Chapter 740
this question...

The yamen servant smacked his lips, "Why can't female dolls divide the land? Aren't they human?"

What do the people say about this?
Since they were born, their ancestors have been educated like this. Girl dolls are money-losing goods, worthless, as long as they don’t starve to death, sooner or later they will belong to someone else’s family.

"Our general said that in the county under his jurisdiction, men and women are equal, and women have the power that men have. It is not easy for men to make money to support their families? Is it easy for women? Women have to bear children, take care of housework, and serve the elderly. They also have to work in the fields, which is also a great contribution, so women also have the right to share the land."

The women compatriots under the stele were moved to tears when they heard the words of the yamen servants. Some people knew that their difficulties were not easy, and wiped their eyes. Boundless!
"The general is wise and powerful. From now on, we women can also divide the world. You men are not allowed to say that women are losers." A woman covered in savage flesh shouted at the men around her, and raised her fist threateningly.

Generally, men still have not changed their minds, but it is a good thing that female dolls can divide the land.

"Master official, according to this, can female dolls also be able to study and rely on the imperial examination?" Someone in the crowd raised an argument.

The young master didn't say anything.

The yamen servants are all his own people, he thinks about Master Qing's weird and changeable temperament, it's really hard to say.

"What this big brother said is very reasonable. Don't worry, I will report this suggestion to the general truthfully. Maybe in the near future, there will be female officials in our county, as long as you are willing to send female dolls to study."

The yamen servant looked relieved and looked at the man who spoke just now.

There are not many people who have the money to send their boys to school, and whoever sends their girls to school is not too busy to do anything.

The crowd pushed him away, and continued to grab the yamen servant and asked, "Master, do you have to pay land tax for the allocated land? How much money is paid for one mu of land? How much land can a person get?"

"The general is sympathetic to the difficulty of the common people's life, canceled the unreasonable places, and there is no need to pay the messy taxes. The land allocated to the common people does not need to pay money, and the tax will be paid according to the land in the future. How to pay the specific taxes, the Yamen will For those who issue notices, you will know when you read the notices.

The land is divided according to the population, and the yamen will notify each township and village, and the head of the village will count the population of each household and hand it over to the yamen, and the yamen will send people to each village. "

The scenes in the five county towns were similar. The people surrounded the yamen servants and kept asking questions.

The dignitaries and wealthy merchants in various counties hide at home and call Qingyun "Zhuzi", "dog thing", "robber", "too much bully", "bandit" and so on.

Many powerful merchants jointly went to the Yamen to ask for justice, asking the county magistrate to ban those policies, but the county magistrate politely refused, and one by one moved out generals to suppress them.

"Everyone, it's not that we don't want to help, and we have nothing to do. These policies were promulgated by the generals. We don't have that power, and we don't have that ability!

When the rebels occupied the county, everyone lived in fear every day, not knowing which day they would be killed by the rebels.Now everyone can live in peace, thanks to the blessing of the general.

Besides, you all know how I got here as the county magistrate..."

The county magistrates showed wry smiles and unspeakable expressions. It is more convincing for them to guess than to say it directly.

"Whether the black hats on our heads can be kept is still a problem. If you think it is unfair, you might as well go to the general to discuss it. In fact, the general is very reasonable."

What if the general is unreasonable?

No one dared to delve into this issue.

However, those who think they have a deep background, dare not provoke the general, and incite the people who don't know the truth, go to the county government to block the county magistrate every day, so as to threaten to achieve their goals.

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the other generals didn't even bother to ask, they ransacked the house directly.

It's okay if we don't act vigorously, they heard the rumor that this matter was resolved, Master Qing just went to Gao'an, they wished that several counties could implement it smoothly in one day.

good for everyone!
If anyone hinders them, the more violent the disturbance, the more thorough the house raid will be, and you will not be left with a single penny.

All the family property is confiscated, all the family property accumulated through decades of hard work is gone, and there are no tears to cry. What is even more frightening is that from now on, the whole family will be reduced to the common people. Let you taste how the common people live, and you will I can understand the people.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
That effect is awesome!

It is impossible to exile, and there is no place to exile.Don't mention the barbarians, the barbarians are now a treasure land of geomantic omen, muffled to open up wasteland and cultivate land, all the tribes work hard to save food and build people, but they hide it from the outsiders. The outsiders don't know anything, they think Barbarians are barren land.

The barbarians now look down on the outside world.

It is impossible to kill people, and they have not committed any crimes that must be killed. Besides, the effect of killing people is not so good. Look at those powerful and wealthy businessmen. After seeing their fate, they immediately lost their light, and dared not say a fart. .

Whoever dares to say anything will end up ransacking the property. Anyway, the confiscated land does not belong to them. They didn't run away. They all have title deeds in their hands. There are records in the yamen. The general can't confiscate them all, can he? !
Whoever let them run deserves it!
When those people come back, the houses are gone, the property is gone, and the fields are gone. Think about it, they are still a good deal.At half the market price, transfer the ownership in the Yamen again, and the land will be theirs.

Although the money was a large amount, compared to those who ran away without a hair, they were more comforted in their hearts.

With those house raiders in front, the policy was implemented very smoothly, and everything was settled within a month.

What?There are not so many hands to measure the land?
What is this!
There is no yamen, and there are a lot of people in the barracks. Is it enough to transfer tens of thousands of people?If it is not enough, tens of thousands more can be drawn out. In short, this matter must be implemented as soon as possible, and it is a sin to delay them from going to Gao'an.

The county magistrates were laughing behind their backs, hey, the signboard of the general is really useful, there are no obstacles in the way, everything they do goes smoothly, the rich and powerful don’t complain anymore, the rich and businessmen don’t complain anymore, the common people are happy, the world A piece of peace!

One month was enough for Jiang Hai and the others to build the military camp, open up the wilderness in a hurry, comb the land in order, and plant the corn seeds in the ground, and they will sprout soon.

 Thanks to 160608144541041, Dream Elf/Jump, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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