Chapter 766
Qingyun and his army made a stroke of genius and caught General Ximen by surprise.

There was a lot of screams on the city wall, and there were many casualties, which made Ximen's already tense soldiers even worse.The worst thing is that many parts of the city wall were smashed down, and even the big city gate of Ximen was smashed into a hole.

Ximen's general was in a state of desperation, and he went back and forth to direct where there was a shortage of soldiers and horses, so that people could fill them in.Ximen only has so many soldiers and horses, and there are holes everywhere. No matter how you fill them up, you can fill them up. You can only yell at the lieutenant general: "How about the general? When will the rescue soldiers and horses arrive?"

"The troops have been sent to notify the general." The deputy general was also overwhelmed and dizzy with his work.

When will the reinforcements arrive, who knows!
Whether there will be reinforcements is still unknown?Except for the north gate, there are not many soldiers and horses at the east gate and south gate. If the soldiers and horses at the east gate and south gate are dispatched, and the rebels rush to attack the east gate and south gate, wouldn't it be easier to break the city!

The generals at the east gate and south gate are not stupid, and they will definitely not send troops over.

Ximen is a Liezi, who would dare to mobilize troops?In case the city gate of the east gate and south gate is broken, the responsibility is theirs.

General Ximen also knew that the other three gates were also in critical condition. The rebel army attacked the city fiercely, and Ximen could hardly hold back if reinforcements did not come. He prayed in his heart that the generals of the east gate and south gate would see their colleagues and send some troops over. , Thousands are fine.

Just when Ximen couldn't stand it anymore, the two generals from Futai came to support with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and managed to keep Ximen.

"Where did the rebels come from? How many soldiers and horses are there? Who is the general in the lead?" General Jiang asked General Ximen as soon as he arrived.

General Ximen wiped the sweat from his brow, and said honestly: "I don't know, the raid in the middle of the night, the combat style is not like the rebels in the Northland, but similar to the rebels in the North Gate."

The rebels in the North didn't have the guts to attack Suzhou, nor were they so shameless.

"There are heavy trebuchets in the rebel army, and many parts of the city wall have collapsed. If they continue to use trebuchets, the city wall will not last long."

General Ximen mopped his hands and reported to the two masters of the General's Futai. These things cannot be concealed, as long as they go up the city wall, they can see it. The hole is so big that a blind person can see it.

The city wall has collapsed, and there is nothing to stop the rebels anymore. The city is broken, and it is only a matter of time.

Another reason for General Ximen's report is to reduce his responsibilities, and then see how the general should fight this battle.

The defense is unstoppable, the best way is to go out of the city to fight, as long as half of the troops are dispatched, the rebels outside the city can definitely be wiped out.

When Qingyun received the news, he looked at Hong Xingwu and said, "Where do they have so many soldiers?"

Who are you asking this for?

How do they know where the soldiers and horses come from.

The soldiers and horses at the north gate were not dispatched, and neither did the east gate and south gate. They sent people to watch over the three gates.

Qingyun went to see Bai Yanheng again.

"There is only one situation. General Jiang and the others hid deeply, and the information obtained by the spies was inaccurate. General Jiang is worthy of being a treacherous and cunning man. Suzhou has more than 50 soldiers and horses. He has hidden a lot. It is conservatively estimated that he has hidden 20 soldiers. Ten thousand." Bai Yanheng said.

20 plus the original 50, almost 80 soldiers and horses.

Qing Yun blinked her eyes, no wonder she always felt weird when looking at the generals in Suzhou City, they seemed nervous and anxious, after careful consideration, the panic of those generals was superficial and a bit artificial.

She didn't understand it before, so she felt weird. It turned out that they were still hiding their cards, no wonder they were so confident.

"How many soldiers and horses are there in our army?" Qing Yun asked suddenly.

Bai Yanheng was calm, Hong Xingwu's scalp tightened, and he secretly glanced at Master Qing. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to settle accounts with Qiuhou, he straightened his expression and said, "Add our 75 soldiers and horses here."

"Why so many?" Hearing this number, Qingyun was shocked.

From Li County, there were only about a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and they fought all the way. With the courage of Tian Duoliang's black bear, the maximum number was 40, which was estimated at the highest number. In the end, she estimated that it was less, half less.

According to this calculation, including those brothers who sacrificed, there is no more than a million troops!

An army of one million, Qian Qizhi's old tortoise only has an army of one million in his hands. Can she expand a bit and be on an equal footing with the old tortoise?

Hong Xingwu scratched his head foolishly, where are the 75 troops?Where is this!

There are millions of soldiers and horses in a mere Suzhou, and there are no more than two to three million soldiers in a state!During the Dayong Dynasty, there were 300 states in the five lakes, how many soldiers and horses did they have?

Lord Qing is the one who wants to fight for the Central Plains of Zhuolu. He doesn't have millions of soldiers and horses, so he is too embarrassed to fight.

Any city has 30 to 50 soldiers and horses, a prefectural city that is close to it has 90 to [-] soldiers and horses, a more prosperous prefecture city has [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, and the state city has at least one million soldiers and horses.

Many cities in the Northland were ravaged by the rebels, and there were refugees everywhere.They fought all the way, sacrificing 10,000 to [-] soldiers and horses in one battle, and recruiting [-]+ soldiers and horses. At this rate, the army should exceed one million.

If it wasn't for worrying about Lord Qing blaming the army for consuming too much food and silver, and deliberately suppressing the number of soldiers when recruiting, there were only 75 troops.

Qian Qizhi Zhou Guogong, General Shan and the others said that they had millions of soldiers and horses in their hands, but they only had more than one million soldiers in their hands, and at least they had no less than three to five million soldiers.

The reason why the barbarians dare not cross the border is because of these three to five million soldiers. If the barbarians really dare to enter the border, millions of troops can crush all the tribes of the barbarians.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and pondered for a while, and two 10,000+ troops came to support, Ximen is not easy to fight!

The old man made some bombs, not many, for her trump card, Qingyun didn't want to touch them, last time they suppressed the rebels, they had too few troops, and they were almost wiped out by the rebels before they were used.

This thing is beyond the military level of ancient times. The old man made the batch and didn't plan to make it anymore, so he used a little less.

Then again, bombs were used in the first attack on one city, and what should we do when we attack other cities and states in the future?You can't fight all the way, right?She doesn't have that many bombs in her hands, so she's on her own.

 I have been working night shifts this month, and I only rest when the sheep are sick, and I feel uncomfortable all over. This chapter has been coded for half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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