Chapter 761

Qingyun: "..."

So you all came here to complain to me.

Qingyun also understands, she understands the mind of a scumbag.

Thinking back when she was not good at studying, the old man also wanted her to imitate the kid next door, so angry that she vomited blood, the old man praised him once, she blocked him once, and beat him until he cried and cried, so he felt comfortable.

If it weren't for someone standing guard at the door, the few of them would have laughed for three days with their heads on their hips.

Cool!It's really cool, in the future, who would dare to say that they are not doing their jobs properly, that mud can't support the wall, and all they know are cronies, and the general is one of their cronies.

A few dandies smiled obscenely and complacently, all of them looked like mice who had stolen oil.

"If you have nothing to do, you can play here for a while, or go out for a walk, and have a meal together later." Qingyun waited for them to laugh enough, and invited them to stay.

Mixing with them, I dug up a lot of news.

"Farewell, brother Guan Yun, we have business with you." Upon hearing that Guan Yun was about to leave, a few dandies immediately pulled him back, all of them smiling coquettishly.

Qingyun scanned them up and down, very puzzled, they still have business to look for her?Rare!
"What's the matter? Tell me, if you can help within your ability, please help." Qingyun didn't agree in one go, and if the demands made by them were too much or out of the ordinary, she would be helpless.

Of course, if you ask too much, your friends will definitely have nothing to do!
To tell the truth, Qing Yun still likes to come and play with them. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun, they really didn't do anything harmful, and they didn't rely on their prominent family background to bully the people. Among a group of high-ranking children, this is especially valuable!

A few dandies twitched a bit, and simply said: "It's not a big deal, just a little bit of trivial matter."

The one at the back, seeing that he didn't get to the right point after talking for a long time, squeezed him away and said: "We want to hang out with you, brother Guan Yun, you can't look down on us because of our status as a general."

"Fuck with me?" Qingyun looked at them in shock, she really didn't expect them to come for this, she thought they came for their family.

Well, she's a little bit of a villain to save a dude's belly.

"Yes. Don't worry, we won't make things difficult for you. We didn't come to be generals. We still have our own virtues, and we still have self-knowledge." The dandy added.

Qingyun became interested, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Then what kind of official positions do you want to seek? With your knowledge, I am afraid that civil servants are not good enough, and military advisers are probably not good enough. In addition to profound knowledge, military advisers also need to understand the art of war."

A few dandies realized that Guan Yun was teasing them.

"No, we are here to be soldiers. Is there any shortage of soldiers in the barracks? It doesn't matter which barracks you are in. Let's start with the soldiers first, and we will earn our own future."

A few dandies patted their chests in thought, their eyes shining brightly and confidently.

The successful cases are right in front of them, and they are confident.In the past, Brother Guan Yun was also a dude. He was able to build such a large family business with his bare hands. If he became a general, they would not be too far behind.

If you can't be a general, you should be fine as a commander. If you work harder, you might be able to be a general.

The ancestors of the family also said the same, so they agreed to come to Guan Yun.Their greatest ability is to be a soldier, and the general accepted them because of their friendship. If they were replaced by others, they would be useless, and even the soldiers would be delayed.

Qingyun smiled, seeing them staring at her eagerly, Qingyun nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then soldier. But you think about it carefully, being a soldier is not a good job, and it can't compare to the life of your young masters who are rich and well-fed. There are no delicacies from mountains and seas, and there are no silks and satins.

Xiaobing is the hardest and most tiring. They sleep in the Datong bunk, which smells like sweat and snoring like thunder. Many people are not used to it, and they can't sleep all night.The most important life is not guaranteed and it is very dangerous. When there is a war, you rush to the forefront. If you don't kill people, you will be killed by others. "

A few dandies swallowed, they accomplished nothing, their only advantage was what they said, what they said was what they said.

"After thinking about it clearly, we will be soldiers," a few dandies said firmly, "We are not afraid of death if others are not afraid of death. If others can suffer, so can we."

Qingyun glanced at them, and said slowly: "As long as your family agrees, I will accept it. It is best to bring a letter of consent from your elders, so as to avoid your elders coming to argue with me in the future.

You also know that I have a bad temper, and it will be bad if I hurt my temper. "

As soon as Qing Yun finished speaking, several people took out a piece of paper from their pockets and patted it on her table.

Qingyun: "."

Qingyun twitched his face and clicked his tongue, those old foxes were really thoughtful and well prepared.

But it's true, raising these dudes in the family can't bring much glory to the family. On the contrary, they have to give them asses every day, and the family is also tired of it!And can't throw it away.

Then take a gamble. There are many descendants in the family, and there are many prospects. It doesn't matter if they are less. If you lose the bet in the future, you will feel distressed for a while. If you win the bet, the family will follow the glory!
This hope is not great, but seeing them wandering around the city all day without doing their jobs, fighting cockfights and lackeys, makes me feel unhappy.

Look at other people's generals who are also dudes, and they are the most noble people in Gao'an, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses under them.Look at them again, they are all dudes, why is there such a big difference.

send it away!


Gao'an City has returned to normal, and the people in the fields are plowing again, replanting what should be replanted, and harvesting what should be harvested. Everything is thriving.

After several months of busy work, Gao An got on the right track, and Qing Yun could finally breathe a sigh of relief.All the aristocratic and powerful families who can't stand Qingyun's rule have paid enough money for their lives, and if they want to leave, they will let them go without any embarrassment.

Qingyun and the others still have this reputation, even if they are bandits, they will be released even if the ransom is paid, not to mention they are not bandits.

As for whether the powerful family will go back to Huaizhou to sue, Qingyun is not worried at all.Just sue, Huaizhou is not her boss, so she still listens to Huaizhou?
After they left, the shop, the fields, etc. were all owned by the public, such a business without money, Qingyun smiled and welcomed them to leave.

As soon as they left, merchants from Tang County, Changping County, Li County, and the hunting dog who smelled the smell came in a group to do business.

In the past, Gao'an had nothing to do with their small local merchants. All profitable businesses were controlled by the aristocratic family, and they were eager to see through.

This time it's all right, the general came to Gao'an, and they got some credit from the general, they can't do big business, but they can still do small business.

 Thanks for the original strangeness, 20170330173436860, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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