Chapter 682
"My lord, please be safe and don't be impatient!" Qingyun frowned, and Du Chun'an hurried over to persuade him.


The general blushed, and held back for a long time before uttering this sentence.They miscalculated and only thought about taking the fourth prince back to the border, forgetting that the news of the new emperor's death had not been reported.

Feeling that Du Chunan was in the way, Qingyun pushed him away, pointed at them and shouted: "You are unreasonable. You say that your marshal is loyal, so he is loyal? People are so close to each other, who knows what your marshal is thinking?
I don't even know that the fourth prince is in Qishan, but you are well informed. You even know exactly when he came to Qishan. I have reason to suspect that you and the fourth prince have shady affairs, so don't make it clear now. Don't let any of you leave the yamen. "

When it comes to nonsense and obsession, Qingyun is a good hand.Of course, Bai Yanheng was not bad either, and he was very quick to throw the pot away.


The lieutenant was so angry that he stared again, he was small-minded and couldn't turn his head away, and if he tried to find fault, he would not be able to find it for a while.

The general took a deep breath, and calmly said: "Leaving aside the matter of the fourth prince, Qishan has been controlled by bandits from the Eighteen Villages for more than ten years. Lingdu died at the hands of the bandits, how did you gain a firm foothold in Qishan?"

Asking this question, I wish Qingyun would die.

Qingyun's eyes widened in shock, with an expression of disbelief, and then he was so angry that he shook his fingers, pointed at the general, and looked at Bai Yanheng, Du Chun'an and the others.

"Hey, listen, is he talking in human language? What do you mean? The county magistrate who has been in office is dead, so I deserve to die. Am I not dead or am I wrong?"

General: "..."

That's not what he meant!
But what he just said is easy to misunderstand, and it sounds like that.

Lieutenant General: "..."

He also felt that the general meant that.

Things seem a little weird!

"According to what you said, you are a soldier at the border. So many people died in every battle. Why didn't you die? Why did you survive? Explain." Qingyun raised his hand, motioning for him to explain clearly.

Bai Yanheng clenched his fist to his mouth to cover up the smile on his lips.

Du Chun'an turned his back, his shoulders twitching non-stop.

Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others picked up the file at the same time and turned it upright, just enough to cover their faces.

The general was silent.

The lieutenants and soldiers sympathized with the general's experience, but also wanted to hear what he had to say, and gain experience by the way, maybe they could survive the next time they went to the battlefield.

Qingyun snorted coldly, "The general can't explain, but I can tell you why I am still alive. Because my father is rich, there is nothing in this world that cannot be done with money. I used money to open the way and invited the top experts in the world. As long as they Keep me safe, money is not a problem.

The bandits are all mobs, and there are no real masters. What they fight is nothing more than a large number of people.I spent money to recruit soldiers and horses, raised five thousand soldiers and horses, and asked masters to train them. Even if the bandits came to attack the county, I would not be afraid. "

In a word, it means more money.

General: "..."

Qingyun's words left him speechless.

"The county magistrates who have been in office all the time are dead. We can only blame them for their bad backgrounds. They don't have a rich father."

So she fought her father and became the winner in life, refused to accept, and held back.

Poor Shangguan Zhenhua did nothing but take the blame for Qingyun.Of course, it is true that he has money.

Qingyun drooped his eyelids, listlessly, and waved his hands in boredom, "Go, I didn't see any funeral in the mansion. If the general didn't come to pay tribute to the funeral, just get out of here. I'd be annoyed to see you!"

The general and his party who were kicked out of the yamen turned their heads and saw the white lanterns hanging under the eaves of the Shangguan mansion next door. Shangguan Qingyun's cousin died, and the Shangguan family could still arrange a funeral for her. The fourth prince died. The group returned worriedly. Inn.

After drinking a cup of tea at the inn, the general suddenly realized that they were fooled by Shangguan Qingyun again.They went to the yamen to ask Shangguan Qingyun for their crimes, but the marshal almost got the name of rebellion.

The lieutenant general thought about it, and his mind was about to turn dizzy, "General, do you think what they said is true?"

"Who knows! What does it matter if it's true or not? They all said it themselves. Didn't you see it? Shangguan Qingyun is very cunning, he doesn't tell the truth, he is cruel, as can be seen from the matter of the fourth prince, He also put the crime on the head of the Marshal, who is very dangerous."

The general was a little jealous of him.

"I often hear people say that the hearts of literati are more than honeycombs, and the mouths of literati are sharper than knives. I have seen it. General, what should we do next? The fourth prince is dead, how can I explain to the marshal? Waiting?" said the lieutenant.

"Since we have come to Qishan, the matter of the bandits harming the villagers has to be resolved. Just to see if Shangguan Qingyun is what he said. There must be an explanation for the fourth prince."

The lieutenant general doesn't know many things.The Marshal told him that he must investigate when he arrived at Mount Qi, what happened to the Eighteen Villages, and he lost contact for so many years.

There is also Luomengshan, Luomengshan also suddenly lost contact, these all happened after Qishan county magistrate took office, Shangguan Qingyun was the first suspect.

Besides, regarding the matter of the fourth prince, Shangguan Qingyun is the most suitable person to take the wrath of the marshal in place of the dead ghost.

When the deputy general heard that he was going to suppress the bandits, he hesitated and asked: "We didn't bring many troops, only one hundred people, should we send a group of troops to the Yamen? Didn't Shangguan Qingyun say that he raised five thousand people? Just to see how he is doing."

The general stared at him inexplicably, he didn't even know that the lieutenant general was an idiot, and he was lucky to have survived for so many years.

"talk later!"

As soon as the general and the others left, Qingyun, Bai Yanheng and Du Chun'an went to the study.

"My lord, did you already know that the new emperor is dead?"

Du Chun'an has been holding back for a day and a night, and he can't hold it anymore, and has never had a chance to ask.From the sudden killing of the fourth prince at the execution ground to the evidence that Bai Yanheng presented, there is a chain of evidence, if not for his cleverness, it would have been exposed long ago.

"Only two days earlier, the information received at the execution ground that day." Qing Yun said.

Du Chun'an thought about what happened that day, and the scud he saw in the yamen, so it's no wonder.

"How to solve this matter? The fourth prince is dead, they will definitely not let us go easily." Du Chunan was very worried.

"What does the marshal want the fourth prince for? The new emperor passed away and there were other little princes in the palace. The court ministers are supporting another little emperor. The fourth prince killed his father and younger brother. The court ministers still find it difficult for the people to accept him."

With the marshal's wisdom, it is impossible to ask for a discarded chess piece, Du Chun'an couldn't figure it out.

"All the little princes in the palace are dead, and only the fourth prince is left in the Dayong Dynasty. What do you think the Marshal wants him to do?" Bai Yanheng said flatly.

Du Chun'an blurted out: "Use the gentleman to make the princes!"

Qingyun hummed, Qian Qizhi had this idea.

The fourth prince has a reputation for killing his father, and he is also a puppet when he ascends to the throne of God. The minister who controls the government is used to controlling power, so he will be willing to hand it over?
Disobedient end, look at the new emperor who just died.

Qingyun really didn't expect the people in the court to be so ruthless, the royal blood was killed by them, not necessarily the court ministers, the new emperor may also attack, he is the only one left with the royal blood, the throne is safe and secure.

"Now the only seedling is gone." Qing Yun gloated with a smile.

Du Chun'an gave him a supercilious look, walking around in the study as anxiously as ants on a hot pot.

"You can still laugh, it's over, it's over, we've ruined Qian Qizhi's big business, he won't let us go, he won't let us die."

"Be safe and don't be impatient!" Qingyun patted him on the shoulder, persuading him back to what he often said to her, he felt it himself.

"Didn't I ask you to come over and discuss it! Qian Qizhi and Qian Qizhi have long since died, and this one is not bad. If the fourth prince does not die, we will be the ones who die. Tell me, how should they treat it?"

The most effective and simple solution is to kill to prevent future troubles, but it's not like I haven't killed before.Ask, just say that you have never seen it, and push two five six, what can you do with them.

"Put some smoke bombs to confuse them, they can't find anything, and then tell them to go back to the border. If the fourth prince is dead, if this group of people are also dead, we really can't tell." Du Chun'an said.

Du Chun'an still wanted to get rid of it. If he could not confront Qian Qizhi head-on, it would be better not to confront him.

Qingyun didn't say anything, but glanced at Bai Yanheng.

Bai Yanheng lowered his eyes and didn't know what to think about. He didn't see Qing Yunshi's wink, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Qi Shan can't stay here anymore. The royal blood of the Dayong Dynasty is dead. As long as the news of the death of the new emperor and the fourth prince gets out, Dayong will The dynasty quickly fell apart, and princes from all over the country revolted one after another.

This matter can't be hidden for long.

If Qian Qizhi knew the news of the death of the fourth prince, he would mobilize 20 soldiers and horses to attack the barbarians, and at the same time mobilize [-] soldiers and horses to send troops to Qishan.The southwest is Zhou Guogong's territory, and Luomeng Mountain is next to his territory. Luomeng Mountain is a battleground for military strategists, and Qian Qizhi is bound to win it.

Qi Shan is next to Luomeng Mountain, do you think Qian Qizhi won't want it?Don't forget who owned these two places before. "

Qingyun blinked, she didn't think about it so far, she only thought about how to keep Qi Shan from Qian Qizhi's hands.

It was with great difficulty that she brought Qi Shan back to life, she put in so much effort, it can be said that she worked hard and forgot to sleep and eat, to have Qi Shan today.The popularity has just risen, so she is a bit reluctant to give up this territory.

Du Chun'an was also reluctant, they managed Qishan so well, they had just escaped poverty, and in a few years they were going to live a well-to-do life, it would be a big loss to that old thief Qian Qizhi.

"Qi Shan can't stay here anymore, where are we going? The barbarians? How can the barbarians have a place for so many of us to live in? We're leaving, what about Qi Shan? It's too bad to lose it to Qian Qizhi." Du Chun'an said.

"Qishan is our base, and it was brought down by our brothers. If we lose him, no one will lose him. Don't worry, we won't let Qian Qizhi take advantage." Even if he beat Qishan back to his original form, he wouldn't let him go. Qian Qizhi took the slightest advantage.

With Bai Yanheng's words, Qingyun believes that he has this ability.

Du Chun'an looked confused, so what does it mean?I don't know that others are not smart, can you say something simpler.

Qingyun stroked her chin and thought about it. To be honest, she didn't quite understand what Bai Yanheng meant.

"Tell me, what do you think." Qingyun became interested.

"It's very simple. For the matter of the fourth prince, we must find a scapegoat. Your lord is the best candidate. If your lord disagrees, those people from the border will also put this matter on your head. If your lord stays in Qishan, you will die. one."

Qingyun Du Chun'an nodded, and Bai Yanheng got his analysis right.

"Your Excellency is leaving, and Master Du is staying to guard Qishan. The Yamen has been on the right track, all the systems have been perfected, and there are manpower in every position. As long as you guard the general affairs, Qian Qizhi will come in the future, and he will not be shaken." your status."

The officials in all positions in the yamen are all from Qishan, in other words, they are all from Shangguan Qingyun. Once Shangguan Qingyun left, he only listened to Du Chun'an.

"What do you mean? You all go, and I stay?" Du Chun'an was a little panicked, what effect would he have if he stayed alone.

"I won't leave all of them. I will leave you five thousand soldiers to defend the city. Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others will take them away. While there is still time, hurry up and train two."

Du Chun'an's face darkened, and before he left, he was thinking about the person in his hands.You think that cultivating a suitable person is like growing vegetables, once you put them in the ground, they will grow.

With five thousand soldiers and horses in his hand, he has confidence, and suddenly he is much more stable, and he will keep Qishan firmly in the care of the adults.

"When are you going to leave?" Du Chun'an wanted to drink a cup of tea to moisten his throat, his throat was about to smoke from his anxiety just now.

"This matter must be well planned and planned. After the adults leave, you can't leave hidden dangers for the people of Qishan. Think of a perfect plan, so that people have nothing to say."

Bai Yanheng already had an idea in his mind, and he will discuss this in detail later.

The three of them knew who had nothing to say.

"When you leave, will the tax still be collected? If Qian Qizhi comes to Qishan, he will definitely collect it from the granary in the yamen. My lord, your family"

Although Du Chun'an didn't say anything, all three of them knew that Shangguan's family had money, and if Qingyun and the others left, they would not be able to keep the money of the official's family with 5000 people.

"I will discuss this matter with my father and see what he thinks." If the silver is cheap for Qian Qizhi, the cheap father will definitely let her take it away.

"I will arrange for people to take away the grain from the granary in the Yamen. This year's grain will be collected first, and a warehouse will be reserved. The rest will be handed over to my father. He has a way to hand it over to me."

Qingyun doesn't know how to do business, but he knows a little common sense, and everyone who does business has his own way.

"There will be no tax collection next year. In the next two or three years, there will be a severe drought in Qishan. You should inform the people that the tax will be placed in the people's homes first. If the harvest in the field is not good, eat it first, and then collect it together when the harvest is good. , I think the common people should be willing to help with this.”

Of course I would, those who don't are idiots.Du Chun'an is envious of the people of Qishan, they are all in Fuwo.

"This matter will be communicated tomorrow."

The severe drought should also be notified, so that the people can be prepared.

Everything about Qi Shan was explained, and the three of them discussed how Qingyun would leave.

"I have an idea." Qingyun is good at making troubles!

 Thanks to 20190103213656977, 20171226153438952, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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