Chapter 594 (Happy Holidays! I'm Back)
The people of Qishan, they don't know that they have managed to live and work in peace and contentment, but they are facing the danger of annihilation.

At this time, their faces were filled with joyful smiles, and they rushed to the county seat nervously and excitedly.

Imperial examination!

The county seat is going to take the imperial examination. After decades, Qishan finally ushered in the imperial examination.

The county seat issued a notice a few months ago. This imperial examination is different from the previous imperial examinations. It not only tests the Four Books and Five Classics, but also tests agriculture and water conservancy. Students are not limited to one style, as long as they are particularly good in a certain industry, they can take part.

The scientific research outside was in full swing, and Du Chun'an in the county government seemed calm, but he was anxious.

Looking at those faces full of hope, Du Chunan sighed in his heart, his eyes worried.

Qingye Tian Duoliang and the others have been away for a few months. They don't know how the battle is going ahead. According to the news from the mad wolf, the old thief Qian finally sent troops.

Master Qing was not in the county seat, nor was General Huang in the county seat. Everything about Qi Shan was on his shoulders, and he didn't even have anyone to discuss with.

Unable to bear it any longer, he consulted with Mr. Song, who calmly said "wait".

He can't cultivate well, and he really can't do Mr. Song's peace and tranquility, sitting as firmly as a mountain. It is difficult to resist the main border army with the help of the Shanzhai and Luomengshan. I can shift my mind to the imperial examination.

The county government held imperial examinations in a small place, and the examination venue was located in a newly built school in the county. On one side was the scientific examination of the students, and on the other was the scientific examination of agriculture and water conservancy.

The scientific examination for the students is in charge of General Du Chunan, Song Wenqian and Huang, and the agricultural water conservancy is in charge of the old man Shangguan. Someone will record it for them.

"How are you preparing? What's missing, as long as the yamen has it, you can mention it." Looking at the students below, Du Chun'an said to Huang Kun.

It sounds good too.

In addition to food, there is nothing else in the yamen.Not to mention weapons and armor, there is not even a hair in the yamen.

What is missing?
He lacked everything but food.

But can he mention this?He also knows what's going on in the yamen, one word is 'poor'.

"I've been preparing all the time, and now I'm waiting for news from Lord Qing and the others. In case of a fight, you and the old man will withdraw first."

You can't really wait to die.

Du Chunan was silent.

Mr. Shangguan and the Taoist priest are also discussing this matter.

"Brother, aren't you worried about your kid?"

The Taoist chief squinted at the old man, who was still alive, and couldn't help asking him.That Lord Du Bo usually looks safe, but these days he seems restless.On the contrary, the old man is very steady.

"What's the use of worrying, what should come still has to come." Their whole family has moved here, where else can they go?
"Besides, there is still you! Do the math for him, can Qi Shan survive this crisis?" Mr. Shangguan rolled his eyes at the daoist priest who was flustered with idleness, and simply asked him to make a fortune.

It took seven days for the imperial examination to be completed, and the examination papers in the county government hall were piled up like a mountain.

"My lord, there is a letter from the border."

While grading the test papers, Du Chun'an was burning with anxiety. When he heard this, he immediately put down his pen, and before the yamen servant brought it up, he got up and went down to pick it up.

After reading the letter in his hand, Du Chun'an suddenly burst into laughter, sweeping away the haze of many days, and everyone jumped in fright.

Master Qing and the others succeeded, and Qi Shan's crisis was resolved.

Du Chun'an exhaled the depression in his heart and re-marked the test paper. The smile in his eyes could not be hidden, which showed that he was in a very good mood.

Song Wenqian and Huang Kun thought for a while, and guessed why Du Chun'an was so happy, Huang Kun also breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the letter on the table and read it, even if he guessed the result in his heart, it is better to see it with his own eyes.

"Qingyun and the others are amazing!" Huang Kun handed it to Mr. Song after reading it.

He has been preparing for the battle for the past few months, just in case.There are only more than 1 people in the Shanzhai and Luomeng Mountains combined. Compared with the border army, there is a huge gap in strength.

When an egg hits a rock, if you know you can't carry it, you have to carry it to your death, even if the entire army is wiped out.

It's all right now, Qi Shan is saved.

As long as Master Qing and the others stay at the border and the crisis in Qishan is lifted, taking advantage of this rare tranquility, they secretly develop and strengthen Qishan's power, and they will have a chance in the future.
After the army of the border army suppressed the border, everyone felt the tension of time and the urgent pressure of the weak.

"The imperial examination has ended, and the lowly position will leave later. The severe drought is still continuing outside, more and more people have left their homes, refugees and refugees are fleeing everywhere, and the imperial court does not care. I am afraid that many people will starve to death.

Our foundation is still too weak, and the humble official plans to arrange for people to go out to accept refugees to Qishan, one is to reduce the burden on the court, and the other is to give refugees a place to stay. "Huang Kun looked at Du Chun'an and said.

To put it nicely, giving refugees a place to stay is actually recruiting soldiers.

Du Zhubo is now managing Qishan in place of Master Qing. He must accept Du Zhubo's consent if he wants to accept refugees.

"That's what I planned too. Since you sent someone there, I won't arrange it for the time being. We don't have much else in Qishan, we have a lot of land, and the seeds are not a problem. You just need to bring people back."

Du Chun'an believes that there are still too few people in Qishan, and now there is Luomengshan, even if there are 100 million refugees, they can eat it.

If there is no land, open up wasteland, and there is no need to worry about the seeds. There are enough seeds left in the cottage, but no one has no land.

After half a month of review, Du Chun'an admitted a large number of talented people, from teenagers to old men, people of all ages.

Du Chun'an discussed with Song Wenqian for a few days, and according to the specifications of the imperial court, a system of three provinces and six departments was established: the three provinces of Menxia, ​​Zhongshu, and Shangshu, and six departments of officials, households, rites, soldiers, criminals, and workers.

Of course, they didn't just copy the imperial court's system and changed the name instead.Otherwise, if people know that they are a small county, do they want to rebel if they set up such a small court?

In short, this is what it means. Although sparrows are small and complete, they have all the systems that the imperial court should have, and they add what the imperial court does not have.

Half a month later, all the recruited talents took up their positions and performed their duties. After the operation started, Du Chun'an suddenly felt a lot easier.

"Master Qing, there is news from Mad Wolf."

Qingyun opened up wasteland with his brothers, and he was also relieved when he received the news from the mad wolf.

"The frontier is fighting, and the crisis in Qishan is temporarily lifted. I estimate that this war will last at least half a year, and we can take a breath. But we can't relax yet. The border war cannot stop. The border army must be firmly contained. Only on the battlefield can the crisis be truly resolved.”

After reading it, Qingyun handed the letter to Bai Yanheng, and Bai Yanheng read it and handed it to Tian Duoliang, Heixiong and the others.

 Thank you for the painting-qisheng, Chi Wanfan, Mosha, the young master went to the brothel together, the moon and the moon, a wild chrysanthemum, my little ancestor, 123 Panpan, 170110213116215, 13600815236, baby Rongrong, Gu Yiqing, Yanzi Xiaoxiao Xiao, liao1306799, looking back at the past, has passed away, Ah Man 76, the quiet and indifferent tea fragrance is pleasant, yourenfan, the monthly ticket you voted for, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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