Chapter 575
"Miss, look, Miss Wu Jiabiao is here. She still has the face to come, hmph!" Xiangqin opened the curtain and looked out, seeing the slim Wu Yalian at the gate, her face immediately darkened.

Yu Lingshan glanced away, without any disturbance in her heart, and glared at the girl, "The rules are all for nothing, what do you look like, put it down quickly."

Xiangqin pursed her lips, and was about to put down the curtain reluctantly, but she didn't know what she saw, when she suddenly laughed out loud, and cursed in a low voice, "You deserve it!"

"Miss, Miss Biao saw Young Biao smiling just now, who would have thought that Young Biao would ignore her, her face would turn green." Xiangqin gloated.

Yu Lingshan glanced at her, and Xiangqin shut up angrily.

Wu Yalian's gloomy face made Xiao Cui tremble in fright, and subconsciously wanted to back away, but thinking of the young lady's temper, she restrained herself.

He weighed his feet and looked inside, seeing Miss Yu's Biao was taken aback, then said cautiously: "Miss, Miss Yu's Biao is back too!"

"What? Is she okay?"

Wu Yalian was angry that her cousin ignored her, and when she heard that bitch came back, she immediately turned her head and saw Yu Lingshan standing beside her aunt.

Xiangqin raised her head inadvertently, saw Miss Wu's jealous expression, and whispered to her, then Yu Lingshan looked back, just in time to bump into Wu Yalian's jealous expression that she hadn't had time to put away.

Wu Yalian: "."

She knew that she was born to be against that bitch Yu Lingshan.

Wu Yalian smiled stiffly, then turned her head away.

There were too many people in the yard, and the servants and maids surrounded her uncle and aunt to serve her. Wu Yalian couldn't get close, so she gave the maid around her a wink. Xiaocui understood, ordered two servants, and squeezed towards her uncle.

Wu Yalian followed behind them, squeezing all the way to the front.

"Uncle, aunt, you are back. You are not here these days. I am really worried. I cry every day."

While Wu Yalian expressed her worry pitifully, she went to take Mrs. Shangguan's arm, and pushed Yu Lingshan aside beside her.

"Sister Lian is here,"

Mrs. Shangguan pulled out her arms without a trace, smiling as usual.

He glanced at her up and down, she was white and tender, not only not thin but also fat, and she was well fed in the county government.

If you really have to worry about them, why would your face be rosy and fat?
In the past, Wu Yalian hooked Qingyun not to study, took her to play around, and even pushed her natal niece away, so Mrs. Shangguan didn't like her.

This time Qingyun came to rescue them so quickly, Sister Lian contributed the most. For this, Mrs. Shangguan could bear no amount of dissatisfaction in her heart, and her smile deepened.

"I'm sorry to see you. No wonder you lost so much weight. Are you scared? Don't be afraid, your uncle and grandfather are back."

Wu Yalian's heart skipped a beat, and she almost tore the handkerchief in her hand. Did my aunt blame her?
Or that bitch Yu Lingshan, taking advantage of her absence, to speak ill of her in front of her aunt?
After much deliberation, she hasn't done anything recently!My aunt and the others were saved because of the letter she reported to her cousin, and she was a great contributor to the Shangguan family.

That's what that bitch Yu Lingshan did behind her back. She scolded that woman Yu Lingshan in her heart, smiled shyly, and went to hold her aunt's arm again. When she realized that her aunt hadn't shaken off her wrist, Wu Yalian smiled, and then proudly smiled. Go see Yu Lingshan.

"As long as my aunt and you come back safely, my niece should eat fast and chant Buddha every day. Fortunately, my cousin is so powerful that he brought you back." Wu Yalian leaned on Mrs. Shangguan's body and acted like a baby, showing that they were very affectionate.

Yu Lingshan stood beside her calmly, her expression as usual.

Wu Yalian, who was leaning against Mrs. Shangguan, didn't notice that Mrs. Shangguan patted Yu Lingshan lightly, obviously comforting her.

"Thanks to Sister Lian this time, otherwise we don't know how long we will be imprisoned. Good job. Thank you, uncle." The intrigue between Shangguan Zhenhua and the other women, seeing Wu Yalian's eyes is very gratifying, if it weren't for the niece Clever, informed Qingyun, they don't know how long they will stay in the bandit's den.

"Uncle's words are off the mark, we are a family!" Wu Yalian gagged, pretending to be angry, which made Shangguan Zhenhua laugh out loud.

"Uncle is wrong, you are right, we are a family."

"Father, mother, let's talk later if we have something to say, let's go back to the yard first. Chun'an, you go and make arrangements." Qingyun saw that they wanted to continue talking forever, so he hurriedly called Du Chun'an and others who were next to him as background boards .

"Yes, my lord."

Then Du Chun'an, the temporary housekeeper, went to work and arranged for the government servants to lead the convoy to the front yard for resettlement, and then arranged for people to lead the old man and the Shangguan couple to the back yard for resettlement.


"How do you feel, ma'am?"

Shangguan Zhenhua waved away the servants in the house, and then asked his wife.

"How about what?" Mrs. Shangguan was at a loss, she didn't know what to say.

"The matter of admitting relatives! I have thought about it seriously, and what our son said is reasonable. He is an official of the imperial court, and it is not easy for him to interfere in our family's business.

I am old and my energy is limited. I will always find someone to take care of our business in the future.I don't want to take advantage of those people in the side branches for nothing, so I might as well recognize a godson, because I don't have a family tree anyway. "

Mrs. Shangguan was silent, her attitude expressed everything.

"I've inquired. That kid has no father and no mother. An uncle left him on the way to escape. He almost starved to death. It was our son who saved him. With this kindness alone, he shouldn't play bad games with us. I've got my heart."

It's hard to say, whether it's a white-eyed wolf or not, it's too early to make a conclusion.If you see people's hearts for a long time, and get along with them for a long time in the future, you will naturally know.

If he is grateful, the Shangguan family will naturally not treat him badly. If he is a white-eyed wolf, it is not easy to send him away casually.

"After I entered the city, I looked, and it was really bad. The house was newly built. I heard that our son came to build it. It used to be dilapidated everywhere. The entire county town was only one street, and there was not even a shop.

Qishan is a bit remote, and when the county develops in the future, maybe someone who doesn't like our son will report it. If we have a godson, we may have an excuse not to. "

"What shall we say, Father?" Mrs. Shangguan asked.

"Father let us make up our minds."

"Let me think about it." Mrs. Shangguan said after thinking for a long time.


On Yiri, after washing and bathing, everyone gathered in the main hall to wait for Qingyun brothers.

Shangguan Zhenhua had already mentioned to the old man that Qingyun recognized a younger brother halfway.

"Don't be afraid, they are all good people." Looking at the child's stiff body and tense expression, Qingyun still took the child's hand.

Qingyun came in with the child, the old man Shangguan Zhenhua and his wife were there, as were Wu Yalian and Yu Lingshan's two cousins.

"Father, mother, this is Shangguan Qingtian, my younger brother, I brought it here for you to see."

Qingyun looked at the three people in the upper seat, no matter what he couldn't call his old man "grandfather", so he simply ignored him and stopped calling.

Shangguan Zhenhua and his wife had seen Qingtian before, the couple had conflicts before, and the child looked bad at first, but looking at it now, it is a little cute.

When the senior Shangguan saw the child's face, he paused for a moment, then glanced at Qingyun, no wonder she wanted to recognize her younger brother, he looked a little like the elder brother when he was young.

The old man didn't feel much, and he didn't look like his son anymore.The old man guessed Qingyun's little thought carefully.

This matter still depends on the attitude of the cheap son and daughter-in-law. Whether the couple recognizes it or not, the old man doesn't care.

Shangguan Zhenhua and his wife had already discussed it, and both of them believed that what Qingyun said was reasonable, and they decided to recognize this godson, the most important thing was for Qingyun.

After all, Qingyun is a county parent official, so he can't break his promise, he must do what he promises, otherwise, no one will do things with him.

"I discussed this matter with your mother and your grandfather. Our family has few children. Qing Yuntian is destined to be with our family. We recognize this son." Shangguan Zhenhua said.

Seeing the serious expressions of cheap parents, Qingyun thought it was a dead end, who would have thought that the final result would be such a magical turn.Regardless of why Cheap Mom and Dad changed their minds, it turned out to be good.

Shangguan Qingtian was also stunned, staring at them blankly.

"Why are you standing there in a daze, don't hurry up and call your parents." Qingyun came back to his senses, and took a picture of Qingtian.

The dazed Qingtian looked at the three elders sitting on it, then at Qingyun, seeing Qingyun nodding, the child giggled and shouted loudly: "Grandfather, father, mother!"

After shouting, I remembered to kowtow, and knelt down on the soft cushion that the maid had laid in advance, "Boom, boom, boom" and kowtowed nine times solidly.

The three of them gave gifts, and Mrs. Shangguan beckoned to him, "Qingtian, come here, come to mother."

Qingtian looked at Qingyun, and then ran over, with an innocent smile and a mother's love on his face, he seemed to get along well.

From now on, kid Qingyuntian officially joined the Shangguan family, Qingyun heaved a sigh of relief, after that, life returned to normal, what to do.

Afterwards, Qingyun deliberately introduced Song Wenqian to his old man, as well as the Taoist priest who came uninvited. After that day, the three of them often got together and chatted, as if they had met each other late.

There was a backlog of official duties in the yamen, when Qingyun came back, Du Chun'an immediately arrested him to go to work, his old man was there, Qingyun didn't dare to be lazy, he just sat in the yamen and worked obediently.

 Thanks to 20190103213656977, 140618192924037, rhyme v Feiyang, the quiet and indifferent tea fragrance is pleasant, Wei Momo, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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