Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 638 Bereaved Dog, Be Honest

Chapter 638 Bereaved Dog, Be Honest

Fourth Master: "..."

He knows what a fart!
Fourth master was aggrieved, this kid was eloquent and confounded right and wrong, but he was very good at justifying himself.

Can he be the same as Shangguan Qingyun?He is the prince, the future emperor of the Dayong Dynasty, and he is now the Dragon Bank.

He has the audacity to pretend to be the son of Jiangnan Governor's Mansion. If he hadn't been confident, spending money like water in the capital, with the arrogance of the boss and his second son, they would not have thought of wooing him as a prince.

Not only did they play tricks on many of their princes and powerful children, but even the old You Tiao Du, who had been in the officialdom in the capital for decades, was played.

If those old fritters knew, the person behind Guan Yun they were afraid of didn't exist at all, and Guan Yun was just a seventh-rank county magistrate...

Haha, I really want to see the faces of those people when they know the truth.It must be interesting.

"You didn't deny it either." Fourth Master held on to this point.

Du Chun'an understood that this fourth master from the capital might be a son of a powerful official from the family of a high-ranking minister. His lord was pulling tiger skins to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail in the capital. The two had been in contact.

Now that I have caught the lord's handle and threatened the lord, the lord will never admit it.

This fourth master also committed a crime, and it was a big one. The old man in the family couldn't keep it, so he ran to Qishan to avoid disaster. The adults knew what he committed, so they used this as an excuse to threaten to go back.

Du Chun'an's head hurts, this riddle is so confusing, when did your lord have so many thoughts?
Mr. Song Wen really knows how to teach people!

Having said that, he knows almost everything about the adults, but he has never heard about the fourth master. It's a strange thing!
Du Chun'an was still thinking about the fourth master's affairs, so he heard Qingyun chuckle and said, "Did the fourth master come all the way to Qishan for sightseeing, or to settle accounts with me?"

"Si Ye has lived in the capital for a long time, and he has heard a lot about the imperial court!

Did the fourth prince hear about it?He was a wolf-hearted man. It was rumored that he was ruthless, disregarded the love of brotherhood and parenting, killed brothers and fathers, assassinated the eldest prince and murdered the Supreme Emperor. Today, the emperor has issued an order to arrest him. Once found, arrest him. If you resist, you will be killed on the spot. "

Qingyun's voice was cold and scumbag, and he turned to her old account, come on, who is afraid of whom!

Compared with the fourth master, the crime of impersonating the son of the governor of Jiangnan is nothing to mention, not even fart.What's more, she didn't admit that it was all the self-righteous thinking of those rich and powerful children, and it had something to do with her.

If she was in charge of the world, how could she care what other people thought?
This one is hard to say, the emperor can't wait to chop him into meat sauce, so he won't have any worries.If she traded the fourth master for her future, the emperor would at least give her a fourth-rank official, and a state capital would not be able to escape.

Qingyun's words hurt people's hearts, fourth master's eyes were full of killing intent, and he stared at Qingyun quietly.Several guards behind him put their hands on the handle of the knife and stared fiercely at Qingyun.

Qing Yunyun picked up the cup lightly and took a sip of tea, the murderous intent flowed in his eyes, and he lowered his eyes to cover up the murderous intent in his eyes.

Still so arrogant on her territory, wanting to kill her?Who gave it the guts?Do you still think that he is still that lofty and incomparable prince?
Lost dog!

Fourth master unconsciously flicked the jade ring on his thumb. He ran to Qishan to avoid it because Qishan was a special area in Dayong Dynasty.

Qishan used to be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. More than ten years ago, Qishan was suddenly occupied by bandits.

The eighteen villages in Qishan were established at that time, and the reputation of the eighteen villages was also spread.Every time the imperial court suppressed the bandits, the Eighteen Villages grew stronger, and then developed beyond everyone's expectations.

Qi Shan broke away from the control of the imperial court. The officials dispatched by the imperial court died inexplicably in the Yamen, and even the servants and servants who were arrested quickly died of accidents. Overnight, the whole family died.

After that, the officials dispatched came and died one by one. The imperial court never sent any officials to take office, and no officials dared to come.

In such a dangerous and perilous place, Shangguan Qingyun has stayed here for five years without incident. The bandits in Shibazhai did not kill him.

If Shangguan Qingyun had something to do with Shibazhai, maybe he could achieve his goal.

The atmosphere is becoming more and more tense, the flames are flying, and the two sides are on the verge of breaking out.

Du Chun'an was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead, his nerves were tense, he stared at every move of the person opposite him, not daring to relax at all.

The contest between the lord and the fourth master made him feel more oppressed than when he killed the magistrate of Guanshan.

The two had their own ghosts, and when their eyes met, fourth master laughed first.

"Of course I'm here for sightseeing. I heard that Mount Qi has beautiful mountains, clear waters, and outstanding people. I don't think so. Seeing Mr. Shangguan, I believe that Mount Qi is indeed a good place for outstanding people. This trip is worthwhile."

Fourth master closed his fan, and the guards behind him put down their hands.

Qingyun heard it, and called her cunning like a fox, deceiving them.

Qing Yun rubbed his nose, obviously embarrassed by the praise, Qing Lingling smiled brightly.

"The outside world has a lot of misunderstandings about us, Qishan. It's true that we are outstanding and beautiful.

The people in Qishan are honest and responsible, and treat others with sincerity. Fourth master can walk around and have a look.There are some crops and mountain products that are not available outside. Fourth Master can buy some and take them home, and give some to relatives and friends. The gifts are light and affectionate!

I know several owners of Shanhuo shops. The products in their shops are better than others, and the prices are also reasonable. How about I take you there? "

Damn, this is a plague god, whoever touches it will die.Qingyun wanted to send him away from Qishan as soon as possible, and he wanted to go wherever he wanted, but not to stay in Qishan.

Qingyun felt that he was very sad, and Qi Shan was also in many disasters.There was a bandit disaster, there was a military disaster, and now there is another one who punishes the nine clans.

I don't know if it was her bad luck that dragged Qi Shan down, or Qi Shan's unlucky place that dragged her down?

The corners of Du Chun'an's eyes twitched, just now they looked like they were dead, but now they are like old friends again, smiling and gossiping.

I don't understand, I don't understand!

Are the young people of today so capricious?
"It's rare to come out once. I plan to stay for a few more days. I don't want to go back so soon. I heard that the customs here are different from those in the capital. I plan to take a look around. You won't welcome me?" Fourth Master no longer calls himself a master. Once he let go of his status, he is still quite approachable.

Yayaya, bah, is it determined that Qishan will not leave, and must Laqishan go into the water?

"How could it be? Of course you are welcome! I welcome anyone who comes. In the capital, the fourth master has taken care of me. This kind of favor has never been forgotten. I will do my best as a landlord and repay the fourth master well. Come safely and safely. Let's go." Qing Yun said.

In Grandpa's territory, no matter if it's a dragon or a tiger, let her lie cross-legged, don't make trouble, hello, hello, hello everyone.

 Thanks to 20170511171800737, Blue Eagle Technology Business, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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