Chapter 584
Mrs. Shangguan held the handkerchief and pressed the corners of her eyes.

"I often go out to do business, and I've been away for several months, and I haven't seen you guys being so reluctant?" Shangguan Zhenhua couldn't understand a woman's mind. What's there to cry about?

"Men should make meritorious deeds. Qingyun is now the magistrate of a county. He is responsible for the entire Qishan people. You should stop treating him like a child. Luomeng Mountain is not far away. He will come back after finishing his work."

Qingyun nodded "hmmmm", and secretly praised Daddy for his strength.

"What do you know?" Mrs. Shangguan glared at him, who knew the bitterness in her heart.

Being scolded for no reason, Shangguan Zhenhua didn't dare to get angry with his wife, turned his head and glared at Qingyun.

"That's right, it's not that I won't come back, I'll come back after I'm done. Mom, I'll be back soon. Dad, I heard you bought a shop on the two streets of the county seat?" Qingyun comforted the cheap mother and immediately shifted the question.

Wu Yalian's aunt who died down, and the uncle who ruined her good deeds, were stuffed with pain in her chest.

Yu Lingshan ate his meal quietly, glanced at Qing Yun, and said nothing.

The old man is the calmest, he knows what Qingyun is going out to do.Worrying is naturally worrying. If he is reluctant to let go, he will harm her instead.If the young eagle wants to grow into the overlord of the sky, it must go through ups and downs.

"No need to send it away, I'm leaving, you take care of yourself at home, and I will take care of myself."

In the courtyard, Qingyun refused to be sent by the cheap mother, Shangguan's wife was tearful, Wu Yalian also looked at Qingyun like a boudoir, and Qingyun had goose bumps all over her body.

"Cousin, have a good trip, be careful when you go out, and remember to come back safely." Yu Lingshan smiled, and she was the only one of the three women who was normal.

"Hey, I know, spend more time with my mother when you have time." Qingyun likes Yu Lingshan's bright personality, and it's easy to get along with her.

"Old man, I'm leaving, take care of yourself." Qing Yun waved his hand after finishing his instructions, and left without looking back.

Wumo Village

Qingyun, Bai Yanheng, Huang Kun, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, Mengyiluo, Qiushui, Heiba, Zhao Li, Bai Shaojie, and other generals gathered in the hall.

Huang Kun first narrated the news from the mad wolf. When he heard that the old thief Qian was about to send an army to attack Qishan, no one showed any expressions of panic on their faces, which made Qingyun very satisfied.

"You guys know this, this is the biggest crisis in Qi Shan's history, are you afraid?" Qing Yun asked.

"Don't be afraid, we will live and die with Qi Shan." All the generals said in unison.

It's useless to be afraid, they have no way out except Qi Shan!

"Brothers are all good. Don't be afraid. I discussed the battle plan with General Huang Yanheng and the others. I called you here to discuss and discuss. Whoever stays and guards Qishan among you will follow me."

"Master Qing, what plan?" Tian Duoliang couldn't help asking the first, "Master Qing is going, count me in."

Every day in the cottage to open up wasteland and farm, he was almost going crazy.

"Forget me," Hei Xiong followed up to express his opinion. He was impatient to open up wasteland and farm land, and it would be more exciting to hang out with Qingyun.

"Count me in." Mengyi Luo Guijing, Guijing, snatched a spot before Heiba ​​could speak.

"I, I will go too," said Hei Ba, who was a step behind.

The rest of the people expressed their willingness to follow him.

"Da Liang, Hei Xiong, General Meng will follow me, and the others will stay. After I leave, General Huang will take over the management of Mount Qiluo Meng in my place, with Bai Shaojie assisting."

"Yes, Lord Qing." The generals took orders.

"Tian Daliang you three stay here, General Huang also stays, what should the others do?" Qing Yun said.

All the generals filed out.

"General Huang, Daliang and the others won't be back in a short time. You need to rearrange the defense of the cottage. Do you have a suitable candidate for the vacant position of Daliang and the others?" Qingyun said.

Said to be interim, Huang Kun knew in his heart that Tian Duoliang and the others would not come back for a long time, and those who were brought up had passed Qingyun's assessment, and they were full-time jobs.

So candidates must be chosen carefully.

"The lower officials will first screen according to the regulations, and then bring up suitable candidates for Master Qing to review." Huang Kun said.

"Yes," Qingyun nodded, "I plan to take 7000 people away, 3000 veterans, [-] recruits, Daliang and the others pick [-] from their respective villages, and the recruits will be selected by General Huang, and they will gather here ten days later. Hurry up, we don't have much time left."

They must arrive at their destination on the day when old thief Qian sends troops.

"Yes." The four took orders, Huang Kun went out first, and brought Zhao Li back to Mount Meng.

"Come on, let me tell you about our battle plan this time." Qingyun beckoned for the three of them to come over and sit down.

"Master Qing, what good strategy do you have to defeat the enemy?" Tian Duoliang's playful smile was not in good shape, Master Qing was either bad or bad, and the method he came up with would definitely make the old thief Qian unable to bear it.

Qingyun smiled evilly, "My plan."

After Qingyun Balabala finished speaking, both Tian Duoliang and Heixiong were fans of Qingyun, and they fully supported it.

Meng Yiluo didn't make a sound, so it can be seen that he didn't object, just like Master Qing said, avenging the soldiers who died in battle.

It's just that the way he looks at Qingyun quietly is very complicated. If his father was as cunning as Master Qing back then, the entire Meng family army would not have been wiped out.

"Wonderful, wonderful. Qingyun, your scheme is absolutely dead. We should do this. Why can foreign barbarians kill the people of our Dayong Dynasty, and we can't take their ideas? Old thief Qian should have a headache this time." .” Tian Duoliang patted his thigh and laughed.

He knew that Master Qing was a bad guy, and Mr. Song always blamed him for leading Master Qing to ruin, that was the nature of Master Qing that they had never seen.

The black bear also smirked.

"General Meng, do you know foreign language?" Qingyun suddenly asked Meng Yiluo who was sitting silently next to him.

One of the necessary conditions for lurking into a foreign race is to understand the language of the foreign race, otherwise it is just empty talk.

"A little bit," Meng Yiluo said modestly.

He has been in the battlefield since he was a child, and has gone deep into foreign tribes several times to inquire about news. He can speak [-]% of the languages ​​of foreign tribes.

"Very good! Teach us a few more when you have time. Daliang, Hei Xiong, you two should learn too. Choose soldiers, try to choose people who are familiar with the customs of foreigners, and it is best to know the language of foreigners, understand?"


During these ten days, Qingyun and the others followed Mengyiluo to learn the foreign dialect, and also studied and familiarized themselves with the territory of each tribe.

The distribution map of the foreign race was provided by Huang Kun, and Meng Yiluo added the missing parts, and several people were so busy flying.

On the tenth day, Huang Kun sent [-] recruits to Wumo Village, and at the same time gave him a list of replacements for Tian Duoliang for his approval.

When Qing Yun saw the list, she had the impression that the people mentioned were not bad, so she handed it to Bai Yanheng, "What do you think?"

"It's not bad." Bai Yanheng looked at it, the people Huang Kun mentioned were all carefully selected, and their abilities were not bad.

next day
Before dawn, everyone gathered in the square.

Qingyun glanced from the recruits in front to the veterans behind.

The people in the cottage are all old fritters, no matter where they go or what tasks they do, they don't worry about it, Master Qing will worry about it.

The recruits are different, they are still mining, the military master suddenly said to give them a chance to earn money, well done, from now on it will not be a problem to be popular and drink spicy food, and they can make a small fortune.

All the people fought hard to select 4000 of them. The military master only confessed that he obeyed the order and taught them the words of being loyal to Qing Ye all the way, and then took them to a strange village.

The recruits had never seen that 'Master Qing' before, and thought they were tall and tall, but the first person standing in front of the stage was a frail young man.

What Qingyun is about to do, she should not show her true face, wearing a ghost mask, it looks even more ferocious under the firelight.

"Brothers, those who can stand here are all strong soldiers, and you were killed out of thousands of troops.

You don't need to know what we are going to do, just remember that if someone doesn't want us to live, then we won't let him live.

Ahead is a bloody and dangerous road, are you afraid? "

Qingyun and a pyramid scheme leader are doing heart-burning chicken soup and brainwashing, which she doesn't want to do, and Bai Yanheng insists on her saying a few words to boost morale.

"Don't be afraid, kill! Kill! Kill!"

The veterans waved their swords and screamed with all their strength. The shocking word "kill" made the recruits' blood boil, so there was no need to worry, and they yelled "kill".

Whoever does not let them live, they will kill!Kill all the time.

Qingyun raised his hand and pressed down, the square became silent for a moment.

"Brothers, although the road ahead is dangerous, as long as we wade through, what awaits you is a way to reach the heavens. Eat a full meal, with fish and meat in every meal, and reward 50 taels of silver for every meritorious service. For great achievements, one hundred taels of silver will be rewarded.

The monthly money is five taels, and if you have saved enough for a few years, you will have a house, a field, and your wife and children will be hot on the kang!

For your wives, mothers and children, kill!kill!kill! "

The corners of the brothers' mouths twitched, their heads were full of black lines. In the cottage, all the males were males. Where did the daughters-in-law come from?Just coax the newcomers.

Not to mention, the newcomers trembled with excitement when they thought of the scene Qing Yun had mentioned.

They believed in Qingyun because after they were rescued from the bandit den by these people, even though they were still mining, they were indeed full of food, one meal of meat a day.

They don't care whether these people are bandits or the court, whoever feeds them, they will work for whoever.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The brothers in the cottage who didn't have any missions clicked their tongues a few times, Master Qing is poisonous!When they got on her boat, they were all poisoned to the bone marrow, the kind that couldn't be cured.

After the brainwashing was over, Qingyun waved his hand, "Let's go!"

The large army left the stronghold, interspersed with trails, climbed cliffs and crossed rivers, marched day and night, and rushed to the foreigners.

The path that Qingyun and the others walked was the secret path for foreigners to infiltrate Qishan, and now Qingyun and the others had all of it in their hands.

"Damn, is this road really difficult?" Tian Duoliang pouted, no wonder foreigners lurked in and killed all the way to Gaojiazhuang without anyone knowing.

Everyone has totems painted on their faces and necks, one kind of totem for every 500 people, and more than ten barbarians are drawn.Qingyun wore a mask and painted on his face.

"Master Qing, shall we attack that barbarian first?" Hei Xiong asked.

Qingyun's plan only mentions that they are going to attack the barbarians. It is best to harvest a certain barbarian and instigate their relationship with old thief Qian, so as to affect the border army.

Qingyun didn't say which barbarian was attacked specifically.

"Wait for news from Mad Wolf."

Qingyun took a mouthful of dry food, then turned to ask Meng Yiluo, "Xiao Luo, in your opinion it would be better to attack that barbarian?"

Qingyun has sent a message to Crazy Wolf, asking him to find out which foreign tribe the third princess died in, and which tribe has a bad relationship with old thief Qian in private?

With this information, Qingyun can determine which foreign race to attack first.

"Come on, let's practice barbarian dialogue first, @#¥#&¥*%@" After a break, Qingyun insisted on pulling Tian Duoliang and black bear to practice, supervised by Meng Yiluo , the degree of fascination is a little crazy.

Bai Yanheng was also pulled over by Qingyun to practice, only once, when Bai Yanheng opened his mouth, what he said was more standard than Meng Yiluo, and Qingyun never pulled him to practice again.

Comparing with a bully, that's not looking for guilt!

Tian Duoliang and Hei Xiong were afraid of Qingyun, they couldn't fight and run, so they had to sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman, and their foreign dialect was almost like a devil's voice, and eight out of ten sentences were out of tune.

The news is not so easy to find out, Qingyun and the others lurk in the forest of the foreign race, and there is no news from the mad wolf.

"Master Qing, shall we fight the village below?"

Their army has been hiding in the mountains for a day, Tian Duoliang couldn't help asking.The people of the foreign race, except for the language and the totems on their faces, look similar to the people of their Dayong Dynasty.

The village at the foot of the mountain is not big, with two to three hundred households and a population of about a thousand.

Unfortunately, they were on their way in the rain, none of them had ever been to a foreign land, so they lost their way, and they didn't know where they went, it wasn't the border anyway.

Meng Yiluo didn't remember either, he had never been here.The maps that Huang Kunkun followed were all of the big tribes, and there were no records of the small tribes.

"Xiao Luo, can you tell which barbarian is below?" Qingyun asked him with a chance.

"From what they said, it seems that they are close to the Hao people..." Meng Yiluo was not sure, he had never been in contact with the Hao people.

Qingyun: "..."

Qingyun wiped her face, she was a scumbag, no matter how much she thought about it, if an accident happened, it would be nothing.

"Don't fight, our top priority is to get to the side mirror as soon as possible to stop the old thief Qian from sending troops. If it is too late, it will be too late. Hurry up, the old thief Qian has already sent troops, there is no use!"

Qingyun's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hurt, and his whole body is not feeling well.

Her Qi Shan...

Damn, her old man is still in the county...

Thanks to her well-planned plan, she lurked in the border mirror, first wiped out a foreign tribe, and then pretended to be a foreign tribe to attack the border, provoking troubles between the two countries and causing war.

The plan is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

A heavy rain disrupted everything.

This shows how important it is to lack a guide.

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, they all saw that Qingyun was on the verge of fury.

Bai Yanheng pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Master Qing, the purpose of our coming here is to prevent Marshal Qian from sending troops.

There is no news from Crazy Wolf, and we don't know where we are. It's too late to rush to the side mirror, so it's better to make a mistake. "

 Thank you baby【】Rong Rong, book friend 20170117105818648, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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