Chapter 640 Comeback
"Yan Heng, you're back, are you okay with the barbarians?"

Before Qingyun stepped into the study, and before the person arrived, Bai Yanheng who was waiting inside the room got up and walked to the door to greet him.

"My lord, I'm going to join you in a humble position, and you're well. Everything is going well there." Bai Yanheng saluted.

Qingyun wanted to tell him about the Fourth Prince, but seeing him in a busy environment, with a tired expression on his face, he held back his words, patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are tired after traveling for so long, go back and have a good rest first , talk about it tomorrow."

No matter how urgent the matter of the fourth prince is, this night is not too bad, she doesn't have many people under her command, and because of the matter of the fourth prince, Bai Yanheng is exhausted, the gain outweighs the loss.

"Resign from the humble job!" Bai Yanheng was indeed tired, so he didn't refuse, and went back to rest.

Qingyun stayed in the study for a while, and then went back to the yamen to do business.


Qingyun study
Bai Yanheng was here, Du Chun'an was here, and Qingyun also invited Mr. Song. Mr. Shangguan and the Taoist priest were there. For some reason, Mr. Shangguan asked the Taoist priest to attend this meeting. After Qingyun knew about it, he was silent for a minute ,agreed.

In previous meetings, apart from Bai Yanheng and Du Chun'an, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, Crazy Wolf, Huang Kun, Meng Yiluo, and Heiba ​​also participated.

The incident of the fourth prince happened suddenly. Tian Duoliang, black bear, Meng Yiluo, and the others were in the barbarians, so they had no way to participate. Huang Kun, Heiba, He Qiu, and the others were in the Shanzhai, and they were also unable to participate. Even if they could, when the fourth prince was in the city, Qingyun could not participate. Will notify them back.

Because the head of the Taoist priest was here, it was inconvenient to talk about the matters of the barbarians. Qingyun glanced at Bai Yanheng, and Bai Yanheng seemed to have guessed what Qingyun was thinking, and he had no intention of speaking.

"I called you here this time. I have a very troublesome matter. I want everyone to give me some advice on what to do." Qing Yun said.

Bai Yanheng had just come back, so he didn't know the situation in the county. Apart from urging Qingyun to study, Mr. Song didn't pay much attention to the yamen affairs, so he really didn't know what happened.

It's the Taoist priest, don't look at him in the yard, he has an apprentice who likes to go out for a walk, he doesn't look like the Taoist priest at all, changing clothes, he can compare with the gossiping little Eryi in the inn.

Daoist, if you think about it.

Du Chun'an glanced at Bai Yanheng, then at the Taoist priest, pondered for a while, and said: "The troublesome things that your lord said, are you the distinguished guests from the yamen yesterday?"

The fourth prince concealed his identity and came to Qishan secretly to avoid disaster. His identity cannot be revealed, otherwise it will bring disaster to Qishan.

The Fourth Prince can hide it, he can act as if he doesn't know, but your lord can't.

Qingyun nodded, his expression was deep and gloomy, and he glanced at the crowd and said: "Do you know who the nobleman who came yesterday is?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, guessing who the nobleman is, the county magistrate asked, they should know each other.

Seeing the countenance magistrate's face, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Qingyun didn't engage in silly things with them, and said unhappily: "Have you heard about the major event that happened in the imperial court a few days ago?"

There is only one major event that happened in the court, a few princes seized the emperor.

The crowd nodded.

Bai Yanheng had heard about this incident in the barbarians, which shows how influential public opinion and gossip are.

"Fifth prince, no, it should be said that the new emperor has ascended the throne, and the other one has disappeared..."

Qingyun paused, everyone nodded again, the feeling of badness deepened.How did the magistrate of the county get involved in those terrible things, the battle for the throne, what does it have to do with them and this remote place like Qishan, could they be involved?

Those sitting here are all smart people, and everyone has a bad guess in their hearts.

"Those major events in the court have nothing to do with us, needless to say..."

Qing Yun wiped her face, she didn't want to say it either!
Qingyun cried and said, "It didn't matter to us before, but now it does. The nobleman who came to the Yamen yesterday was the fourth prince. That unlucky one didn't go anywhere, but came to Qishan."

Qingyun was full of evil fire and couldn't vent it.

Everyone's eyelids twitched and they were all frightened.No matter how you say it is also the descendant of the dragon, how can you describe people like that.In the past, people called the emperor's old man, but they couldn't hear them after hundreds of thousands of miles, so they yelled.

Now that everyone is in the city, if it gets out, it will be no problem to punish him for being disrespectful.

The new emperor wants to kill the fourth prince, he has the right, and it's not up to you.

Qingyun was still grumbling dissatisfiedly, "Dayong Dynasty is such a big place, you can run south or north, but it's not good enough to run to the border. They have millions of soldiers in their hands, and the new emperor dares to ask for a loser. to them?"

There was no way for Du Chun'an to say "speak cautiously", and Qingyun vented his dissatisfaction.

"You said, what does he mean? What's his plan?" Qing Yun looked at them and asked.

Everyone knew what the fourth prince was up to, and it would not be so easy to make a comeback.

"My lord suspects that someone is behind the scenes?" Du Chun'an said.

Bai Yanheng remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.He has always been calm, his face does not change, and nothing can be seen from his face.

The two priests, Song Wenqian, just listened but didn't talk.

Qingyun looked at Bai Yanheng, "What do you think?"

Qingyun suspects that there is someone behind the fourth prince. The first suspect is Qian Qizhi from the border. Apart from him, Qingyun has no interest relationship with anyone else.

"From my point of view, there is no mastermind behind this matter," Bai Yanheng slowly shook his head, "It's purely a coincidence that the fourth master chose Qi Shan, and I can understand it."

Qingyun didn't understand, and neither did Du Chun'an.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "How do you say?"

Qing Yun used to live a simple life, and her years in the officialdom were short, and she was in such a remote place as Qishan. She had never seen the real ups and downs in the officialdom, and she didn't know the twists and turns inside.

Under the education of Mr. Song, maybe she can glimpse some superficial things, more and deeper things, which she can't touch, and it's not something she, a fledgling newcomer, can see.

Bai Yanheng was different. He had received elite training since he was a child, and he had seen and experienced turmoil in the officialdom.

"The situation in Mount Qi is chaotic. The place of three religions and nine streams is not under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. For the fourth master, it is the best hiding place.

Whether he goes to the North or the South or to the frontier, the situation is not good for him.The new emperor has ascended the throne. In the eyes of others, the fourth master is already a traitor and conspirator. Whoever catches him will have a great future, a certificate of honor to climb to the peak of power.

With such a huge temptation in front of him, who can guarantee that he will not be tempted?Fourth Master didn't dare to gamble on people's hearts.

Qishan has been in chaos for many years, bandits are rampant, there is no master here, and the bandits are powerful, as long as all the bandits in Qishan are subdued, it is equivalent to incorporating an army, combined with the remaining manpower of Fourth Master..."

"He wants to rely on the bandits in Qishan to help him regain the throne?" Qingyun Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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