Respect first and then soldiers!

Tian Duoliang's black bear yelled for someone to open the door, of course he couldn't do it, and was scolded. The two of them are the kind of people who can swallow their anger, so of course they didn't do it, and ordered the army to attack the city.

The gate of the county seat was so strong that it didn't open after two days of bumping. Tian Duoliang didn't bother to hit it. A bomb was thrown on the gate, and with a bang, a big hole came out.

Liang Wang and the others on the city wall only felt that the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the city wall seemed to be collapsing, and they were scared to death.

They won the battle without any suspense. Their army was nearly 6, and they fought for a whole day. The defeated King Liang took their dead soldiers and thousands of soldiers and horses, fled from the south of the city, and was intercepted by Zhou Xiaoxi and the others. killed.

Qingyun rode chasing the moon into the city, the city was clean, Tian Duoliang had already wiped out the rebels of King Liang's faction in the city, as long as anyone involved with King Liang, no matter who it was, all their wealth would be confiscated.

"Master Qing, I miss you so much!"

Tian Duoliang saw Master Qing coming from afar, and rushed over with tears in his eyes, wanting to give Qing Yun a hug, but was kicked away by Qing Yun, Qing Yun only had one word, "Get out!"

The black bear who had rushed over to beg for a hug, took a look at Tian Duoliang's fate, and turned a corner silently.

The brothers laughed when they saw Tian Duoliang's black bear deflated.

"Why are you all alone, where is Bai Shaojie?" Qingyun glanced, but Bai Shaojie, Bai Shi and the others were not there.

"Shaojie and the others have returned to Li County, they thought you were in Li County, Lord Qing, and wanted to go back to see you soon."

At that time he asked Bai Shaojie and the others to come together, I don't know what Bai Shaojie was thinking, he just didn't want to go back to Li County, Bai Shaojie's excuse was that he wanted to see Lord Qing, so he didn't know why he was so anxious.

Qingyun nodded, and waved towards the army. The originally lazy army changed instantly. All of them were solemn and indifferent, with evil spirits surging, and the iron-colored armor made them look like evil spirits possessed.

"Da Liang, Black Bear, long time no see."

Zhou Xiaoxi, Hong Xingwu and other generals came over to say hello, Zhou Xiaoxi thumped the black bear, and said with a smile: "No wonder Master Qing is not in a hurry, so you two are here."

Tian Duoliang Heixiong was confused and asked what was going on, Zhou Xiaoxi told the situation at that time.

". When we were halfway there, Master Qing suddenly stopped leaving. What did you say? After you finished fighting the army and came to buy the bottom, you didn't know how clever everyone was. No one thought that Master Qing guessed that you were coming. By the way, Why did you come to Tang County?"

Definitely not telling the truth.

Tian Duoliang has a thick skin, so he made up an excuse, "As soon as we left the Ligu Mountains, I heard from the people outside that the most powerful person in the Northland is King Liang, who was born as a bandit. I just wanted to see how powerful he is. .”

Believe it or not, Zhou Xiaoxi is the only one who knows, if Tian Duoliang would come out and find a rebel to beat him up.

At the lunch meeting, both parties talked about their experiences after separation.

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others had never sent troops except for the battle on the border.

Zhou Xiaoxi and the others were different. When they came to the Northland, they did a battle first, sweeping up the rebels every now and then. This time they came out to recover several counties, and it was another large-scale battle. There were almost a dozen times, large and small. Experience a rise that is visible to the naked eye.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, and the others are envious and jealous!I only wish I hadn't come here sooner.

While gnawing on the mutton, Qingyun listened to them blowing water, unconsciously drank a few bowls of wine, and was still wondering where King Liang's treasure was hidden.The spies who went to Atouling came back and reported that it was not Liang Wang's old lair at all, but the bandits found one and wiped it out.

"General, they have recruited." At this moment, a soldier ran over and reported cheerfully.

"What's the trick?" Zhou Xiaoxi asked, this drink is a bit high, and the brain is not very bright.

"We captured several important figures from King Liang's gang, and they recruited King Liang's treasure land."

As soon as they heard that the treasure of King Liang had been found, the drunken people immediately stopped drunk, and they all jumped up and asked where the treasure was.

Qingyun let them fight, watching Tian Duoliang being forced by everyone to find the treasure, she gnawed half a sheep again, returned to the tent in a daze, and fell asleep at the end.

Beidi's drinking power is strong, if Qingyun doesn't force it out, she can't stand it.

The next day, Tian Duoliang, black bear, Zhou Xiaoxi and the others went to find the treasure, Qingyun took over the official duties of Tang County, and listened to the report of the surviving officials of the Yamen.

Liang Wang and the others still have a bit of brains, killing the chickens to scare the monkeys, killing the county magistrate and several important official families of the master Bo, and other small officials were forced by Liang Wang and his power to survive with humiliation and continue to work in the yamen. got one.

After Qingyun took over, it was not too troublesome. After listening to the reports of the officials in various positions, there was only one feeling: it was a mess.

The important positions are all the people of Liang Wang. These people don't know how to govern the county and like to put on airs. They command in a mess, and the small officials dare not listen, and the result is chaos in the yamen.

Qingyun thinks about it, the yamen's affairs are not in a hurry, anyway, they have been in chaos for not less than a few months.

There is a saying: Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping wood by mistake. This word is not appropriate to use here, and the meaning is the same.

There are no tools, the knife is not sharp, no, there is no one to do things for her, and she alone can't finish it even if she is dead. Besides, to govern a county, officials in various positions are indispensable.

With a wave of Qingyun's hand, he posted the notice of the imperial examination, no one is working, recruit!
The master must be a capable person, think about the capable people in her hands, Lu Ming and Yang Huai'en, after pondering back and forth between the two of them for a few times, finally decided on Lu Ming, appointed him as the county magistrate of Tang County, and ordered him Take office immediately.

After sorting out the affairs of the Tang County government office, Hong Xingwu left [-] troops to guard the county seat. As soon as Lu Ming arrived, Qing Yun handed over the affairs, and the army immediately returned to Li County.

Lu Ming watched the army go far away, and took a deep breath. From now on, he will have to take care of a county town by himself. He is under a lot of pressure and at the same time faintly excited.

When Qingyun returned to Li County, the imperial examination had just ended, and before Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Huaien and his group came over with several large baskets of paperwork backlogged and asked her to handle official duties.

Qingyun: "..."

There is a saying that I don’t know what to say or not to say!
Qing Yun has a headache, she can't stay in Li County all the time, she is not a magistrate, Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others did all the things.

Lu Ming went to Tang County to take up the post immediately. She can't favor one person over another. Jilin County will soon be nominated as a county magistrate, and her own people should take care of her more. Immediately promote Yang Huai'en as county magistrate, so that Huai'en is justified, and she doesn't have to worry about anything up.

As soon as Yang Huaien took office, Qingyun immediately returned Li County's official duties to him, but the county magistrate of Jilin had to make her decision.

The imperial examinations conducted by Qingyun and the others are also divided into first-class and second-class. The most urgent task is the final assessment, to fill in the vacancies first, and Yang Huai'en will bring along the person who fills up the vacancies.

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