Chapter 555

After looking through a few account books, Qingyun knew what to do, so he threw the account books to Bai Yanheng, and asked him to worry about these things.

Everyone sorted out all the information and waited for Tian Duoliang and Huang Kun to come to discuss the plan for suppressing the bandits.

Before Tian Duoliang and the others arrived, there was still some free time, Qingyun planned to go to C Village to investigate and see if he could meet the old man.

"What are Master Qing's plans for Villages A and B?" After studying all the information, Bai Yanheng suddenly turned his head and asked Qingyun.

What plans can she have? The battlefield pays attention to morale. Of course, after finishing the C village, she will enter the two villages A and B in one go, and slaughter the bandits.
Of course, that cannot be said.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Qingyun threw the question to Bai Yanheng. He must have an idea if he can say that.

She is a person who understands righteousness and is open-minded. As long as the brothers have good ideas or suggestions, she will adopt them.

In fact, she prefers to be a hands-off shopkeeper, let others do troublesome or brain-intensive things, as long as the result achieves what she wants.

It's a pity that the brothers like to drag her into the water when they do something, what's wrong!
"Judging from the intelligence, the three villages, A, B, and C, communicate with each other. They have their own communication channels. Bai Er and the others have been spying for a few days, but there is no clue at all. It can be seen that their communication channels are very secret." Bai Yanheng said.

Qingyun nodded while listening, his analysis was very correct, and his thoughts changed accordingly.That being said, it is indeed a hassle.

"There are only two possibilities for keeping the connection secret. In village C, there are hidden nails between villages A and B. There is also a possibility that there is a communication channel between the village chiefs that other people don't know about.

Once we suppress the bandits in Village C, the momentum will be huge, and it is impossible for Villages A and B to notice.To take a step back, villages A and B could not detect it, and the head of village C knew that someone was suppressing them, and immediately notified both villages A and B.

After the brothers have finished suppressing the bandits in Village C, then go to villages A and B. Either the bandits in these two villages will be transferred, or the bandits have set up a trap to wait for us. "

Qingyun looked at Bai Yanheng with sparkling eyes, what a surprise!She already knew that Bai Yanheng was hiding his secrets, and being the captain of the guard was too inferior.

"Okay! Brother, you can continue." Qingyun stretched out his arms, hooked his shoulders with Bai Yanheng's, and if the next words coincided with her thoughts, he could leave the brain-consuming things to him in the future.

Qingyun has many minor problems, but what Bai Yanheng admires most about Qingyun is this: he is not self-willed and conceited, accepts everyone's suggestions with an open mind, has a bottom line in his actions, and other problems are not a problem.

"Master Qing, let me just listen to my subordinates' suggestions..."

Next is Bai Yanheng's home game. For half an hour, Qingyun's eyes on him became brighter and brighter.

The two thoughts coincided.

"Just do as you say." Qing Yun said after listening to the decision.


county seat
"Boss Du, my brothers patrolled and found a few suspicious people who didn't look like good people at all. I asked them why they came to Qishan, and they hesitated to say anything. They were arrested and brought back. They are in the court. Do you want to go and have a look?" ?”

Du Chun'an was having lunch at home, and the yamen servants in the yamen ran over to look for him.

Not like a nice guy?

Du Chun settled down, glanced strangely at the policeman, and then said: "Where did you come from? I can see clearly, isn't it the people of Qishan who came to the county to visit relatives?"

Since the completion of the construction of the county seat, the Qishan bandits have been wiped out. The people in the villages have free time and like to come to the county seat to visit their relatives.

 Thanks to Tingting Yuli 216, Gu Yiqing, Dongrong Xiaku, Mo Yannian, 柫1, Alice55555, 77889, Min, who voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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