From the corner of the eye, seeing Lin Zijie taking Liang Rusu away, Qingyun smiled and continued to laugh and slapstick with his friends. On the way to the banquet, there was a sudden shriek from the backyard, and the guests at the banquet were startled.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, here we come!
Everyone didn't know what happened, they all looked at the backyard with their heads, and Qingyun followed Daliu to look at the backyard.

A few maidservants rushed in from the backyard door, panicked and frightened, and rushed into the banquet on the man's side in a panic, as if they couldn't see the guests all over the hall, and shouted as they went: "It's not good, it's not good, madam, Madam, my lord, something happened to my lord!"

grown ups?

Something happened to your lord?
The only one who can make the Futai maid call 'Master' is Futai adults.

Something happened to Mr. Futai!
After this idea popped up in everyone's minds, their expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly felt bad. Many people who didn't show their family background wanted to leave the banquet with an excuse, get out of this dangerous place, and protect themselves wisely.

If they are implicated, the family cannot protect them.

A few families have no plans to leave. Their family backgrounds are not as bad as the master of Futai, maybe even higher than the master of Futai, even if they are implicated, they cannot be implicated.

Therefore, with the mentality of watching a play, I am afraid that the world will not mess up and ask the people next to me what happened.How would the people next to him know that he didn't leave the banquet either.

The women's side is not far from the men's side, so naturally some maids broke in.

In front of the house full of high-ranking and powerful wives, the servant girl was so reckless and panicked, it was unseemly, as if she was not strict with the family, she suddenly let the Futai lady lose face, and reprimanded her coldly.

"Ma'am, madam, it's not good, it's not good, something happened to the master, and the master died in my aunt's house."

The maid who broke in didn't care about being scolded by his wife, knelt on the ground and shivered, and kowtowed "bang bang bang", without noticing the bleeding from the head kowtow, which showed how scared they were.

"What did you say, you bitch?"

Mrs. Futai looked blank, and there was a 'buzzing' sound in her head. She seemed to hear it but didn't seem to hear it. She pushed away the servant girl who was supporting her, and stared fiercely at the servant girl, as if she suddenly understood. Bursts of blackening.

Then he pushed away the people around him and rushed towards the backyard.

When the old birthday star heard his son died, he shouted 'my son' and fainted, and was carried into the house by the servant girl.

When the ladies in the room heard that Mrs. Futai had died, their expressions changed. When they saw Mrs. Futai run away, all the ladies looked at each other and chose to stay or not.

Many wives with no obvious family background were uneasy, they couldn't disturb this quagmire, and wanted to find an excuse to leave, but the first few wives had no intention of leaving, not only did they not leave, they secretly sent maids to follow the Futai lady secretly.

There are not so many scruples at the men's family banquet, especially the few dudes who hang out with Qingyun, when they heard that the Futai master died in the aunt's house, they immediately chased after him to watch the fun.

After such a big incident happened, who would be in the mood to eat? The old lady fell into a coma, the head wife ran away, and the whole banquet was a mess.

At the same time, a few red smoke bombs suddenly exploded in the sky above the mansion, which shrouded the sky like smoke. It was very beautiful, in stark contrast to the messy banquet.

"What's that? Fireworks?"

Everyone looked up at the red smoke in the sky, looking very dazed.The adults in Futai are all dead, what kind of fireworks will be set off?

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