Chapter 591
Qingyun pinched a little, and at the moment when the war drum changed its rhythm again, when the foreign general provocatively shouted, he clamped his horse's belly between his legs and roared, "Come on!"

Then he took the lead and galloped away.

Bai Yanheng, Tian Duoliang, Heixiong and the others followed closely behind. The brothers yelled 'Aooooooo', and rushed into the battlefield like a bamboo, disrupting the formation of the two armies immediately.

On the battlefield, both armies were forming formations, preparing for a polite battle, and the battle was halfway through. No one expected such a change to happen, and they were all dumbfounded.

It was too late to change the formation, and the battlefield was in chaos. The face of the messenger who was playing the flag changed, and he immediately waved the flag to change the formation. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"What's going on? Which tribe are they from? Why didn't they obey the command and rushed into the battlefield?" The leader of the Liao tribe, a foreign tribe, saw the army of headless flies running around on the battlefield, and asked the leaders of each tribe with a sullen face.

The chiefs of the various tribes looked around, and it seemed that the army that rushed into the battlefield did not belong to their tribe, and they were dressed differently from them.

The chiefs of the various tribes said that they were not from their tribe, and the chief of the Liao tribe also said that they were not from their tribe. Several chiefs were dumbfounded. They were not from their army. Where did this army come from?

"Boss, they rushed out from there. That area seems to be Little General Huya of your tribe." Someone said suddenly.

The leader of the Liao Department looked at General Hu, and then General Tiger roared, "Drag that bastard to me, and I will beat him to death."

At the same time, the Dayong Dynasty army was also discussing this matter.

General Chen looked at the chaotic battlefield, glanced at the foreign army on the opposite side, and frowned tightly.He has guarded the border for decades, and such a strange thing has never happened.

"General, what the hell are the barbarians doing?" Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Wu Xianfeng wondered if he should rush out to fight as planned?

"Which tribe is this army from? Do they understand the rules? What do they want to do? General, the barbarians are also in chaos."

The other young generals were full of doubts. They had never seen such an unruly person, so they had no choice but to ask General Chen.

He also saw the chaos on the barbarian side, General Chen pondered and said: "Wait a minute, let's see how the barbarian side solves it."

General Chen looked at the barbarian army rushing towards them, and felt a little bad.

What Qingyun and the others wanted was to catch their two armies by surprise, snatch the red-tasseled gun from the small soldier's hand, gallop the horse, and throw Wu Xianfeng towards the target she was looking for.

At the same time, Bai Yanheng, who was behind her, drew his bow and set up an arrow, and shot a cold arrow. The target was General Chen, the chief general of the Dayong Dynasty.

"No, the general was assassinated!"

"No, Wu Xianfeng was assassinated!"

The main general and the vanguard were assassinated by the barbarians at the same time, and the army of the Dayong Dynasty was in chaos.

The leaders of the foreign army camp only saw that Dayong was suddenly in a mess on the side of the army, and all of them showed blank expressions.

What happened?

Caused the army of Dayong Dynasty to be in chaos?
"The old thief of Pina Dayong Dynasty, use your blood today to avenge our people. Brothers, kill me!"

Qingyun and the others took advantage of the chaos to kill a wave of the Dayong army, and then turned around and ran away. According to the plan, some brothers took off the foreign military uniforms outside, revealing the Dayong army uniforms, and mixed in with the army. The wave of the foreign army, and then ran away from the battlefield under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Damn it! Where are you running?" Qingyun roared, and when he passed the Huya army, he shouted, "Brothers from the Liao Dynasty, the army of the Dayong Dynasty dared to kill our army and fled towards our hinterland. I will lead people to chase them , I leave this place to you, and the people of the Dayong Dynasty must not be allowed to leave the battlefield alive. Brothers, chase me!"

While Huya's army was stunned, they chased after them with a "hua la la" and quickly disappeared on the battlefield.

After Huya explained clearly the ins and outs of Qingyun and the others, and after being beaten up by his father, he limped back, and heard the people below say that after Yanyun went to chase the army of the Dayong Dynasty, he suddenly felt bad up.

 Calvin, Calvin, Calvin.
(End of this chapter)

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