Chapter 752 Bewitched
Hearing this, the gentlemen subconsciously glanced at Bai Yanheng who was sitting next to him. Seeing his calm and indifferent appearance, the gentlemen looked at Shangguan Qingyun again.

That's right, Master Bai told them some real information about the master they were going to serve, such as name, nickname, temperament, preferences and so on.

Now his pseudonym is Guan Yun, and his nickname is Qing Ye.

"You gentlemen are all Yan Heng's favorite people. I believe in his vision. It's a mule or a horse. Let's pull it out and talk rough. As for me, it's time to see people's hearts. Do you have any comments? "Qingyun looked at them.

Several gentlemen looked at Master Bai and then at Master Qing, shaking their heads unanimously.

Qingyun's eyes flicked over several gentlemen one by one, all of them looked calm, and it was impossible to tell which one was going to take over Gao An. It could be seen that these people's scheming was much deeper than that of Lu Mingyang Huai'en and the others.

"That's how it is, you all follow Yanheng from now on!" Qing Yun glanced at Bai Yanheng after speaking, the meaning expressed in his eyes: leave the rest to him.


As soon as Qingyun left, several gentlemen stood up again and saluted Bai Yanheng. These people were all former staff members of Bai Yanheng, and there was no way to take them along before, so they were scattered all over the place to hide.

This time Qingyun needs a lot of talents, Bai Yanheng summoned them from all directions, these are only some of them, the rest are still hidden in various places waiting for the master's call.

Bai Yanheng nodded, explained a few words about Qingyun's bottom line and behavior style, and ordered someone to take them down for resettlement.


Liang Mansion
Sitting in the lobby, Qingyun glanced at the landscape paintings hanging on the walls on both sides, as well as the luxurious and luxurious furnishings in the room, and sighed secretly.

One word: Hao!

Two words: very proud!
Take a look at the corals placed by others. They are as bright red as blood. Although they are not big, they are exquisite and bright in color!You can tell it's a good thing at a glance.

Even Qingyun, an ignorant person, knows that it is the best and priceless, so it is just placed here.

The large bottle on the coffee table next to it is valuable, and the pot for growing flowers on the window sill is also expensive. The flower plant may be more expensive. Qingyun doesn't know it. The curtains are all made of top-quality pearls, the grains are plump, round and shiny .

I don't know what's going on, but she is very sensitive to things that come out of the water, and she can tell if it's worth money at a glance.

She didn't know the materials of the table and chairs, so they must be valuable.In this room, except for the air, it is estimated that there is no money, and everything else including the floor, and even the cloth under her buttocks are all valuable things.

Qingyun, a country bumpkin, said he has learned a lot.

Poverty limits her imagination!

She thinks that if she eats well, dresses well, and has someone to serve her, she will call it a day. Only after she has really seen the home of a rich man, does she realize that she is still a frog in a well, that short-sighted person.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, no wonder so many people are planning to trick the Liang family, this is something on the surface, how many treasures are hidden in the dark, no one knows.

"The little girl has met the young master."

As soon as Liang Yusu came, she greeted first, and waited for Guan Yun to sit down before she sat down.

Seeing Zijie's expression that day, he guessed that Guan Yun and his identities were unusual, and after listening to his advice, he never bothered them again, only sent another batch of apology, which was accepted daily.

Hearing the servant girl's report just now, the young master Guan came, and was very shocked!In addition to being shocked, she was panicked, not knowing why he came to the door.

"Miss Liang, I'm sorry for coming to the door suddenly. I was wandering around the city and turned around. Only after hearing the guard's reminder did I realize that this is the Liang Mansion. I passed by here, so I had to come in to disturb you. I hope I won't disturb you."

Ghost wandering around, she is here specially.

Liang Rusu: "."

She said I'm sorry, will he leave?

"What's the matter with the young master, the young master came to visit our Liang family, and our Liang family is full of splendor." After Liang Yusu calmed down, he could still treat it with a normal heart.

Guan Yun glanced at her, smiled and said nothing, glanced at the maids standing at the door, and said without words: "Look at Miss Liang's skills that day, have you learned kung fu?"

"When I was young, my health was not very good, and I was often sick. My parents were worried that they would not be able to support them. I heard people say that practicing Wuqinxi can strengthen my body, so I asked the master to teach me. I never thought that learning would be good. I just exercised my body. After a long time, it will gradually become effective.”

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, he couldn't raise his face just by relying on Wuqinxi, and he needed precious medicine to raise it slowly to get his current complexion.

"Mr. Liang has a long-term view. This step is a good one. At least you can support the entire Liang family now. It is not in vain to have the old man's teachings to you. I think his old man is known under the spring, and he is proud of you!"

Liang Yusu suddenly raised her head and looked at him in astonishment. She thought Guan Yun had ulterior motives, but listening to him, she seemed to support her in supporting the Liang family.

Seeing that she was so stupid, Qingyun thought she was frightened, so he paused and said in a soft tone: "Father Hu has no sons, your father is a character, and Miss Liang is not bad in my opinion. Even if the Liang family doesn't have your father , isn’t there you? You’ve gone all out to recruit relatives, so what’s there to be afraid of?

I once heard that there were women as generals in the previous dynasties, so what is it for you to inherit a family business?
Besides, no one stipulates that women cannot inherit the family business?This family business was earned by your father, and you are your father's biological daughter. You are not qualified, and neither are others.

Even if the morals of the world do not allow women to inherit the family business, now is a troubled time, if you want money and money and people, you still have the final say on the Liang family. "

Qingyun's expression is very sincere, and his eyes are very sincere to bewitch her.

"I really admire Miss Liang for being strong, independent and hearty, and soft yet strong. Girls in this world, no matter they are gentle and gentle, delicate and quiet, innocent and lively, or charming and affectionate, they are They can only be trapped in the back house, unable to escape from this palm-sized cage, and circle around a man from morning till night.

But you are different!
Miss Liang, Mr. Liang created an opportunity for you, you seized it, and bravely walked out of the cage of the back house.

The world is very big, with a wide range of land and resources, outstanding people, and the customs of different places are very different, not as rigidly recorded in books. If you go to see it yourself and experience it, you will find it very exciting. It turns out that the world can still be like this live. "

Liang Yusu's heart collided with Qing Yun's description, 'bang bang bang'. The rules that bound her since she was a child collided fiercely with the grand plan drawn by Guan Yun.

She thought that it was out of the ordinary for her to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives and inherit the Liang family's family business. She broke the world, but she didn't expect this young official to be even more shocking than her.

"You, think I can do it?" Liang Yusu suppressed his excited heartbeat and stared at him hopefully.

"Why not? You absolutely can, trust me." Qing Yun confirmed with a smile.

 Thank you Jingjing (Yushanfang) for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
  Too busy today...

(End of this chapter)

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