Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 738 Lao Tzu's chapter is the imperial decree

Chapter 738
"You want to distribute the land of the powerful and noble families to the people of the world." Bai Yanheng said, he was surprised only for a moment, and then he became indifferent.

"To be precise, I want to take back the land of the nobles and the noble families, and then distribute the land to the people reasonably according to the size of the land. If the common people are to have enough food and clothing, the land cannot be in the hands of the nobles and the noble families."

Qingyun chuckled, "From ancient times to the present, for thousands of years, the land has been in the hands of the powerful, and I know it is very difficult to break this rule and challenge the powerful families in the world.

The sage said: A gentleman does what he does and what he does not.

I am not a gentleman, but I have seen what life the common people live.Yan Heng, there are always things in this world that must be done by someone, even if the head is broken and the body is smashed to pieces. "

This is bullshit, Qingyun doesn't have such great ambitions.She didn't want the country she and her brothers worked so hard to conquer would end up taking advantage of the powerful and aristocratic families.

Qingyun smiled evilly, "Rules are meant to be broken, nothing is set in stone. I am willing to do this first! I don't care about other places, and I can't care about them, but in my territory, I have to follow my rules.

Now is a good time!
The rich and powerful families in the counties of Li County, Tang County, Jilin, Changping, and Huping have all run away, and the land is mine.In the future, even if they come back, it is not their decision. I snatched everything back from the rebels, and I have the final say on how to distribute it. "

If you don't accept it, it's ok. I'll ransack your house and see if you accept it.

Power comes from the barrel of a gun!

She takes it for granted!
Bai Yanheng was more surprised this day than he was in the past twenty years, and he became numb when he was too surprised.

"Don't underestimate the power of the aristocratic family. Maybe their soldiers and horses are not as strong as yours, but their plots and tricks are beyond your imagination."

From ancient to modern times, counting the emperors of all dynasties, which one did not want to shake the status of the family, and who succeeded?In the end, instead of killing the emperor secretly, if the emperor can't be killed, then change the dynasty.

"There are ways to deal with the aristocratic family. If the aristocratic family wants land, you can buy it from me. The right to use the land is 50 or 100 years. After the deadline, the land will be taken back."

With the money and the crisis resolved, why not do it!
"That matter is too far away, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the matter of land distribution, what do you think? Is it feasible?"

Before Bai Yanheng could speak, Qingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "I've thought about it carefully, and this plan can still be carried out. It's very unadvisable to implement this plan in a prosperous age or after the founding of the nation.

Throughout the dynasties, the powerful or aristocratic families have controlled the court, and what is moving is their interests and power. Of course they want to stop it.

Those who have just established a country are not good either. One is that the treasury is empty and there is no money to fight with the family. Another reason is that the emperor may be supported by the family. How can he have the courage to fight against the family? If he was killed and replaced with another emperor, he would have to die with peace in his eyes!

I am different, neither of these two things are accounted for.We have no shortage of money for the time being, and we are not afraid of it. There are rebels and bandits everywhere. If there is a shortage, we will suppress them.

There is no need for an aristocratic family, I have brothers, they are my confidence.To put it an exaggeration, I have always believed in myself, and I can get what I want by myself.

Right now is a troubled time, the aristocratic family and the powerful are hard to protect themselves. They want to compete with the princes and their compatriots in the past. How can they pay attention to whether this remote place like me will be reformed or not?
As long as the people benefit, and they taste the benefits of being the first to eat crabs, more people will naturally fight for themselves.

The common people are used to it, and officials everywhere will also get used to it.If they are not used to it, I will let them get used to it.In my territory, Lao Tzu's words are imperial edicts! "

It's just so overbearing and unreasonable!
Bai Yanheng: "..."

You've already decided, what else do you want him to say?
What can he say?
Bai Yanheng thought about it carefully, maybe it didn't go well at the beginning, there must have been a lot of obstacles jumping out, just Qingyun's domineering temperament, these are not a problem.

And from the perspective of long-term interests, this is a very good idea, the powerful and aristocratic families can no longer control the court.

This world is about to change!
If it is really going to happen, this storm will sweep all the powerful and aristocratic families in the world, in other words, make enemies of the whole world.

Bai Yanheng lowered his eyes, Qingyun just didn't carry out reforms, and if she wanted to get to that position in her capacity, she would also be an enemy of the whole world.

In terms of reform, she is still the enemy of the whole world. The only difference is that she has drawn [-]% of the common people into her team. If she disagrees with her policies, she can only be bullied by the powerful family.

How to choose... Hehe, anyone with a brain knows how to choose.

Bai Yanheng put his hands on his lips and smiled lightly, this method can be tried.

"If you want to try, you can try it, and you will sacrifice your life to accompany the gentleman."

Qingyun clapped his hands, "That's the deal. Immediately notify several county magistrates to come over and discuss the details with them to minimize unnecessary troubles and implement this plan as soon as possible. I want to go to Gao'an for a walk , it’s best to carry it out before I go to Gao’an.”

The last time Gao'an mansion sent people, I should have guessed the situation on their side, sooner or later they have to fight, when she is ready, Gao'an's side is also ready, when the time comes to fight, it depends on everyone The army is strong.

She only has 20 soldiers and horses, fighting with others is the stupidest thing to do. Even if she wins in the end, it will be a miserable victory. Any team that pops up at random can destroy her.

Besides, it doesn't necessarily mean that they won, it's better to take advantage of the fact that they are not even a fart in the eyes of Gao'an Mansion, and catch them by surprise.

What should be solved is solved, what should be dealt with is dealt with, Qingyun has nothing to do, and immediately drives people away.

Bai Yanheng put down his cup and went out to handle this matter. The army probably would be indispensable.

Jiang Hai followed Tian Duoliang to the valley, and Tian Duoliang waved his hand in a circle and said: "This area is your camp, you just saw the camp of the army, you can build it however you want, Master Qing doesn't care about it.

I just introduced military discipline to you, and I have another thing to tell you, apart from training, the army usually has to open up wasteland and cultivate land. No one is special, and Master Qing also wants to open up wasteland.

Now, that piece of land was reclaimed by our army before, and a large piece of land was opened up. The land is very fertile, and it is good for growing anything.There are seed camps, you can go to pick them up. "

Jiang Hai: "..."

After watching the training of the army before, he was still in shock and didn't come back to his senses. When he suddenly heard that they were going to open up wasteland and farm, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Do you still want to open up wasteland and farm? Is there no food in the army?"

Jiang Hai thought he had heard it wrong, it was unbelievable, they were forced to be bandits and had never farmed land, but they never thought that they would have to copy their old business again when they came to Li County.

 Thanks to tkpmm, Blue Eagle Technology Business, looking back at the past, it has passed away, and I voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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