Chapter 545
Qingyun looked up and saw two nets hanging on the tree branch five or six meters high, on the left and right sides, one person was lying in each net, and one of them was breathing clouds and fog.

In the darkness of night, the ignited light flickered on and off.

"Hurry up, you want to kill both of us! The people above have repeatedly emphasized that smoking is not allowed on duty at night. Have you forgotten that there was a brother who smoked at night and was punished?" The person lying in the other net was very annoyed.

"Who would come to this deep mountain and old forest in the middle of the night. Don't worry, I won't implicate you."

This person was addicted to cigarettes, and he endured it for a while, but couldn't help it, so he sneaked around. He didn't expect that the person opposite him hadn't slept at this point.

"There are no outsiders coming, and there are patrols, don't be negligent," the man gritted his teeth, and said, "Don't drag me if you want to die. Recently, many people of unknown origin have come to the mountains and destroyed our village, causing heavy casualties. The loss is huge.

Because of this incident, the people above were very angry and killed several of them, but they could not appease their anger.Several teams were sent to investigate, and the investigation was very tight. Once the people below were found to have neglected their duties during their duties, they would all be executed. "

It's about his own life, otherwise who has the spare time to let him die.

The person on the opposite side didn't know whether he was listening or not, so he took a deep puff of his cigarette, reluctantly pressed the cigarette butt against the tree, carefully put away the rest, and hid.

There was no movement after that.

Qingyun waited for a while, but there was still no movement above, he listened carefully, breathing long and long, thinking that the two of them had fallen asleep, and just about to leave, he heard the smoker speak again.

"The entrance to the village is hidden, no one is leading the way, and no one can find it. The group of people with unknown origins are still circling in the mountains like headless chickens, so it's not so easy to find.

Even if their blind cat meets a dead mouse and finds an entrance to the passage, without our own people leading the way, we can't get out of it for a month.The people above are just too nervous.

Ding Village was destroyed, it was on the periphery, and there was no natural barrier to stop those people from succeeding.It's also useless for the people of Ding Village to take advantage of the right time, place and people, and fight against them once more, and they can still be completely wiped out... If it were us, we would have killed all those outsiders long ago. "

The person on the opposite side didn't say a word, I don't know if they were asleep or had nothing to say.

Qingyun lurks quietly, and after a quarter of an hour, he leaves this place and returns the same way.

When they arrived at the meeting place, Bai Yi and the others came back, as did Bai Yanheng, and she was the last one.

"Master Qing, did nothing happen when you came back so late?"

Bai Yanheng asked Qingyun when he saw him. After returning from the capital, his attitude towards Qingyun gradually changed, and he was no longer the indifference of an outsider.

In the past, he hid behind Qingyun, unless Qingyun was at a critical moment, he would not intervene, but he would not restrict Shaojie Bai Yi and the others to help Qingyun do what they could.

It's different now, he approached Qingyun, occasionally raised some questions that Qingyun ignored from the side, and walked from the dark to the bright.

"No," Qingyun shook his head, "I found an interesting one, the passage I took..."

Qingyun seemed to have found some interesting toy, dancing and gesturing to her surprise discovery, Bai Yanheng listened and looked at the grinning Qingyun, not knowing what to think.

This is no one's luck, Qingyun found such a hidden exit.

Bai Yanheng has long discovered that Qingyun's luck is very strange, saying that he is lucky, but he always encounters extremely dangerous things, and almost lost his life several times.

Say he was unlucky, but he was able to turn the corner, escape from death, and charge some interest.Perhaps this trip to Luomeng Mountain has another big surprise.

"...By the way, where are the two of Bai? Didn't he go looking for you, why did you come back alone, and the two of you went astray?" After Qingyun finished speaking, he finally remembered that there was someone missing.

 Thanks to ice Xue Liange, 160703133822322, Psychedelic Fairy, U211044589, Swallow Xiaoxiaoxiao, 140618192924037, for the monthly ticket, ok

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

  I'm not in the state these days, I'm going crazy~~~
(End of this chapter)

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