Chapter 673

The policemen followed Sun Laosan to the Laifu Inn, and when he identified the prisoner, the policemen bared their teeth, no wonder they were so arrogant, it turned out to be Si Ye's people.

The process of arresting the prisoner was not very smooth. The fourth master and the others refused to give people. The arresters should first show respect before fighting. As Qing master said, no matter what you do, you must show the truth, and if the courtesy does not work, you will use your fists.


The fourth prince yelled angrily, glanced fiercely, and caught him quickly without paying attention to him, he was about to go mad, no one had ever dared to humiliate him like this.

"Do you know who the master is? Even if Shangguan Qingyun is here, he has to kneel down when he sees the master. Who gave you the courage?"

The policemen curled their lips in disdain, come on, no one knows what kind of pee you are.If you dare to ask Lord Qing to kneel, it will be no wonder he doesn't break your leg, and you won't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue if you talk big.

"The office of the yamen, our lord has said that anyone who obstructs the office of the yamen will be killed without mercy. Fourth master, don't make things difficult for us, we also follow the orders of the lord. If you have any opinions, you can go and tell our lord."

These dozen or so arresters, with fleshy faces and bearded faces, were not good people at first glance. When they saw someone blocking them, they drew their knives and slashed at them.

Those guards of the fourth prince were there to protect his master, but the others did not protect him. When the fourth prince came back to his senses and ordered to protect the prisoner, the arrester would cut all the way to the prisoner and drag him away.

That dragging posture is like dragging a dead pig.

The fourth prince didn't care about the lives of the people below, but Shangguan Qingyun's doing so was equivalent to slapping him in the face, without any sympathy, what prestige would he have in the future?
The fourth prince strode towards the yamen with a livid face.

The people in the county saw that there was a lot of fun to watch, so they stopped doing business, left their stalls and chased the yamen's arresters, and the brave ones asked, "Master, what did he do?"

"I don't know, my lord told me to arrest him."

"The county magistrate ordered him to be arrested, so he must have done something bad. Hey, isn't this Mr. Sun! Mr. Sun, you are with the poor man, do you know the inside story? Sigh, this person doesn't seem to be from our county, but from our county I know all the people here, besides, the people in Qishan have a solid mind and can't do anything bad."

There is no need for the police to answer quickly, he asked and answered by himself.

"It's true that it's not from our county. Give it up. Your lord is still waiting to see you." The arrester quickly waved the people to disperse, protecting Sun Laosan, and a group of people escorted the prisoner to the yamen.

The people in the county town surrounded the gate of the court on the third floor, and there were more people than people going to the market.Those who really had no place to set foot, and lived nearby, moved a ladder over and put it on the wall.

The family of Sun Laosan, who was kneeling in the courtroom, is known to all the people. They meet each other every day, so they came to the courtroom after being in good shape. They were curious to ask people what happened to Sun Laosan's family.

As a result, I asked three questions, and no one knew what happened to Sun Laosan's family.

The defendant and the plaintiff are all here, Qingyun slapped the gavel, and there was a sudden silence in the courtroom and outside the courtroom.

Qingyun glanced at the arresters on both sides of the courtroom, all of them stared, and then, and then there was nothing.It's not professional at all. In the TV she watched, the county magistrate slapped the gavel, and the policeman immediately shouted 'Quiet'.

Of course, she is also unprofessional.

The prisoner was still arrogant when he arrived in the courtroom. He looked at Qingyun with contempt and disdain. He didn't pay attention to her at all, and shouted at the magistrate in the high hall: "Shangguan Qingyun, why don't you let me go? I belong to the fourth master, are you Didn't you want to rebel?"

 Thanks to 160608144541041, 20220723172502330, the monthly ticket of 3 votes for a lifetime of worry-free, okay?
  Thank you for your reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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