Chapter 691

The army rested, and Qingyun and his group returned to the village. Now the appearance of the village has changed a lot. The village has expanded more than ten times. Except for the area that was circled at the beginning, the village has also turned over the mountain and built it to the next mountain to form a village. , the tens of thousands of people who came here at the beginning were accommodated in the village and became a veritable big tribe.

The area of ​​cultivated land has also doubled. During the Dayong Dynasty, there was a severe drought everywhere. The climate here in the barbarians is pleasant, and the vegetables and fruits grow very well, lush and luxuriant, and it is gratifying to look at.

The busy brothers in the village greeted Qingyun and the others one after another when they saw Qingyun and his group.

"Yes, you have done a good job. You can compete with the cottage." Qingyun picked a cucumber from the melon patch by the roadside and gnawed, "How is the situation of the barbarians? How have the nearby tribes been in recent years?"

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, Heiba, and the others speak authentic barbarian dialect, grow some beards, and put on barbarian clothes. They are proper barbarians.

Qingyun hasn't been here for almost two years, and no one told her that her accent has changed somewhat, and it's not so smooth.

"Several nearby tribes have developed rapidly in the past few years. Since they learned how to farm, their food production has increased accordingly. The tribes have survived more people, born more cubs, and their population has increased rapidly.

The population is large and the territory is small, and several wars have occurred in order to snatch the territory.

In addition to our big tribe, there is another big tribe in this area. I don’t know what tribe it was before, but it is called Gelong tribe now.From the development of the middle tribe, several small tribes have been exterminated, with a population of about [-] to [-]. The land alone is several times that of our tribe. "

"Gelong Tribe? The tone is loud. Which dragon do they want to fight? I don't like this tribe." Qingyun squinted, and felt uncomfortable hearing the name. He was even more arrogant than her, so he couldn't bear it.

Tian Duoliang knew the result a long time ago, he was not happy when he heard the name at the beginning, and Master Qing's dog temper couldn't bear it anymore.

"What's the situation with that tribe? Did you teach them how to farm?" Qingyun asked.

The pastures of the barbarians are not worth much, and which tribe does not have many pastures, it is only a matter of size.The only thing worth money here is food.

Although the barbarians are called barbarians, their territory is quite large, almost a quarter of the size of the Dayong Dynasty. If the territory was smaller, it would have been wiped out by the Mengjia army.

They mobilized several nearby tribes to plant land, and the patriarchs of those tribes were not stupid. How could they hand over skills that could strengthen the tribe and make money? Of course, they kept it hidden.

The barbarians, large and small, don't know how many tribes there are. Just a few of them farm land to supply the entire barbarians, and the supply is still in short supply.

"I made it clear earlier that we brothers were not invited to go. All the small tribes that were wiped out by them, those who were skilled and able to farm the land stayed, and the cultivated land was more than our tribe."

Except for their own food, a small part of the food they grow is sold, and most of it is filled into the pasture.

If they were in the food business, the two tribes would still fight. They mainly relied on selling seeds, and only three or four kinds of seeds were sold, and the others were not sold.The barbarians want to learn how to save seeds, but they just don't teach them, making them anxious.

"Are there any other tribes interested in our tribe? For example: Gelong tribe!" Qingyun asked.

The seeds of their tribe are enough to attract people's envy, and they are worth snatching by other tribes. If their tribe is wiped out, they can snatch a few people who can plant the land and keep the seeds back, and they will make money without losing money.

"Why not? There are not only the middle tribes but also many small tribes. The barbarians have no shame at all. They say that our tribe is small and there are not enough farmers. They sent people over to help with the farming.

I really thought that I, Tian Duoliang, had a good temper, and our tribe was easy to bully, beating them to the point of crying and calling their father and mother, and they didn't even know their father.After playing a few more times, I knew that we were not easy to mess with, and no one came to help with farming anymore. "

Tian Duoliang gave a 'bah' sound, if Meng Yiluo hadn't stopped him, he would have destroyed one or two tribes to make an example to others.

Qingyun agrees with him very much, "We don't cause trouble and are not afraid of trouble. In our own territory, whoever dares to stretch out his hand will cut him down. Anyway, this is not our territory, so it is not a pity to abandon it. There are many barbarians. Find another one. gone."

This is too scumbag.

After wandering around, I got a good understanding of the situation in the village, and I also knew a lot about the situation of the nearby tribes.

"Let's go out for a walk in the market someday." Qingyun wanted to know more about it.

Meng Yiluo glanced at the mask in Master Qing's hand, endured it but still couldn't hold back and said: "Master Qing, if you really want to go to the market, you'd better not turn into a totem!"

"Why? You all put on makeup when you went out. If I don't put on makeup, I'll be a different kind!"

Qingyun looked at him, carefully sailing the ten-thousand-year boat, her face could not be seen, they could build a tribe in the barbarians, no one could guarantee whether Qian Qizhi had planted spies in the barbarians.

What if?
Everything is just in case.

Meng Yiluo twitched, "Does Master Qing still remember Huya?"

Qingyun nodded, Huya, the son of General Liao of the Liao Department, they walked with Huya all the way at the beginning, and then yelled at him, and then Qingyun returned to Qishan, and never saw each other again.

"How about my big brother? He is surrounded by his father, and he lives in style, unlike me." Qingyun sighed.

Mengyiluo's head is full of black lines, Huya's life is chic, isn't Master Qing not thinking about it?
"Master Qing went back to Mount Qi, and Little General Huya frantically looked for you everywhere, but he couldn't find you and issued a warrant to arrest you. The larger tribes all have portraits of Master Qing, and they ask you about your situation every now and then. The totem is your symbol. .”

Qingyun: "..."

Huya loves her so deeply!

She didn't care much about him either!Why is a big man so narrow-minded?

"I remember that I seemed to be wearing a mask..."

"We all drew totems, and you did too, without wearing a mask." Bai Yanheng broke Qingyun's last bit of luck.

Qingyun was silent, turned his head and simply asked the situation of the border, "How is the border?"

"Qian Qizhi has mobilized more than 20 soldiers and horses to suppress the border. This time it is true. He is going to fight the barbarians. The barbarians have been making frequent moves recently. The leaders of the major tribes are negotiating the war. Notice from the Tooth Tribe."

It's no good to receive the notification at this time, it's just that they are going to pull people into the war and use them as cannon fodder.

"The Gelong tribe has received the notification. Our tribe should be coming soon. In the past few days. What's Master Qing's plan?" Bai Yanheng said.

Qingyun pondered for a while, and her goal was always very clear, the hinterland of the Central Plains, not in the barbarian place.

To put it bluntly, when the village was established in the barbarians, it was to leave a way out for myself. Let's wait and see. I didn't expect this way to be done so well, and it was Tian Duoliang, Meng Yiluo and the others who were too strong.

Qingyun blinked, and then asked him, "What do you think? Tell me! You all listen."

 Thank you Ah Man 76 for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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