Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 715 Secret Weapon

Chapter 715 Secret Weapon
They searched around for a few times, but they did not find any surviving rebels, so they came to report to Qingyun.

Qingyun said: "Don't look for it, there is no time, go to the warehouse, and sprinkle water on everything that is valuable. Don't move the food until you find it, and it won't be too late to move it after the rebels are dealt with. Don't water the food."

Qingyun had to explain one more thing, but she was worried that she would say less. This group of idiots didn't care whether the order was right or not, they just did it first.

Can food be sprinkled?

No brains!

The mob of people dispersed immediately, just like a devil entering a village, pry open any suspicious places with a knife to check.

Qingyun went straight to Rendi's house, she didn't even need to fetch water, valuable things were piled up together, gold, silver, bronze, etc., and tables and chairs made of famous wood, she waved her hand and sprinkled water , and put it away.

Unlike what is said in the novel, it can be collected directly without a medium.

After collecting the things on the bright side, he looked for the dark room, closed the dark room, and then went to the next room. If it wasn't for the lack of time, Qing Yun would have dug the ground three feet to search it.

The Emperor Ren estimated that he had robbed a lot of treasures when he was a bandit, and piled up a warehouse. The brothers did not know what to do when they sprinkled water, so they called Qingyun.

Qingyun asked them to continue searching. She went in, and when she came out, the warehouse was empty. Afraid of scaring her own people, Qingyun locked the door, and explained to the outside world that she first marked it.

I searched inside and out, and except for the food that could not be moved, all other Qingyun that could be moved were moved.

Qing Yun narrowed his eyes with a smile, and made another windfall.

The brothers also laughed, Master Qing has become rich, so they probably don't need to plant so much land.


The deputy general was reluctant to look at the rebels' lair. It's a pity that so many things can't be taken away!

A group of people were about to leave, Qingyun thought about keeping 1000 people behind, and explained some things to the lieutenant, the lieutenant nodded, and as soon as Qingyun left, the remaining people immediately changed into the clothes of the rebel army, and the exit was heavily guarded, ready to wait for the rabbit.

Qingyun went back to the army alone, when several lieutenants saw him coming back alone, they asked in surprise, "Master Qing, why are you the only one, and where are they?"

It won't happen, will it?

"I stayed in Hongye Ridge. They and I have other arrangements. Where is the rebel army? How is Hong Xingwu?" Qingyun asked.

"The rebel army has entered the encirclement of Hong Xingwu and the others. The scouts have just sent news that a fight has started ahead. The rebels were unprepared. The army broke up. Emperor Ren fled with [-] to [-] people." The lieutenant general said.

Hong Xingwu first threw two secret weapons to frighten the rebel army, and then rushed down with the army. His ferocious appearance frightened the unprepared rebel army even more.

Rendi was scared away by the secret weapon.

People who are frightened subconsciously find a familiar place to hide, and Hongye Ridge is the only choice for Emperor Ren.

"Notify the brothers to prepare, the rebel army is coming soon."

The satiated army immediately became excited, staring at the road below. Their cats were here for a few days, and they were going crazy.

This time it was midnight again.

"Master Qing, it seems to be here."

When the sky was getting dark, I heard the sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk" horseshoes in the distance, and ran towards this side, but I could only see the shadow shaking.

The misty sky couldn't stop Qingyun's sight, he glanced around and saw Emperor Ren hiding in the army.

At this time, Emperor Ren was not as vigorous as when he set off during the day, and he was very embarrassed. He didn't wear his armor, but put it on other people, causing trouble.

Qingyun slowly raised his hand, and when the rebel army entered their encirclement, it was dawn, Qingyun waved his hand, and the army rushed towards the people below with the hungry and crazy wolf.


The sound of "killing" soaring into the sky was like the arrival of a demon. The rebel army who had fled for most of the night was tired and sleepy, and there were still pursuers chasing after them. The current situation is that there are wolves in front and tigers in back. Withdrew.

Qingyun put on the mask again, shook the reins, and slowly walked out of the woods, chasing the moon, with a domineering arrogance, the silver mask reflected the dazzling light.

Qingyun was just like this, riding a horse, looking at the battlefield below indifferently.

Emperor Ren, who managed to escape from the sky, saw the army that suddenly appeared, no matter how dull he was, he could recall that he had been tricked.

The [-] soldiers and horses outside the city gate were just bait to lure him into the bait. They had calculated that he would run back to Hongye Ridge before intercepting him here.

Emperor Ren turned his head and looked around. They fled for most of the night, tired and sleepy, the other party waited here to sleep well, and their people were shocked by the secret weapon before, and their morale was low.

The opponent is as fierce as a wolf, and it is incomparable. Even if he does not have the secret weapon before, his people are not opponents of the opponent.In the eyes of the opponent's army, his army is like a child, being slaughtered by the opponent, one by one, with a very neat and simple method, very similar to the previous ones.

Seeing the companions around them fall one by one, the survivors were frightened and turned around to flee.

"Go back and kill me!"

Emperor Ren killed a fleeing person, his eyes were red with anger, and he roared loudly while killing the fleeing person, "Do you think you can escape? The pursuers will come after you soon, kill those who don't want to die, kill them!" Only them, you have a way to survive."

His roar had some consequences, maybe he was shocked by his red and fierce eyes, maybe he was afraid of dying in his hands, no one escaped, turned around and went back.

Emperor Ren knew that his way of life was Hongye Ridge, as long as he rushed into the stone forest, he would have a way of life.

Take the lead to kill the person on the opposite side, and shout at the same time, "Kill, there is a way to survive if you rush into the stone forest, kill quickly!"

When the rebel army heard Emperor Ren's words, their spirits were shaken. That's right, this place is not far from the stone forest. As long as they rush into the stone forest, they will have a way to survive!
"Damn, your opponent is me!"

At this moment, Hong Xingwu led his troops to catch up. Seeing a general running towards Emperor Ren, he kicked his feet and flew over from the horse, intercepting Emperor Ren's sword.

The lieutenant general: "..."

In order to survive, the rebel army fought back desperately. The army here held back for a few days, and also desperately vented. It depends on whose knife is fast and sharp enough.

The battlefield was very fierce, both sides were bloodshot, there were screams everywhere, and the bodies of their companions fell beside them.

Rivers of blood!
The battle lasted for two hours. Under the protection of his loyal subordinates, Emperor Ren rushed out of the encirclement and rushed into the stone forest with hundreds of people.

Qingyun took a picture of Chasing the Moon, one person and one horse seemed to be connected with each other, and Chasing the Moon walked slowly.

"Master Qing, I'm ashamed of you." Hong Xingwu's face was very ugly. He was the one who stopped Emperor Ren. He thought he could capture Emperor Ren alive, but he ran away in the end.

Qingyun patted him on the shoulder, and said calmly: "It's just a miss, it's no big deal, learn from the lesson, and next time you'll be quick and don't give the enemy a chance to escape. Go, go to Hongye Ridge, and meet this Emperor Ren."

The army left a part of the troops to clean the battlefield, while the others headed for Hongye Ridge in a mighty manner.

"How about the county seat?" Qingyun asked Hong Xingwu, he was close, and the movement in the county seat couldn't be hidden from him.

"It's over in the county seat. I heard that the magistrate of Changping was very cooperative with Xiaoxi and the others. The two teamed up and wiped out all the [-] rebels outside the city. Zhou Xiaoxi and the others stayed in the county seat and waited for the army to converge."

Qingyun likes people who are capable and knowledgeable about current affairs, and Changping county magistrate is one of them.

Emperor Ren thought that fleeing back to Hongye Ridge was the way to survive. He never thought that there were still 1000 people waiting in Hongye Ridge, but what awaited him was a catastrophe.

When Qingyun arrived at Hongye Ridge, the lieutenant had already arrested Rendi and the others, tied them up, and threw them on the grass outside.

Those who resisted were killed on the spot, leaving less than 100 of them.

The deputy general had already moved a chair in the middle, Qingyun got off his horse, walked over to sit down, and looked at Emperor Ren in the middle.

It's really strange that a very ordinary person, who can't see anything special, has pulled up more than 5 soldiers and horses.

"You are called emperor with only 8 soldiers and horses, and you are called king with more than [-] soldiers and horses. How can you be confident?" Qing Yun asked curiously, and he didn't need to answer.

Qingyun's words confused the generals. Isn't it time to press Emperor Rendi's family background, is there any other place where the gold leaf jewels are hidden?

Rendi had predicted his end, so instead of lowering his head like the others, he looked up at the person sitting on the chair. He was thin, with a silver mask on his face. Thick flesh, against the background of the vicious person, looks even weaker.

Oddly enough, these menacing people were in awe of this man.

"Where are the gold leaf jewels you robbed hidden? I'll treat you honestly." Qing Yun said with a blank expression, then waved his hand: "Notify the army, dig three feet of the ground, and all the food will be transported out."

Thinking of giving away so much grain to others for nothing, Qing Yun felt distressed, and said with pain: "Send it to Changping County, alas, you have to keep an account, first lend it to them, forget the interest, and you must pay it back."

Even if Master Qing didn't say that Hong Xingwu had to keep accounts, if he didn't keep accounts, Master Qing would think later that he would be embarrassed to ask the magistrate of Changping County for accounts, and he would definitely be able to deal with him.

"who are you?"

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "Who am I? I won't tell you."

Emperor Ren was so angry that he vomited blood. He listened to the man's orders one by one. Those generals carried out them in an orderly manner without saying a word. banner.

That is not the imperial flag.

The person who had escaped from the county had mentioned that the army to rescue Jiang Yunsheng had suddenly appeared. He subconsciously thought of King Liang of Han and the others, and never thought of other possibilities.

This army is not from their north at all.

Where did Jiang Yunsheng find the rescuers?
"Who are you? Are you not the army of Gao'an Huaizhou? I have seen the flag of the Gao'an army. What will Jiang Yunsheng give you, I will double, no, triple, no, I will give you all my wealth, let me go !"

When did Beidi hide such a large army, Gao An didn't even know about it?Does Huaizhou know?Who is hiding this army?Where are you hiding?
"No, who told you to reveal our identities! People who are too smart will end badly, and all your wealth will still be mine after you die. Send this 'Emperor Ren' on the road." Qing Yun smiled, The words that came out felt chills in my heart.

Emperor Ren was in despair. He had seen that this person was very indifferent. He saw a general draw a sword and come towards him. Emperor Ren was desperate and desperately trying to survive.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"General, general, I have a map of Stone Forest, I will trade the map of Stone Forest for my life."

Qingyun was startled, and looked at him indifferently, wanting it very much in his heart, but he had to keep his expression on his face.No wonder she searched all over Rendi's house, hidden compartments and secret rooms, but couldn't find the map of Shilin.

She also suspected that Emperor Ren should carry such an important thing with him.She entered Hongye Ridge, but the lieutenant general didn't give it to her, which made her think that Rendi and the others just got lucky and found this safe road by accident.

"Where's the map?" Qingyun raised his chin.

"The general first agreed to let me go. The map is hidden in a safe place, and no one else will know about it except me." Emperor Ren held back his words and threatened, staring at him nervously.He was betting on the importance of Shilin to this person.

Hong Xingwu and the other generals knew what was going on, Lord Qing disliked being threatened the most, and glanced at Emperor Ren sympathetically.

This man is hopeless!
Qingyun gave him a cold look, and the lieutenant standing next to Emperor Ren cut him off with a knife.The moment the blood splattered, Emperor Ren couldn't believe that he died like this.

Qingyun didn't believe it anymore, what secret place could a map hide?
She touched the corpse with her own hands, from the top of the head all the way down, thinking that the clothes were in the way, so she took off the coat, touched the thigh, touched an uneven place, and with a little force, with a "hiss", she tore it off forcefully. The pants.

I saw a scar on the inner thigh, the scar was about the length of a finger, a little bulging.

Qingyun pressed it, there was something inside, and he wiped his hands on Hong Xingwu's clothes, "There is something inside, dig it out!"

The deputy general stationed at Hongye Ridge was ashamed. After arresting Emperor Ren, he searched his body, hair knots, clothes corners, interlayers, and shoe soles, but he couldn't find them.

Then again, the ghost knows he hid things in his own flesh, who would do that?The most ruthless one they have ever seen has the pattern tattooed on their back, which is the first time they have seen it among the hidden meat.

It's ruthless!

The lieutenant general picked up the scar and dug out a small thing the size of a finger, which was wrapped in waterproof oil paper.Rinse off the blood on it with water, carefully open it...

That paper, let's say it's paper, is very, very thin, much thinner than a butterfly's wing, soft, and spread on the chair is as transparent as if it has been wiped with water.

Strange lines were drawn on it.

The generals looked and looked, but couldn't understand.

Qingyun also studied it very seriously, but in the end he couldn't understand it, it was very profound, so he put it away very calmly, "Take it back and show it to Yanheng."

The generals understood it in seconds, and the Bai army division was rich and knowledgeable, so maybe they could understand it.

"Have you finished moving things?" Qingyun asked.

"After moving, all the food and valuables have been loaded into the truck, and the army can leave."

Except for the house that cannot be moved, everything that can be moved has been moved, and the pots and pans have not been leaked. Changping County has suffered several disasters in battles.

 Thanks to 20190530010641784, it turned out to be strange, 100822132838961, the monthly ticket voted by Aman 76, okay?
  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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