Chapter 746
Qingyun blinked, she was familiar with this plot, she could make up hundreds of thousands of words of bloody plot.

No wonder Miss Liang's family didn't report to the officials. The former clan sister robbed her fiancé, and the former father-in-law was the master of Futai. Now he is a rival in love. Suing the officials is useless!
"I heard that after that, the relationship between the Liang family and the clan was not very good. After that, the old man of the Liang family said that their family was poor and couldn't bear such a monstrous wealth, and they would not marry with powerful families in the future. "

It's no wonder it's good!But in this's really deceiving people too much!
The competition for recruiting relatives outside is really not enough to watch, it's too eye-catching.There is no two taels of ink in the stomach, and a few sour poems and sour words, wearing a white robe, think that they are talented, and they have no self-knowledge.

Fortunately, the girl could bear her temper and kept watching.

After chatting about gossip, everyone inquired with Qingyun about the affairs in the south, what else can dude ask about besides eating, drinking and having fun?
The most frequently asked questions are about the flower boats on the banks of the Weishui River. How beautiful is the oiran?Has Guan Yun seen it before? Is it as beautiful as the rumors?

How did Qingyun know, it's nonsense!

"That's it! Pink Skull, after a few decades, she won't be a white-haired old lady..."

From women to cockfighting and lackeys, from cockfighting to hunting, etc., in short, they are all about dandies, and there is nothing that Qingyun can't catch up with.

"...I heard that it is very chaotic outside. There are rebels everywhere. They are cruel and inhumane. They will massacre the city at every turn. If you wander around alone, are you afraid of being caught and killed by those rebels?"

Chatting, chatting, and talking about the current situation.

This group of dandies really admired Guan Yun, and they were really brave to walk around alone.They wouldn't dare to change them, and stayed in Gao'an City honestly.

"Afraid! Why aren't you afraid? Then you didn't see me running around being chased by the rebels.

It's useless to be afraid, those old guys in the clan are very stubborn, saying that no one can break the rules set by the ancestors, and they will not be allowed to go back until they have traveled for a long time.Those guards of mine are also monitoring me while protecting me! "

Qingyun smiled wryly and shook his head, "Wherever you go, it counts. Wherever you go, you can go wherever it is safe. Forget it, don't talk about me, there is nothing to talk about."

Qingyun took a sip from his teacup, glanced at several people, and said casually: "It's strange to say something! On the way to Gao'an, I saw rebels robbing villages everywhere. Why didn't soldiers send troops to wipe out the rebels? ?
The adults in the county towns passing by other places, when they heard that the rebels were robbing and burning, they waited in full force and sent the city guards to chase and suppress the rebels everywhere.I look at Gaoan City, it seems that they are not afraid! "

Lin Zijie squinted at Guan Yun, feeling vigilant, and just about to change the subject, a quick-talking friend said it, and he couldn't stop it.

Lin Zijie sighed helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? Our Gao'an City has an army of 30 to [-] people stationed in a large camp outside the city. There are about a hundred thousand guards in the city. How dare the rebels come to Gao'an! Aren't they looking for death!"

"That's not necessarily true. I once passed by a county town. There were [-] guards in the city, and [-] imperial troops supported it. In the end, the rebels broke the city. I heard that the rebels didn't know what method they used. I put Mongolian sweat medicine in my food, and the medicine poured out more than half of the people."

This kind of indiscriminate method was also used by Qingyun, when he was in the mine.

So, don't underestimate anyone. After all, there are still shameless people in this world. What if Gao Ancheng meets them?
Many of the rebels are teams drawn up by bandits and thieves. They talk to you about morality, as long as it is useful, they can use any means.Both the aristocratic family and the regular army are saving face, and if the rebels really want to resort to indiscriminate methods, even if there are hundreds of thousands more troops in Gao'an City, they will not be their opponents.

Of course, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses have been poured out of the medicine, and Mongolian sweat medicine without a few hundred catties is not easy to use. With so much Mongolian sweat medicine, ordinary people cannot find it, let alone the mob of rebels.

She doesn't have this ability either, so it's okay to get a few catties.

A group of playboys were shocked, and there was such an operation.

Lin Zijie's gaze sank, this person...forget it
The sudden noise outside broke the dull atmosphere in the box. Everyone turned their heads to look at the noisy place, and they didn't know when the Wenzhao ended.

On the high platform of Wuzhao, a muscular man said something to Miss Liang's family on the balcony. Through the veil, he could see the girl's shameful and angry eyes, which showed that what the man said was not good.

"Where did this guy come from? He's a rough man, he's not worthy of being the daughter of the Liang family, and he doesn't take pictures of himself in the piss." There was a dude who couldn't see it, and rolled up his sleeves full of righteous indignation, ready to scold.

Qingyun walked out of the box, laying on the railing and watching the excitement over there. There were many people who came out to watch the excitement like Qingyun and the others. Seeing the beauty being humiliated by the reckless man, their faces were full of anger, and they yelled at the reckless man.

The louder the crowd scolded, the louder the reckless man laughed, his voice was as rough as a gong, and he pointed at the crowd below to provoke, and the common people dared not attack.

"Miss Liang, I am the champion of martial arts. Tonight, I will come to Liang's family to be the bridegroom. You wait obediently at home. Grandpa will take care of you and make you want to live and die. You will never be able to leave grandpa again! Haha~~"

Whether it is a commoner or a young scholar, when they hear such vulgar words, they blushed and scolded the reckless man for shame.

"What's wrong? Unconvinced, come up and fight with grandpa, hide below and whine like a bitch, coward!"

Qingyun thought that the most classic "hero saves the beauty" bridge section was about to come, his eyes swept back and forth in the restaurant and teahouse, and he heard the people screaming "ah", Qingyun turned his head, and saw the girl on the balcony flying down from above , to attack the reckless man.

Qingyun's eyes lit up with a "swish", and he touched the person next to him with his elbow, "The girl from the Liang family can also kung fu, I didn't hear you say that!"

"We don't know about this matter either. We haven't heard that the daughter of the Liang family is good at kung fu, so we keep it a secret."

Miss Liang's attack seemed to be fierce, forcing the barbarian to have no strength to fight back, but in the eyes of experts, it was commonplace, and she could deal with ordinary hooligans. The barbarian was obviously a trainer, so it was easy to deal with her.

But you are teasing her!

It can be seen that many people came, but there were no heroes who went up to save the beauty.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, Gao An's man can't do it!
"Yeah, it's still a little pepper. I like it. The hotter my temper, the more I like it!"

The barbarian's vulgar words made Miss Liang's family tremble with anger, her eyes were red with anger, and each move was fiercer than the next, but none of the attacks hit the barbarian, and he easily neutralized it.

In broad daylight, a big girl was molested by a big man to play a hooligan, no one extended a hand of justice, and many hooligans still booed and cheered.

The world is down!
 Thanks to the little fan girl for eating melons, there is more than a bustling city, Haijun Ting, the monthly ticket voted by Blue Eagle Technology Business, okay?
  Thank you Peiyo for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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