Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 57 The Ancient Lighter

Chapter 57 The Ancient Lighter
"Young people have never experienced hardships, and it's not a good thing to have too much smooth sailing. It's good to endure some hardships, suffer some sins, and dampen his spirit."

Only after experiencing hardships and sins will you feel the same, and only then will you be able to understand the difficulties of the common people, and you will be a good official in the future.

Old Man Li didn't know about Song Wenqian's hard work, and neither did Qingyun.

Old man Li stopped talking. Mr. Song had other arrangements for the young master. It was good that he didn't hurt Mr. Song's affairs.

He could see that Mr. Song was teaching the young master, not only teaching the young master to take the championship, but also other things. He had never seen the world, so he couldn't tell.

Qingyun recalled it again, and did not miss what the old man taught. He came over and smelled the fragrance wafting from the fire, and asked, "What is it baked? It smells so good?"

I poked a wooden stick into the fire and smashed it. When I saw something charred in the charcoal, I picked it out and let it cool.


Song Wenqian peeled off the cool potato skin, revealing the tender and tender potato flesh inside, took a bite, and then replied to Qingyun's words.

Qingyun was hungry a long time ago, and when she saw a few people started eating, she couldn't wait to let it cool down, so she didn't care about getting her hands hot, so she picked it up and broke it in half, biting it down in one bite, so hot that her teeth trembled, and she swallowed whole without chewing. .

After taking the second bite, chewing slowly, I slowly tasted the taste. It was powdery and a little sweet.

"It's delicious, but there's a lot of whiskers in the potato meat." Qing Yun took a big bite while he disliked it, and looked at Old Man Li, "Uncle Li, where did you dig it, do you still have it?"

Li Laohan's family of three secretly glanced at Qingyun, worried that he would dislike him, but they were relieved to see her eating with relish.

Old Man Li said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it is not easy to dig in the gravel pile on the hillside not far ahead."

"It's not good to dig, I'll dig, this is a good thing, it's full, and it has no aroma. It's safe to eat on the road. How many dried fish are still in the bamboo cans, eat them! The dried fish can't be stored for a long time, and it is easy to break down. It’s a pity to lose it.” Qingyun ate four or five sweet potatoes instead of eating them, and opened the bamboo jar to eat the grilled fish.

If you don't eat it, these dried fish will go bad.

Li Laohan's family kept dried fish for Qingyun to eat. After listening to his words, the young master's actions made sense.

Set aside the chopped yam, you can eat it next time.A few people opened the bamboo jar and ate the dried fish first. After a few days of boredom, it was really broken.No wonder the young master wants to eat fish first.

"Let's go, dig sweet potatoes." When he was full, Song Wenqian urged Qingyun Li to dig sweet potatoes, and he went too.

It was said to be a pile of rubble. The stones were as big as a washbasin. Thanks to Qingyun's strength, he moved the stones away. Old man Li took a wooden shovel to dig the soil, and a few people helped with stones. Finish.

Everyone was sweating, tired and hungry, but smiling happily.

Great harvest!The yam is full of two bamboo shoots.This is much more than those dozens of grilled fish in bamboo pots.

After working for a long time, I was hungry again, and a few people did not return to the forest, so they picked up firewood and roasted sweet potatoes on the hillside to eat.

Song Wenqian took out something from his arms, two thick fingers and a long slap. He lifted the lid and blew on it. After a few wisps of smoke came out, the thing ignited.

Qingyun was surprised. She hadn't seen the old man and the others set the fire before, and she put away her surprised expression before the old man looked over.

This is the legendary Huozhezi, the ancient version of the lighter, except for its ugly appearance, it is no different from the modern lighter.

So, don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

(End of this chapter)

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