Chapter 557

The village chief and the others are too honest, and they also do things for others. The village chief Qishan is so courageous that he doesn't know how much money he has secretly paid.

The village chief and the others are fine, except for daily expenses, they will hand in as much as they have.

Mao Da's eyes flickered, and he swept around the room greedily. He struggled to free his back-sheared arm, and was kicked by the yamen servant behind him, "Be honest!"

"Let go of me! Do you know who we are?"

Mao Da turned his head and stared at him fiercely, thinking of extorting a large sum of money from the bandits in Qishan, his reason was overwhelmed by greed.

"What's so fierce?" The yamen servant was more vicious than Mao Da, he stepped on his head with his foot, pressed hard on the ground and rubbed it.

"You don't even know who you are, you bastard. Ask your mother. Do you know where this is? Dare to play wild here and pull out your skin."

He overthrew the three brothers by himself, and dared to be arrogant here.

Cut it for a long time!

"Call out your masters, this is how you entertain guests. We are from Luomeng Mountain, and your masters invited us here. If it weren't for the fact that we are all brothers in the eighteen villages, the things you did would Eight out of ten premature deaths."

"From Mount Luomeng?"

The yamen servant was startled, and exchanged a glance with his brothers.Qingye Tianye and the others went to Luomeng Mountain to suppress the bandits, and there are still bandits who can escape from Luomeng Mountain...

Du Chun'an stepped into the courtroom, just in time to hear his words, looked at the three kneeling people on the ground who claimed to be from "Luomeng Mountain", waved his hands, and signaled the yamen servant to let them go without untying them.

Brother Mao Dasan also saw the person who came in. He looked gentle and gentle, and he looked like an official. He was about to stand up, but he was forced to kneel down by the yamen servant behind him.

"What do you mean?"

The third brother Mao was about to go mad with anger, they all showed that they were from Mount Luomeng, they knelt down while pressing them down, and immediately stared at him unkindly.

"You said you came from Mount Luomeng? What proof do you have? What are you doing in Mount Qi?"

Du Chun'an walked up to the three of them, bent down and took a closer look. He had a fleshy face and a fierce body, and there was a strong strange smell when he got close.

Du Chun'an frowned, no wonder the yamen servant said that these three people are not good people.

Most people can't smell the strange smell on the three of them, and they think it's caused by their sloppiness.

actually not.

He knows this strange smell, it is formed by eating carrion, accumulated over many years.The stench of these three people is so strong, I don't know how much they ate.

"What proof do you need? Our three brothers came from Luomeng Mountain. It was your master who invited our village head. The village head couldn't escape because of something, so he sent our brothers."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, the village chief gave me a letter, is it this?" Before Mao Da finished speaking, Mao San suddenly said 'ah', and then interrupted him,

"Where is the letter?" Du Chun'an nodded and asked him.

"Brother, we are all on our own. Can you let this brother untie? The letter is in our shoes." Mao San shook his foot, indicating that it was inconvenient for him to take out the letter.

Du Chun'an glanced at the yamen servant next to him. The yamen servant stepped forward and took off Mao San's shoes. The shoes hadn't been washed for an unknown amount of time. Once he took them off, the smell almost vomited up everyone in the courtroom.

Du Chun'an: "."

When Du Chun'an was taking off his shoes, he quietly backed away a few meters, which made them feel dizzy and nauseous because of the pain of the three yamen servants who were holding them down.

Du Chun'an held his breath and read it all in one go.

 Thanks to Anyushengyan, syf0728, 2018022174726094, 柫1, Aya, who voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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