Chapter 651

The Fourth Prince knew well that if he wanted to connect with the Shanzhai, a few thousand taels of silver would definitely not be enough. He was ready to throw out 10 to [-] taels of silver, but he never expected that those bandit lions would open their mouths and say nothing. [-] taels is simply greedy.

10 taels!
Not 100 taels, 1000 taels, 1 taels, or 10 taels. It’s as easy as saying [-] leaves.

Why not grab it?What the hell!
He was so angry that he smashed the teacup in his hand, and cursed "bandits" and "thieves" in the room. Several staff members in the room were silent, and no one dared to touch him.

After scolding for a full quarter of an hour, the fourth prince was still furious. He glanced at the staff in the room, suffocated with evil fire, and endured the pain.

A bunch of bastards, sooner or later they want the bandits in Shibazhai to return him their capital and interest.

"Eighteen villages, Shangguan Qingyun..."

The fourth prince gritted his teeth, and directed his anger at him, wishing he could twitch him.In the final analysis, if he hadn't built Qishan too well, why would the bandits open their mouths like a lion.

It was all Shangguan Qingyun's fault.


He Qiu counted the silver bills, and 10 taels was just right. With the 10 taels of silver bills in his pocket, he patted the man on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of things for you. There is a copycat of ours in the county." Man, he'll let you know when there's news. Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

He Qiu got 10 taels of silver for nothing, and He Qiu was in a very good mood, so he sympathetically asked him his name.

This person:"……"

Xiao Dingzi was taken aback, his face twitched, and he wanted to vomit out the words MMP.It's outrageous that the bandit leader doesn't even know his name after we've dealt with each other several times.

"Xiao Dingzi, brother, my name is Xiao Dingzi. If you have news, come to the inn to find me. I have been at the inn." Xiao Dingzi said the name of the inn, not Laifu Inn, but another small inn. Squat for two hours.

He Qiu smiled and watched Xiao Dingzi leave, then turned around and took his brothers back to the cottage, playing tricks, and easily got 10 taels of silver, this fourth master is too easy to deceive.

Damn, Master Qing is still amazing.


When Qingyun received He Qiu's news, she raised her eyebrows. She clearly confessed that she would ask for [-] to [-] yuan at a time, and put a long line to catch big fish, hanging them, and asking for more times.

It's good for him, he wants one hundred thousand to open his mouth, and his appetite is too big. If he scares people away, he will lose a sum of money in vain, how distressed he is!
Just give 10 taels?

Qingyun blinked, she was thinking, is she a little timid, even He Qiu dared to ask for 15 taels, but when she met such a fool, she would have to ask for [-] taels to be worthy of her status as a county magistrate.

After reading the news, Qing Yun handed it to Bai Yanheng, "What do you think about this matter?"

Bai Yanheng glanced at ten lines and handed it over to Du Chun'an, "The 10 taels of silver was given so happily. He was in a hurry. The capital city was changing rapidly every day. He couldn't wait. The longer he waited, the worse it would be for him. He desperately wanted to return to the capital city. Raise an army on the day of

"Let me tell you this, this fat sheep can be slaughtered a few more times." Du Chun'an said, taking out the torch and burning the note.

The more anxious the fourth prince is, the better it will be for them.

Qing Yun smiled and nodded at him from the air, "Chun'an, you have changed!"

Du Chun'an rolled his eyes when he heard that, he was the black one who was close to ink.

Just when Qingyun and the others were sharpening their knives and preparing to slaughter the fat sheep, Wu Yalian's master and servant who had sent people to follow him finally found a chance to run into this prince.

 Thanks to Baiyun Fudo, Dahaijiaozi, wmhjjy, Yueyuewanwan, Dahaijiaozi, ss7010130, high number, Ningbo girl, more than a prosperous city, Feifei 4061065802, ss7010130, strontium, wooden gift, trip Myanmar makeup,, Killing, 20220712034940604, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you Peiyo for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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