed when they see people coming. Bang bang' play with two legs kicking water.

This damn weather is so hot that Qingyun wants to take off his clothes and swim in the water, but unfortunately, he can't.Don't want to be aggrieved, seeing those children playing in the water is not pleasing to the eye.

"I'm still playing, I haven't come up yet, have you asked your adults about playing in the water? Your parents are looking for you, and the family has made delicious food, fried pork with bamboo shoots, waiting for you to go back to eat." Qingyun said maliciously .

"Impossible, you can't fool us, my family has no meat, and there is no bamboo shoots this season."

Children are not fooled, they all know Qingyun, the magistrate.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, picked a place far away from the children, fished and stringed earthworms, threw the fishing rod into the river, and lay down on the grass, with the bamboo hat covering his face, enjoying the cool breeze and feeling very comfortable sleepy.

A boy of seven or eight years old, full of energy, is the age when people hate dogs. A group of people rushed to Qingyun's side, not afraid of him, and looked into the bamboo basket beside him.

"How many fish did you catch?"

"Hey, hey, my lord, the fish is on the hook! Hurry up!"

"Hey, hey, the fish are going to run away!"

It doesn't matter whether Qingyun is sleeping or not, grabbing his arm and shaking him vigorously, Qingyun can't ignore them if he wants to.

Qingyun took away the bamboo hat, and what she saw were two older boys picking up her fishing rod, and the boys next to her gave them advice.

"Go left, go left"

"No, pull to the right, pull to the right, hurry up, the thread will break!"

Qingyun laughed angrily, walked over and took pictures of the two boys who each picked up her fishing rod. The two boys were not afraid to see him coming, and returned them to him with a smile.

 Thanks to Yutian 9666, jllkkkk, Jin Yingxi, Tingting Yuli 216, Fengluo Lanchen, Shuijingsand, Junyue Wuhui, 20210622122158184, Murong_Liuyue, Yao Moskoda, Chen Rong, for the monthly votes, what?
  Thank you Jun_Buhui, Murong_Liuyue, Junyue Wuhui for your reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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