Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 707 Everyone booing: Master Qing, let's fight

Chapter 707 Everyone booing: Master Qing, let's fight
Handed the letter to Qingyun, and then looked at him eagerly, hoping to hear Master Qing say to rescue, but they waited and waited, waited and waited, their eyes were sore, they just didn't wait for what they wanted to hear, the disappointment in their hearts!
"Go to Gao'an for help? Gao'an can't take care of himself. Several aristocratic families in Huaizhou are fighting among themselves for the control of Huaizhou, which consumes a lot of troops and affects Gao'an. In the end, no one can swallow it alone. They negotiate and control it together. One family guards a city gate. , no one will send troops out." Bai Yanheng said.

Everyone understands.

In troubled times, there is nothing more important than soldiers and horses. Whoever has soldiers in his hands will be guaranteed security, and whoever has the most soldiers and horses will have the right to speak.

Sending troops out to rescue is not a good thing to say. What do those untouchables have to do with them?If you die, you will die. The soldiers and horses are their own, and they have something to do with their personal interests. If they die, they will lose their own interests.

Therefore, in the end, several aristocratic families did not send troops to preserve their strength so as not to be swallowed by other aristocratic families. One less county and one more county made no difference to them, let alone a remote mountain corner, which was unprofitable.

The generals scolded that the family is not a thing, not as good as a beast, and watched the people die, but did not send troops, what the hell!Several county towns said they didn't want it, so they didn't want it. They didn't even want it. This Li County was snatched by them with all their efforts.

damn thing!
Qingyun said: "It's in our interest that Gao'an's government can't get out. The former county magistrate of our county is still the cousin of Gao'an's government. He didn't even send troops to rescue the cousin. The situation in Gao'an doesn't look optimistic, it may be very serious!"

Qingyun propped his face with his left hand, leaned in the chair whether he was sitting or not, his eyes flicked over the generals one by one, she knew exactly what they were thinking.

To be honest, the aristocratic family disliked those county towns, but she didn't dislike them, she liked them.

It's just... not yet time!

Bai Yanheng's expression was calm, no one knew what he was thinking.

The Taoist leader stopped talking, and asked him every day with the appearance of an unfathomable worldly expert, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed", but in fact he didn't know anything.

He just makes up the numbers, whether he attends the meeting or not depends on his mood, and he can't see ghosts on weekdays, and he can definitely be seen when eating.

Seeing that he recited the scriptures of life for the common people on behalf of his dead brother, Qing Yun's tolerance for him has been relaxed again and again.

Seven kills glanced at Military Master Bai, and then at the group of brothers. He didn't know what kind of idea he was thinking. His eyes were hot and excited, and he added his mouth. He moved to Qing Yun's side and beat his leg like a dog, saying:
"Master Qing, since Gao Anteng doesn't make a move, the aristocratic family looks down on those counties, why don't we accept them! I've seen the map of Gao Anteng, and it happens to form a corner, with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and backed by Ligu. The mountains, which lead to Gao'an Mansion, can move left and right, can advance and retreat."

It is very convenient for their army to move.

The Seven Kills took a fancy to this advantage, so they thought of taking these counties into their pockets, which would be of great help to them in expanding their territory in the future.

Even if Lord Qing wants to stay in Li County, wait for Tian Duoliang and Heixiong to come, and appoint Qing Ye to send troops out to grab the territory all day long, without Mrs. Du being in the way, Qing Ye is not the master of peace. Coax together, tsk tsk...

If among their brothers, whoever works together with Master Qing is that bastard Tian Duoliang, Master Qing is very thoughtful, and now he is following Tian Duoliang's example.

A group of generals saw Qisha's dog legs, scolded him in his heart for not being a man, regretted that he was not as flexible as him, why didn't he think of it?
After flattering Lord Qing, maybe when he was punished, Master Qing might let it go, thinking that he must be the first next time.

Hearing his words again, the generals ran through Gao'an's map in their minds, and it was exactly what Qisha said.

Qing Yun lowered his eyes to look at him, and saw that Qi Sha's scalp was numb, Qi Sha swallowed, and his scalp tightened, anyway, he opened his mouth, stretching his head was also a slash, and retracting his head was also a slash, it would be better to continue to stretch his head with the slash.

"The affairs of the county towns are secondary. I thought of sending troops to rescue them because I saw the pity of the people in those county towns." Qisha forced himself to be a 'good guy' image.

"Master Qing, let's fight, the rebel army is too hateful."

"Yes, Lord Qing, let's fight. Those people are too pitiful. Let's lend a hand if we can. The rebel army is not a thing. They kill people when they see them, and rob them when they see them. They are not as good as animals."

The generals thought about the seven kills in their hearts, and felt that it was very feasible, so they immediately booed.Rather than taking advantage of the insurgents, it would be better for them to occupy them. Several counties are connected together, and one general guards a county without robbing. The best of both worlds!
Qingyun gave them a blank look, kicked the Qisha angrily, and said disgustedly: "Go, go, when I rarely beat my legs, you are the only one who is clever, and who doesn't know your little thoughts!"

Qi Sha laughed after being kicked, Master Qing was not angry, it seemed that he had grasped Master Qing's thoughts.

Qi Sha was terrified in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, don't think he didn't see that his brothers wanted to beat him up.

"All of them are causing trouble for me. Do you think I don't want to fight? The county magistrate is not dead yet. Who is to blame? He is willing to let your army garrison? What good things are you thinking? I don't have nothing to do. Others occupy the land. After the land is planted, the grass is also pulled out?"

The generals fell silent, they understood what Master Qing meant. When the county magistrate died and the county was left without an owner, they could start working.

Sure enough, Master Qing is still the master Qing of the chicken thief, and he doesn't suffer at all.

Qingyun knocked on the table with his fingers and continued to shout, "Why worry? I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. How many times have I said that generals are most afraid of impulsiveness. Impulsive things will cause bad things. Be patient! Be calm! You are hunters, be patient with your prey. Live alone!"

All the generals lowered their eyebrows and narrowed their eyes, actually complaining in their hearts, why should they be quiet?That's what monks do, and they're not monks.

It wasn't when he was in Qishan, Master Qing just wanted to sit still, thinking about opening up wasteland and farming all day long, the brothers were all afraid.

Fortunately, the people outside were restless, and they made troubles on Qing Ye's head every three days. Qing Ye felt the sense of crisis, so he led his brothers to act.

No, after conquering Li County, there is a place to live, and the food is grown by ourselves, and the brothers are afraid that Master Qing will not move anymore.

To tell the truth, they thanked Qishan Shibazhai from the bottom of their hearts, thanked Mr. Li of Weiyang Prefecture, thanked Qian Qizhi of the border gate, and thanked them for their domineering all the way, which made them what they are today.

If Qian Qizhi and the others fall into their hands in the future, they must be completely dead.

Looking at the situation in those county towns outside, to put it bluntly, the more violent the rebel army is, the better. Without their obstruction, the rebel army's current prospects are bright!

 Thanks to 20220412031940604, 20190530010641784, Qiao Qiaomei for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Thanks for eating and lying down, against the wind あ elegant reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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