Chapter 689

"North, the benefactor's luck is in the north." The Taoist priest said calmly.

Qingyun suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were a little probing, and it was the same as what Bai Yanheng said, and then he glanced at Bai Yanheng.

There are so many hidden people around her!
Qingyun lowered his eyes, and when he raised his head, he was the foolish girl again.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Daoist Priest, both expected and unexpected.As expected, this Taoist priest was indeed not an ordinary Taoist priest, but unexpectedly, he was the one who chased after him.

The generals were surprised when they heard the Taoist chief's words, but they couldn't see that the Taoist chief had something to say, just like what Bai Junji said.Everyone looked at each other and discussed the matter in a low voice, arguing endlessly.

They don't know what's going on in the north, it's up to Master Qing whether to go or not.


Qingyun glanced at the Taoist priest meaningfully, and cut off his words before Qingyun spoke again, "The secret must not be revealed, and the poor Taoist is just giving some advice to the benefactor, and what to do next is the benefactor's business."

The Daoist was sweating, Shangguan Qingyun is not such a foolish person, today's young people are too smart, life is really difficult!

Qingyun glanced at everyone, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "That's the decision, go to the barbarians first, and then go to the north!"

Jianghu, here I come!


When Qingyun and his army went to the barbarians, a major incident happened in the Shangguan Mansion on Mount Qi, and the family money in Shangguan Qingtian's paper ran away.

"Father, mother, I won't leave. I promise brother to stay at home and take care of you. If brother leaves and I leave home too, there will only be you three left at home."

Qingtian didn't want to leave, the brother's matter hit my mother the hardest, she became ten years old in just a few days, and she was so emaciated, the whole family knew that her brother was not dead, so they kept it from her.

He accompanied his mother to coax her every day, and her mother looked a little better, crying silently when no one was around. If he left, there would be no one to make her happy.

"Your brother offended the marshal at the border. It's not safe for you to stay in the county. Qingtian, mother is only you. You have to be good, you must take care of yourself, you must be careful when you go out, don't force yourself, let's go!

Don't worry about us, there are still people left by your brother in the family, and the yamen, Lord Du was brought up by your brother, if it is really bad, the big deal is to pay them our family business. "

Shangguan Zhenhua saw that his wife was determined to die and planned to go down to accompany the son of a bitch, he almost scared him to death, so he had to tell her the truth.Knowing that Qingyun was not dead, Mrs. Shangguan immediately came back to life.

My man told her the seriousness of the matter in detail, and the play still had to be shown to outsiders. No, she still had a haggard face. In order to make it more sad, she specially put on makeup.

Mrs. Shangguan may have thought of Qing Yun who had gone far away, and her youngest son was about to leave. Unable to bear the pain of parting, she covered her face sadly and was helped into the inner room by the maid.

"Let's go!"

Shangguan Zhenhua also waved his hand, and said in a low voice: "Your brother told me, our family is too conspicuous, he is not in Qishan, it is difficult for Master Du to keep our family business, so take this opportunity to gather the family business.

He took away your brother's share, and you keep your share.Besides, your brother's side is a money-burning hole, and it doesn't matter how much money you fill in. Your father and I are getting old and can't walk anymore. From now on, your brother's side will be handed over to you. "

Shangguan Zhenhua privately gave him another stack of bank notes, patted him on the shoulder, and kept everything silent.

He didn't worry much about his youngest son. The bastard secretly sent experts to protect him, and he was followed by guards on the surface. This kid is very smart, and he can't suffer.

Hearing that it was for his brother, Shangguan Qingtian struggled for a moment but did not refuse, he kowtowed to his parents and grandfather, and brought Liu Kui and Du Chunan's youngest son, the three of them quickly left Qishan.

Early in the morning, Shangguan Zhenhua cried all the way into the Yamen, and the common people heard it.

"Hey, Qingtian, you god damned, I raised you as my own son, food and clothing, that's worse than your brother, you ungrateful white-eyed wolf, stole the family's money and ran away. God , why don't you kill the little bastard."

Du Chun'an poured him a cup of tea, howled, his throat was indeed a bit dry, Shangguan Zhenhua was not polite, drank tea to moisten his throat, and howled outside the gate of the yamen.

"Why do you bother? The adults have made arrangements, and it's not safe outside. Why do you drive the young master out?" Du Chun'an couldn't understand!

"You do not understand!"

Shangguan Zhenhua shook his head, "It's not safe outside, do you think Qi Shan is safe? If Qi Shan is safe, your lord... Don't talk about that bastard, it's useless if no one talks about it.

My family business must be inherited by others. Qingtian is good, and I am very talented in business. I stayed in this remote place of Qishan and buried it.

I have taught everything that should be taught, and the rest is up to him.Young people should go out and gain experience, so that this life is not in vain. "

To tell the truth, Shangguan Zhenhua was reluctant to let him go, he couldn't protect him forever, besides, it was so expensive to raise soldiers and horses, he had no choice but to find someone to make money!

Don't say anything else, the bastard, he has a good eye, the brother he recognized halfway is grateful, and he is wholeheartedly thinking about Qingyun's goodness.

When he left last night, he cried so hard that his head was bruised. He cried so hard that he almost repented and refused to let him go.

Shangguan Zhenhua felt bad all the time, let his youngest son leave with a stigma on his back, what a shame!

The corners of Du Chun'an's mouth twitched, he didn't understand, but the young master abducted his youngest son, and his wife was tearful at home, which made him uncomfortable.

Before noon, all the people in the county knew that the county magistrate's younger brother, the young master Qingtian, had stolen the family's silver and ran away. Just laughing, how could you do such a heartless thing?

I really didn't see it!
While scolding him to death, he was worthless for the county magistrate, thinking how good the county magistrate was to this younger brother, and they saw it with their own eyes.

Once the magistrate left, his family was really not peaceful, full of disasters, even the adopted son ran away, leaving a few old ones at home, such a big family business, not even an heir, what a pity!

The man ran away in the middle of the night, and the yamen police chased him for a whole day but failed to catch up. The matter was left alone, except for the first few days when the common people chanted a few words that the magistrate of the county did not know people clearly, and gradually forgot about it.

Except for the funeral for the county magistrate, how should I live my life.

The yamen posted a new notice that there has been severe drought in recent years, and starting next year, the yamen will temporarily not collect taxes, and the food will be provided to the people first, and will be replenished after the harvest is ready.

The notice finally stated that this policy was the last thing the former county magistrate Shangguan Qingyun did for the people of Qishan before his death.

 Thank you wmhjjf, for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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