"General, through this forest, you will enter the border of Jilin County. The spies came to report that the army in Li County has already fought with the King of Han, and the fight is very fierce." The deputy general said.

This army is exactly Liang Wang's confidant, General Wang and his [-] soldiers and horses.After they left Tang County, they didn't rush to Jilin County as fast as they could. The journey was as slow as a summer tour.

Tired from the journey, find a shady place to rest; when it’s time to eat, bury the pot for cooking; when it’s dark, it’s time to set up camp and rest.

Fighting to death in Jilin has nothing to do with them. It is the army of King Han or the army of Li County who died. Anyway, he is the one in the end: the one who wins when the snipe and the clam fight.

"The more intense the fight, the better, let people keep watching, and tell General Ben when there is a result."

General Wang was not very interested. The general Liang Wang who came to Jilin this time appointed someone else, and he proposed it on his own initiative.He couldn't understand the military commander's pretentious appearance, and often said in front of King Liang that he was disobedient to discipline.

Where did he disobey discipline?

He and Liang Wang lived in the same village, and grew up naked together. That kind of friendship is not something that a foreigner like him can sow discord.

The military adviser didn't want him to come to Jilin, but he wanted to come. He just didn't arrive on the date the military adviser said. He had to wait for the king of Han and the army of Li County to be injured before he went to the rescue.

If the King of Han still had soldiers and horses, he would join forces with the King of Han to destroy the army of Li County.

You must arrive in Jilin on the stipulated day!

A scholar is a scholar. There is a saying that goes: A scholar who failed in three years in the army is talking about him. He is timid and suspicious when he fails in his work. Why should he sacrifice their troops to save that bastard King of Han?

If it weren't for his chattering, he would fool the king of Liang not to send troops to attack other counties casually, not to force himself, Gao An would send troops to exterminate them when he became powerful, and so on.

He doesn't understand what the army wants to cultivate and what body, anyway, the army wants to keep a low profile.If he wanted to listen to him, he would have led troops to sweep Jilin, Changping, Lixian, and Huping counties a long time ago. There is no such thing as Lixian's army.

Now it’s an afterthought, what’s the use of saying that if you don’t help Jilin and the others, you will be in danger. If you knew today, you should have sent troops to wipe out the rebels in other counties.

After leaving the forest, General Wang looked up at the sky, it was already time for dinner, and he was going to find a valley to set up camp and bury the pot for cooking.

a certain valley

The dozen or so elite soldiers in ambush stared at the forest across the road leading to Jilin.After receiving the order, they took turns to row the boat to Jilin day and night, worrying that they would miss Liang Wang's army if they missed the day.

"Hey, why hasn't King Liang's army come yet? We've been in ambush for a few days." The elite soldier spat out the thatch in his mouth, and couldn't help complaining.

Ants can walk faster than them.

The brothers in ambush from other roads sent news that King Liang's army did not leave them, and there was no ghost of the army in Jilin. Later, the spies went to Tang County to find their troops.

Those who don't travel in broad daylight sleep in the woods.

"Okay, don't complain, the slower they come, the longer they will delay, our army will be faster than them, if several armies converge, there will be no danger in killing them seven times.

We are lucky, their army passed by this way, and several other teams are on their way and will arrive soon.

Don't talk anymore, cheer up, the army is coming soon, get ready, wait for their army to enter the valley to rest, and the sky will be dark. "He Qiu said.

"We're going to Jilin soon, will they go into the valley?"

"According to the situation of the spies in the past few days, they will definitely enter the valley, and it's time to eat."

The corners of the mouths of the dozen elite soldiers twitched, thinking that they were shocked when they heard the news. If anyone waited for them to save their lives, their bodies would have dried up in the sun.

The king of Han joined forces with King Liang's army after eight lifetimes of misfortune. The army walked slowly, and had to rest after walking for a few miles. After walking for a while, they had to eat again. After eating, they had to rest. After the rest, it was too hot. Go, I can't go for an hour, it's dark and I won't go
Looking at the time now, it is indeed time to eat.

Then I saw King Liang's army really entered the valley, and then buried the pot to cook.

He Qiu's dozen elite soldiers waited for their army to relax, lit their secret weapons, threw their brains into the army, and then ran away quickly.

If you don't run, you can't. I heard that this thing is very powerful. With a "bang", the earth shakes and the mountain shakes. It is more powerful than a ground cow turning over. One can kill a lot of people. If you get close, it will easily kill your own people. Don't run fast. No way.

After running for a certain distance, I heard several loud noises in succession, and then the whole valley and the ground dragon turned over and shook, and after the aftermath, there were screams.

After the valley calmed down, He Qiu and his group of elite soldiers ran back again, and they clicked their tongues when they saw corpses and wounded all over the ground, what a tragedy!
The thing Qing Ye gave is too powerful!

awful!That's horrible!
Before General Wang and the others recovered from the explosion, He Qiu and his group of elite soldiers left the place quickly, and if they didn't leave, 100 of them would be beaten into sieves.

Qingyun's army wiped out Rendi's army on the other side of the stone forest, and the Qikill army raided the Hanwang barracks outside the county seat one night.Of the [-] troops of the King of Han, only [-] were in the barracks, and the other [-] troops were in the county town.

The [-] troops rushed into the barracks, and soon wiped out [-] soldiers of the King of Han, and changed the uniforms of the rebel army. Seven kills led the army to the county seat overnight, pretending to have received orders from the King of Han to smear and sneak into the city. .

"Open the door. We are entering the city on the order of the king. Open the door quickly. You can't afford to delay the business of the king."

"General, no one opened the door."

After shouting at the door for a long time, the officers and soldiers guarding the city did not know what to do, but no one opened the door.

"Go, go back first!"

Unable to get in, Seven Kills and the others went back to Han Wang's barracks overnight to rest.

After daybreak, Seven Kills led the army to the county again. The officers and soldiers guarding the city saw the black army rushing towards the county. The golden dragon flag in the army was particularly eye-catching, so they immediately closed the city gate.

The King of Han was still sleeping with his Xinna concubine in his arms, and the door was smashed "bang bang bang", shouting as he smashed: "My lord, my lord, it's not good, it's not good, there are many troops coming from outside the city, not ours." people, they are coming to attack the city!"

"Army? What army? Where did the army come from?" King Han was stupefied when he was woken up by someone, and when he heard someone yelling to beat him, he immediately woke up in fright.

"Who is calling?" the King of Han asked again.

"I don't know, I have never seen their flag before. By the way, Your Majesty, they are wearing our military uniforms. I suspect that they have already killed the [-] soldiers and horses in the camp outside the city. Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Come on, let's go and have a look together. This king wants to see who has the guts of a bear and a leopard, and dares to break ground when he is too old."

When the king of Han received the news, he ran to the city wall and saw the army wearing their army uniforms and flying unfamiliar flags. He called his mother by name and pointed at his nose, almost vomiting blood.

The five thousand soldiers guarding the barracks are gone!

"Where did the son of a bitch come from, and give the name to grandpa?" Han Wang, who was born as a bandit, had no worries, rolled up his sleeves and cursed back, whatever was ugly.

After scolding for a while, he was puzzled, gathered 8000 soldiers and horses, opened the city gate and rushed out to fight. After killing for a while, he found that the enemy was too cruel, so he turned around and led the army to the county seat.In the previous battle, he lost 3000 people, and the other party also lost [-] to [-] people. Generally speaking, his losses were greater.

Qi Sha chased him to the gate, the city gate was closed, and he yelled and cursed outside for a long time, but the king of Han didn't come out, so he brought a bunch of people to scold back at the gate, both sides were spitting and furious.

Qi Sha scolded Han Wang's parents as bastards, Han Wang endured it and refused to send troops, Qi Sha fired a real fire, pulled out a secret weapon, and was about to be shot by someone, so he threw it at Han Wang and the others.

The king of Han saw the enemy's strange movements, although he didn't know what they were doing, but the direction was towards him, and his intuition was not good. The moment the enemy threw him, he yelled "Run" and turned around and fled here.


With a loud bang, accompanied by shaking of the earth and countless screams, half of the city wall collapsed.The surviving King of Han and his soldiers looked dazedly at the half-collapsed city wall.

Who can tell them what happened?
Seven kills and the others were also taken aback by the huge power of the secret weapon, and then there was the cheers of the army.

The secret weapon was put into speculation again, ready to throw it at the city wall again, and blow it up if it couldn't get in.

The king of Han was in a daze for a while, and saw that the situation was very unfavorable to them. If the enemy army had many such strange weapons in their hands, they would have no choice but to die.

The King of Han turned his eyes and fooled the army, "Brothers, if you want to fight out alive, killing one is enough to kill two to make money. The army outside is all recruits, and all wars rely on secret weapons. We are all from thousands of troops. The heroes killed by the horses, their secret weapons have been used up, and now it's our turn. Kill!"

After fooling the army, he opened the city gate and rushed out, fighting with the enemy again, he couldn't believe it, the armies of both sides were fighting together, and they dared to throw that secret weapon.

The armies of both sides fought again outside the city gate.


After the bombing, General Wang re-counted the number of troops, from [-] to [-], and lost [-] at once, and almost vomited blood with anger.

He originally wanted to be a profitable fisherman, so he didn't have to do anything to reap the enemy's army. He still had the benefit of a copper coin confiscated, but the enemy army attacked them first, and lost troops and generals. It was terrible!

Li County's army has secret weapons, and they all know that the people who attacked them must be soldiers from Li County.

The military adviser guessed right, the generals in Li County were ambitious, and they really planned to take several counties in this area into their pockets.

"General, shall we still go to Jilin to join the King of Han?" the bewildered lieutenant asked General Wang.

"Go to hell, do you think our army can support us like this?"

General Wang felt a little regretful at this moment. He shouldn't have objected to the military division deliberately playing against him. If he had arrived in Jilin on the stipulated date and joined forces with the King of Han, wouldn't this surprise attack not have happened?
How did the army in Li County know that their army was going this way?General Wang suspected spies in the army and leaked their whereabouts.

In the current situation, it is very difficult to find the spies. The whereabouts of the army are not classified. All the soldiers know that any soldier can leak it, and it is not a confidential matter in the army.

The spy couldn't be found.

Right now, the army is blocked at the junction of Jilin and Tang County. It is impossible to support Hanwang.

"Find it, dig three feet into the ground and find it. You must find the enemy soldiers who threw weapons. This general will cut them into pieces!"

The army panicked for a while, and the army without the enemy took the opportunity to rob and kill. General Wang suspected that the enemy army was just a small team, with hundreds of people at most.

"Immediately send people back to Tang County, and tell King Liang that our army has been ambushed by Li County's army, and there are many casualties. There is no way to go to Jilin to support Han King, so I ask for troops to come to rescue. Tell Liang Wang and the others to be vigilant and beware of Li County's army. Sneak attack.

Grandma is a bear, and she is also an imperial army, bah, a group of shameless and shameless people, who have the ability to come out and do a fair and honest job by using unscrupulous means. "

When the surrounding soldiers heard General Wang yelling, they all pretended not to hear.What to do, I picked a team of 100 people to deliver the letter, hoping to bet on them.

The troops from Huitang County were killed by He Qiu and the others when they were more than a dozen miles away from the army.


The border between Tang County and Li County

"What happened to the Seven Killers? Did Wan Li Deng Qun join the Seven Killers?" Qing Yun asked.

She must understand the situation in Tang County, Jilin as soon as possible, and change her plan at any time according to changes in the battlefield.

"The scouts sent back the news that the Seven Killers used secret weapons to blow up the city wall and forced the King of Han to go out of the city to fight. The Seven Killers suffered a loss in numbers and gradually lost the wind. They were just about to retreat. Wanli Deng Qun and their army arrived. After joining the battlefield, Our army has the upper hand, and it won't be long before we can take Jilin County."

In this way, their army does not need to go to Jilin.

"Is He Qiu's plan going well?" Qingyun asked again.

As soon as this question was asked, Zhou Xiaoxi, Hong Xingwu and the others deeply admired Qing Ye as a general, and he guessed it right.

"Successfully, King Liang really sent [-] troops. The general is King Liang's confidant, General Wang. He bombed the valley at the border between Jilin and Tang County. He has not supported Jilin for the time being."

Isn't this the time to beat the dog in the water? If you don't beat it, you can't wait for God.

"Zhou Xiaoxi, you immediately lead an army of [-] to intercept General Wang and the others, and finally leave them in the valley. Hong Xingwu, the plan has changed, and the army is notified to go to Tang County immediately." Qing Yun planned to go to Tang County to trample on the land.

"Yes! The last general takes orders!"

After Zhou Xiaoxi's army left, Qingyun's army turned around and went to Tang County.

Hong Xingwu picked a hundred elite soldiers to investigate at Atouling, the former lair of King Liang.

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