Chapter 744
It's not a big deal, the workers don't think it's bothersome, but can she feel troublesome if she just enjoys it?I can only admit it!

Tian Duoliang, Heixiong Qishapojun and their generals were all surprised when they saw Master Qing changed into the young master's clothes, they ran over and asked, "Master Qing, where are you going with your clothes dressed like this?"

The matter of attacking Gao'an Mansion has not been settled, so Master Qing is going to leave?
Without him in charge of the army, besides being unaccustomed to them, they were also a little flustered!
"I heard that Gao'an is very prosperous, I'll go see it."

"No, Lord Qing, we are going to attack Gao An soon, and it's the same when you go shopping after Gao An is defeated."

Tian Duoliang was interrupted by Qingyun before he finished speaking, "I will go to Gao'an to investigate the situation first, and provide information in time. I will leave the siege to you, and I trust you. I will wait for you in Gao'an."

Qingyun waved his hand to say goodbye to the generals, and rode on Chasing the Moon, with Bai Yanheng beside him, and the group went leisurely to Gao'an.

Believe your evil!

Gao An needs you to inquire about the news, what do the scouts they train do for food?
Tian Duoliang: "."

Black Bear: "."

Seven kills: "."

Breaking the military:"."

The war has not yet started, the commander and the military division went to the enemy camp first, and threw themselves into the trap.

Gao'an Prefecture

Cuiyunxuan restaurant, private room on the second floor, Lin Shaojie and a few friends gathered here, laughing and talking about the current situation.

"Zijie, since you came back, you seem to be very preoccupied. What happened? Is someone in the yamen making things difficult for you?"

Lin Zijie shook his head, "The yamen is not like that. Those things are the only things that make you uncomfortable. I'm used to it. It's fine, don't worry!"

Those trivial things in the yamen are not worth his worrying, what he worries about is other things.

Looking at this still prosperous city, who would have thought that dozens of miles outside the city, the rebels were looting and looting everywhere, the people were poorly clothed and hungry, and the dignitaries of Gao'an Mansion were still intoxicated in the nest of wealth, dreaming of life and death, not knowing that the danger had passed. approach them.

Seeing that his expression remained the same, several friends felt very helpless. They heard that the people who traveled with Zijie on business made things difficult for him every day in the yamen.

The friends sighed, Zijie was just too soft-tempered and too talkative!
"If someone in the yamen makes things difficult for you, just tell us that although we have no skills, it's okay to teach a few silly things."

Lin Zijie smiled, and looked out of the window again, as if something interesting outside the window attracted him.

"Seeing that you are absent-minded, you are always looking out of the window. What is there?"

The friend noticed that he was looking out of the window again, followed his gaze, and smiled when he saw the scene outside, "What's so interesting about recruiting relatives!"

A few other friends came over and laughed, "The Liang family is really down and out. The good young lady has fallen to the point of recruiting relatives, tsk tsk..."

"You know this one?" Lin Zijie asked curiously.

"You should have heard that the most famous cloth merchant in Gao'an, their family is as rich as a country. Now, this is the Liang family.

I heard that Mr. Liang's predecessors were imperial merchants who specially supplied cloth to the nobles in the palace. Then, for some reason, they were suddenly no longer imperial merchants.It was said that the Liang family had offended the people in the palace, and they had to hand over half of the property to save the family and return to Gao'an's hometown to take care of the elderly.

No, once Mr. Liang is gone, the orphans and widows will be left to guard the huge family property, so they must not be surrounded by wolves!Hearing that the Liang family used to force the sons of the widowed sister-in-law to inherit the incense, the daughter of the Liang family got angry and set up a wedding ring. "

Gao An had never heard of women recruiting relatives, and the young lady of the Liang family was the first to do so.Because of recruiting relatives, Gao An has been very busy these days, and he can hear gossip everywhere he goes.

It's been a long time since Gao An was so lively!

"It's so lively in front, what are they doing?"

Qingyun and his group were blocked in the middle of the road. This section is in the middle of a busy street, and there are quite a lot of people coming and going. Once the people gather together, it is difficult to move an inch.

The inn that Qingyun and the others are going to is still ahead, and it only takes a quarter of an hour to walk. It will take half an hour if they detour through other streets.

Qingyun stretched his neck to look around. In front of him was a high platform, more than ten feet high. On the platform stood a wooden board with words on it, which seemed to be a topic or something.

Behind the high platform is a building, on which there is a big red ball hanging in the middle. There is a girl with a scarf half covering her face, standing there with two maids, looking at the people below.

Qingyun blinked, this scene is very classic!
Think about it carefully, what, it seems to be the scene of a martial arts contest on TV to recruit relatives!

Bai Shaojie couldn't leave, so he dispatched Bai Yibai and the others to serve as temporary guards to protect Qingyun, Bai Yanheng and the others.

Bai Shi went to the front to inquire and came back, "Young Master, Master Bai, we are recruiting relatives in front. There are civil and military recruits. Wen recruits first and then martial recruits. This is the beginning. The common people can't get through the martial arts platform, or they can go around from the left. Let's go!"

Upon hearing the invitation, Qingyun's eyes lit up, and he said to Bai Yanheng: "You and the guards send the things to the inn first, and then come here to find me. It's already here, why don't you take a look first and then talk."

Saying that, he got off the horse, patted Zhuiyue on the neck, motioned him to go with Bai Er and the others, and then slid into the crowd.

Bai Yanheng: "..."

He couldn't do the act of sneaking under someone's armpit, so he ordered Bai Yibai and Er to take care of him and go to the inn from another street.

The side of the high platform is crowded with people, and Qingyun was squeezed out after entering the second floor. If he could get in with a little force, the common people would suffer a little.It's really not good to suffer for no reason just to watch the excitement.

With this little effort, Bai Yibai Er caught up.

Qingyun patted the person in front, and asked: "Brother, how is the recruiting going? Is there anyone up there?"

The person in front started ignoring him, but the person behind kept patting him, which made him feel uneasy. He turned around and was about to yell at him, but when he saw that it was a young man with two guards by his side, he held back his curse words.

"I just came here too, I don't know!" After speaking, he squeezed to the side and got out of the way.

Qingyun glanced at the person who moved away, scratched his chin, and was about to repeat his tricks to slap the person in front of him. Bai Yi stared at Qingyun, his scalp numb and said: "Master, there is a restaurant next to it, why don't you go to the restaurant to see it? The place is spacious and not crowded.”

Qingyun was busy watching the excitement, so he didn't bother to look at the buildings next to him, so he moved his eyes to the side and nodded.

"Go, go to the restaurant."

Qingyun turned around and went to the restaurant. Seeing that the son had left, the man was relieved just now.

Bai Er didn't know what method he used. The restaurant that didn't have private rooms originally vacated a room, and it was still on the top floor. There was only one private room on this floor, and Qing Yun used it.

 Thank you for listening to the sea, 854***206, the monthly ticket voted by Dahaijiaozi, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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