Chapter 660

"I don't ask you to go to death for the master, at least don't have ulterior motives, eat inside and outside, and turn your elbows outside.

The master is not good, can you have a good end?The master of the Shangguan family has a kind heart, but he still can't tolerate slaves with ulterior motives.Do yourself a favor!
Come on, stick to death! "

The executioners were two yamen servants, and the boards in their hands were from the court, and they were of good quality.

Xiaocui had already expected her fate, and made a strange sound of "Scared", and raised her head with all her strength. Through her wet hair, her eyes swept forward hoping to find the person she was looking for. Suddenly excited, his mouth screamed "ahhh".

Whether Wu Yalian was mentally prepared or frightened by Xiaocui's miserable and bloody appearance, she didn't dare to go there for a while until she met Xiaocui's gaze. A little bit, there is another mystery to this matter.

After a pause, he still bravely walked over.

Du Chun'an glanced at Qingyun, Qingyun shook his head, indicating that he should not worry about her, and that he would not be afraid that Wu Yalian would find out if he did it.

"Xiao Cui, I'm not mean to you, why did you do this?" Wu Yalian knelt down, covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and stared at her.

Xiaocui smiled sadly, tears fell 'shua shua', and she opened her mouth several times before she could make any sound.

"Wu Yalian, the young master already knows about you!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Cui smiled maliciously, staring at her viciously, and blood spurted out of her mouth while laughing.She couldn't live anyway, so why should Miss stay and fly with the prince alive.

She was not the one who had an affair with the prince, nor was she the one who leaked the news, so why was she the one who died?She is not good, so don't think about Wu Yalian.

Xiaocui's ghostly and terrifying appearance made Wu Yalian scream in fright, and ran away as if fleeing, hiding behind Qingyun and shivering.

Qingyun sent someone to take her back.

That night, Wu Yalian had a fever and had a nightmare. In the dream, Xiaocui was covered in blood, chasing her to kill her. When she woke up in the morning, she seemed to be seriously ill.

She figured it out, her cousin already knew about her relationship with the prince.Xiaocui's death was to make an example to others, and her cousin was warning her that this would be the end for disobedience.

How to do?
Wu Yalian thought about it all morning, and felt that she couldn't sit still, the prince had promised her that he would marry her, she would be the princess in the future, and her cousin would kneel down when he saw her, why should she be put under house arrest?

Dragging her weak body, she smashed and crackled in the room, frightening the maids who served her, and then drove all the maids who served her out like a lunatic.

The maids were worried that she would hurt themselves, so they gathered around the door and shouted loudly, "Miss..."


Wu Yalian's roar came from the room.

Qingyun received the news from the maid, and said indifferently: "Don't worry about her, you can smash it if you like, anyway, it will be deducted from her share. If you hunger strike, you will go on hunger strike. If you like to eat or not, it's not me who is hungry, she is just living a good life." Too good and too idle, starve her for a few days, feel the feeling of being hungry, so hungry that people go crazy, see if she eats or not."

How dare you threaten her with death!

Qingyun sneered, she is not her relative, she loves her to death, she will not be used to Wu Yalian's bad temper.If you dare to threaten her with death, you must be prepared, she will deal with her.

In the past, I didn't bother to pay attention to the jealousy of the girl's family. It was a trivial matter. It didn't mean that she allowed her to take his family's life to block her future.

Lose the life of the whole family or the whole clan to fill in the hole of the daughter, that's how it is written in novels.

 Thank you Haijiaozi for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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