Chapter 623

"Could it be that your lord thinks that the soldiers brought by this general can suppress the Shangguan family and make them pay taxes honestly?"

That's what Li's family planned, if they were too soft, they should be suppressed by force.If the people don't fight with the officials, how dare the Shangguan family dare to resist the court?

General Li seemed to see through his thoughts, "For the sake of my colleagues, I would like to remind my lord not to do this. Do you understand the strength of the troops in the city? The bandits in Qishan must be very greedy in such a prosperous county. My lord Why do you think Qishan County is still stable until now?"

"How many troops does a county that can fight against the bandits, or suppress the bandits dare not come to attack? There are not many others in Qishan, and there are many bandits. If you don't want to get out of Qishan, you'd better be honest and peaceful. .”

Li Futai looked at General Li silently, and his heart was so uncomfortable that he died.He has been an official for many years, and he has never been so angry.

"Do they dare? I am an imperial envoy, the official residence of Weiyang."

"Why not? A dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and a rabbit bites people in a hurry. So many county magistrates have died in Qishan, and you and I will not have one more."

Li Futai was really scared.

"Sir Shangguan strongly wishes us to suppress the bandits, and this general will do as he wishes. As an official of the imperial court, it is my duty to exterminate the bandits and restore peace to the common people." General Li said righteously.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Shangguan Qingyun's gourd.

The people outside the inn saw the magistrate coming out of the inn in disheveled clothes. How should I put it, they were very embarrassed, without an official hat, and they were all flustered.

Could it be the same as what the yamen said, the county magistrate wanted to dismiss the county magistrate's officials because of their refusal to pay the messy taxes?
"My lord, what is this?" the people asked him with concern.

Qingyun glanced at them, then shook his head, sighed, and left decadently.

"My lord, you won't worry about backfire if you threaten them?" Out of the inn, Du Chun'an, who was chasing after him, just saw this scene, his cheeks twitched, and he turned his head to look at the second floor of the inn.

"Your family is not that stupid. That old bastard at Lifutai can calculate and want my family to pay taxes. If I don't threaten them with resignation, they will think I am a soft persimmon. If I resign, Qi Shan will not County magistrate, who do you want to pay taxes to? They won’t allow me to resign, 50 taels of silver!” Qingyun dared to be so confident after seeing it through.

"You forced them to suppress the bandits over and over again, and it's so obvious that everyone will suspect it." When they came, it was obviously not the way to discuss it, but Qingyun messed around, making them all confused.

Although the effect was better than what they planned, but the adults are so foolish
what can he doIt can only be finished by adults.

"Scheming and plotting secretly, they may not necessarily fall into the pit, who knows what they have behind them. I put all the pits in front of them, and they know there are pits ahead, but they have to jump."

As Qingyun expected, the next day, General Li's soldiers came to the yamen to find Qingyun and invited him to the inn.

"Did you see it? I'm here to invite you. Let's go!"

A group of people came to the inn again.

"Master Shangguan, I have come here this time to discuss something important with you. Your words are like a drum at dusk and a bell in the morning, waking us up and everyone else. I have been an official for many years, and I always worry about this and that. Slowly timid, I lost my original intention. After a night of self-examination with my lord, after careful consideration, I decided to lead troops to suppress the bandits."

Qing Yun believed him to be a ghost, and still introspected all night?

It's true to think about it all night, it has nothing to do with their introspection, but it's true to think about whether she has a conspiracy.

Qingyun with a stinky face finally smiled, "As the imperial envoys of the imperial court, the two lords will do what they say. I believe you two. On behalf of the people of Qishan, Qingyun thanked the two lords for their kindness and virtue. Both lords and generals are good. Official, a good official who cares about the common people, I misunderstood you before, and Qingyun apologizes to the two adults here.

Qingyun saluted, "When the two adults return triumphantly from suppressing the bandits, Qingyun and the people of Qishan must give the two adults Wanmin Umbrellas."

Master Li: "."

General Li: "."

Qingyun's words set them up, and the two Li's faces were embarrassed.But 'Manmin Umbrella', as they also want.

Will Qingyun give them the 'Manmin Umbrella'?

Ha ha
"Ahem, Shangguan, put aside the Wanmin umbrella, let's discuss the matter of suppressing the bandits."

General Li raised his fist to his mouth and said, "For the matter of suppressing the bandits, what advice does Lord Shangguan have? This general and Lord Li have just arrived here, and we don't know much about the bandits in Qishan."

Qingyun pursed his lips, and said in shame: "Your official is ashamed! The officials in the city were arrested and the people resisted the bandits. Because the official was just a scholar, the officials kept blocking him, so he didn't participate.

If the general wants to know the situation of the bandits, I can invite a few policemen to come over quickly. They have all participated in resisting the bandits, so they must know the situation of the bandits. "

The eyes of General Li and Li Futai opened immediately, and they were even more firm in their thoughts.

"It's so good! Lord Shangguan helped me a lot. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in all battles."

General Li thanked him, and then changed the topic, "I heard that Mr. Shangguan is not very old, but he is a good official who sincerely serves the people. For the sake of the people of Qishan, he led hundreds of villagers without fear of death, passed through the bandit defense line, and arrived Weiyang asked for help, and Qishan County is today.

Now, I don't know if Mr. Shangguan still has the idea of ​​eliminating harm for the people?For the tens of thousands of people in Qishan, go into the mountain with this general to suppress bandits? "

What General Li calculated was Shangguan Qingyun's responsibility and conscience.


Qingyun first showed shock, then a look of embarrassment, then glanced at Du Chun'an next to him, wanting him to make up his mind.

General Li and Master Li were drinking tea, they didn't seem to be staring at Qingyun, they took a full view of Qingyun's every move from the corner of their eyes.

I'm afraid this person has an unusual status in the Shangguan family!
Du Chun'an stared down at the ground, as if he didn't know that Qingyun was looking at him. Seeing his appearance, Qingyun's expression sank, obviously angry.

Qingyun arched his hands and said: "My lord, general, it's not that the lower officials shirk their responsibilities and don't want to go. I'm a scholar and I don't have the strength to restrain a chicken. It's a burden to go with you, and I have to send someone to protect me."

The more Qingyun didn't want to go, the more General Li and Li Futai wanted to pull him together.If Qingyun goes with them to suppress the bandits, no one from the Shangguan family can protect him. In case of accidental discovery, he is still a hostage.

"Lord Shangguan, don't worry, Master Li will go with him. The soldiers brought by the general are not too many, and there are still people to protect you two. Don't worry, Lord Shangguan, the general will make arrangements for it." General Li gave Qingyun a reassurance smile.

(End of this chapter)

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