Chapter 559

The third brother Mao was terrified, his eyes widened, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" struggling to be dragged away, watching the three of them struggling to death, Du Chun'an fell silent, his eyes were deep and deep, he didn't know what to ponder, and suddenly said:
"Wait, bring it here!"

Seeing that the knife was about to fall on the neck, the third brother Mao Dasan, who had been vicious for half his life, was still scared when he was dying, his nose was flowing, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses, rolling and crawling, rolling to the side, twisting his neck with lingering fear , regained a life.

so close!

I just took a turn around at the gate of ghosts and almost met Lord Hades!
Seeing how cowardly Brother Mao Dasan was, the yamen servants in the yamen curled their lips in disdain, and dragged the three of them into the lobby again.

This time the third brother Mao was honest, he rolled and crawled to Du Chun'an's feet, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Brother, no, lord, our three brothers are just ass, please forgive me! As long as lord spares our lives, we can do whatever we want."

Compared with their lives, other things are nothing!
Besides, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. When they are free, there will be plenty of opportunities, and they will cut this little boy into pieces, and drink his blood and bones with wine.

Du Chun'an didn't miss the viciousness in the eyes of the third brother Mao, he didn't need to guess, he also knew what they were thinking.

"I heard from our village chief that the three of you brothers are very capable. They are the village chief's right-hand man, his confidant, and all confidential matters are entrusted to the three of you. I wonder if this is true?"

Du Chun'an was condescending, staring at the three of them with a nonchalant expression.

"It's true, it's true," the third brother Mao nodded frantically, fearing that he would be dragged out and killed again if it was too late, so he answered whatever he asked.

"There are not only brothers in the village, but also other villages and people arranged above. The village head is vicious and suspicious, and he can't trust the people below. We are cousins ​​with him, and he rescued him from the dead, and we are loyal to him. Well, the village chief likes to entrust us three brothers to handle confidential matters and those things that are not visible. If you want to know anything, just ask us."

The yamen servants in the lobby rolled their eyes. How dare they say that they are 'loyal' to the village chief just as they are cowardly?
I bother!

"Tell me everything you know, especially the secret passage, where does it lead, and which brothers are arranged by other villages in the village? We want our village chief to send brothers to save you, we must know all these things clearly.

Listen to what you said, the situation in Mount Luomeng is very dangerous now, your village is about to be surrounded by people, judging from how quickly they found your lair, that group of people have been planning this for a long time. "

Du Chun'an sighed quietly, but with a worried expression on his face, he said: "I don't know where this group of people came from, there is no rumor at all.

It's okay that we Qishan didn't hear the wind, but it's strange that you Luomeng Mountain didn't hear the wind.It shouldn't be!
Regardless of Qi Shan's reputation, Qi Shan is a target arranged by the people above to stand in front of Luomeng Mountain..."

Not only the three Mao brothers think so, but also the people in Luomeng Mountain think so.

That's right, Qi Shan doesn't know, why didn't they hear the wind from Luomeng Mountain?

"That group of people must have a lot of appetite, I'm afraid not only the idea of ​​knocking down Mengshan, but even our Qishan."

Thinking of this, Du Chun'an became restless and couldn't sit still anymore, pacing up and down in the lobby and meditating.

The yamen servant quickly stared at Master Du Bo, who was superb in acting, and then looked at the three idiots who had been fooled for a moment, his eyes twitching.

"I have to inform our head of the village immediately about this matter. Those people have been planning for so long, and there must be someone guarding the important exit into Luomeng Mountain.

The brothers will definitely not go to Luomeng Mountain with great fanfare, they can only enter Luomeng Mountain quietly through the secret road, go around behind the group of people, and kill them by surprise.

At the same time, send people to the other three villages to inform them of this, and ask them to send people over to kill the enemy together. "

Brother Mao Dasan nodded, thinking it was a good idea, it must have been Qi Shan's brother who tested them just now, Qi Shan's brother was still loyal, without even thinking about it, he immediately told them all the information they knew.

Du Chun'an nodded while listening, and said to the yamen servant next to him after listening, "Pull it out, kill it!"

Brother Mao Dasan looked at him incredulously, and then yelled at him as 'little man, white-eyed wolf, ungrateful'.

Du Chun'an didn't even give them a wink. Isn't it a joke to show loyalty to the bandits!
"Come on, send this secret letter to your lord as soon as possible. It must be handed over to your lord or General Huang."

Du Chun'an handed the letter to the yamen servant, and then An looked in the direction of Luomeng Mountain, not knowing how the bandits were being suppressed by the Lord, and hoped that the letter would come in time.


"Master Qing"

"Master Qing"

In the underground cave, Qingyun, Huang Kun, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others finally reunited smoothly. Seeing Qingyun, Tian Duoliang and the others grinned.

Finally able to do a good job!

The cats can't do anything in that valley, they can't move when they are idle, and they are almost suffocating them.

Qingyun also laughed, waiting for Huang Kuntian Duoliang and the others, she was also impatient, and finally came.

"You guys are here, go and have a good rest first, and come to the meeting after you wake up."

Seeing the tired looks of the brothers and the red blood in their eyes, you don't need to guess that they rushed over overnight, Qingyun felt distressed, stopped Tian Duoliang from speaking, and quickly let them go to rest.

"There are still a few big tough battles to be fought in the future. It's not too late. Only when the brothers have enough energy can they be motivated."

After Qingyun said so, what else could Tian Duoliang and the others say, they were on their way day and night, the brothers were indeed tired, sleepy and hungry.

After wiping their faces, a few people went down to arrange for the brothers to rest, eat something casually, lie down in the grass, and immediately fell asleep like a dead pig, the kind that would not wake up without a thunderbolt.

Qingyun also didn't sleep well for a few days, so he ate a few mouthfuls of dry food and leaned against a tree trunk to catch up on sleep.

With the matter of suppressing bandits in mind, Huang Kun, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others didn't sleep for long, and immediately coaxed them over to find Qingyun.

Qingyun looked at them helplessly, looking at the sun above his head, it was not yet one o'clock in the noon, they slept for four hours at most, and they were too impatient, they refused to listen to persuasion, so they had to get up.

Everyone got together, Huang Kuntian Duo Liang Hei Xiong and the others found that there was one more person, they squinted at Captain Bai, and then looked at Qing Yun.

Why is Captain Bai here?

Qingyun grinned, patted Bai Yanheng on the shoulder, and said, "Captain Bai, you don't need to introduce him, everyone knows him, the captain of my personal guard.

Captain Bai is well-equipped in civil and military skills, his ability is obvious to all, and it is Qu Cai to be a little guard captain by my side.So I want to solemnly introduce to you, from now on, Yan Heng is not my guard captain, but my staff. "

 Sorry to keep my brothers and sisters waiting.

  The illness has been repeated, but now it is much better, and I climbed up to code.

  I wish you good health and happiness!
(End of this chapter)

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