Chapter 663

"The fourth master came to pick up his marriage this time. I heard that the cousin of your mansion is gentle and virtuous, elegant and quiet. She is waiting for her husband and has reached the age of marriage. It happens that our fourth master's family is not married, so I came here to ask for marriage."


Qing Yun had just drank the tea in her mouth, but suddenly spit it out. Thanks to the fact that there was no one opposite her, the scene of the disaster was not caused.

"Sorry, sorry," she didn't mean it, it was all because of this man's exaggeration.

Listen to what nonsense he said, only that woman Wu Yalian is gentle, virtuous, elegant and quiet, she has nothing to do with these two idioms.

White lotus, green tea mounting is her label.

"Fourth master is here to propose marriage?" Qingyun didn't drink tea, so as not to spit out something later.

Wu Yalian, the fourth prince, and the two of them have discussed the matter. The fourth prince may cook rice or elope, or detain Wu Yalian, etc. They have made several plans for them, but they did not expect the fourth prince to do this.

"Yes, propose marriage." The fourth prince said.

"You haven't seen my cousin. Do you know whether she is beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, black or white, tall or short? Come to propose marriage."

On Qingyun's face, he didn't show any knowledge about the two of them, and he kept talking nonsense with his eyes open.

There are people from Shangguan Qingyun staring at the inn, and the fourth prince doesn't believe him and doesn't know about his relationship with Wu Yalian.

Pretend not to know with him!How could he make Shangguan Qingyun wishful?Otherwise, it would not be a waste of his embarrassment for him to condescend to Wu Yalian in vain.

"You are brothers and sisters. Mr. Shangguan is a talented person with a dignified appearance. I think there will be no difference between the sisters. Marriage between men and women is a matter of course. I think Mr. Shangguan will not ignore human relations."

Qing Yun said with a smile: "How could it be? Gu Liang has grown up, and he will always marry someone, and if he stays or stays, he will become enemies."

The fourth prince nodded.

Qingyun looked at the tangled expression of the fourth prince, and said, "Fourth prince, I shouldn't have said these things. You came to propose marriage to me, and I have to say these things."

The fourth prince looked at Qingyun, with the expression in his eyes: you say, he listens.

"I don't have a big official position, I'm just a small county magistrate, but the two girls in our family were raised up from childhood. You know what my father does. , grew up in a heap of gold and jade.

To put it bluntly, the daughters of first-rank senior officials in the capital do not spend as much on food and clothing as they do.Of course, fourth master, I don't mean to dislike you by saying this, so don't think too much about it. "

He didn't think about it at first, but when Shangguan Qingyun said it, he had to think about it.

"What I mean is that I'm not a big official. We have the education, etiquette, and rules that a girl in our family should have. My parents are both there. If you want to propose marriage, you should also go to my parents. How can an older brother go beyond the parents' requirements?" Darling? It's against the rules!"

The fourth prince gradually became sullen.

Is Qingyun afraid of his bad face?
She was afraid that the fourth prince would turn his back on him, so he just used this as an excuse to beat him up.I've wanted to beat him for a long time, but never had the chance.

"Fourth Master, it seems that you are not the son of an ordinary family. You have been taught by a famous teacher since you were a child, and you don't know the rules of a rich family, right? You came to propose marriage in person, are your parents dead?"

Qingyun doesn't know if the fourth prince's mother is alive, but she knows that the old emperor is dead.

The Fourth Prince stared fiercely at Qingyun suddenly, looking at his eyes and expression, he wished he could devour him.

Qingyun guessed that his mother was still alive, so she probably had a bad life with the new emperor.

 Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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