Seeing He Xiaoli's expression, Qingyun suddenly felt bad.

"The existing treasury is less than 3000 million yuan." He Xiaoli said.

He didn't mention that the money was military pay, which sounded like a lot, and it wouldn't last long, at most three years of military pay, not counting military supplies.

Qingyun: "."

Qingyun was ready to get mad, but when he heard 3000 million taels, his anger got stuck in his throat, and he froze immediately.

Isn't this very rich!
She just thought this way, and Xiaoli He, who seemed to have heard her heart, said: "This money seems to be a lot, and it won't take long. Master Qing, I will settle the bill for you. In Li County, the monthly military salary is 65 silver. The 65 taels are just military pay, military uniforms, food, medicinal materials, and weapons are not counted.”

When Qingyun heard that the military salary for a month was 65 taels, his breath became stagnant.

Calculated by one tael of silver per person per month, the army is 65, but Tian Duoliang Heixiong and the others told her that the army has a maximum of 20 people, which is not close, but three times short.

Qingyun laughed angrily, and nodded at them from the air, while Tian Duoliang Heixiong and the others smiled flatteringly at Qingyun, sweating all over their backs.

It's over, it's all exposed!

"The food is self-produced, and there is no need to buy it, which saves a lot of money. The military uniforms are worn sixteen times a year, and four are prepared according to the four seasons. The large army grows cotton and weaves, which can save half of the military uniforms, and the other half of the military uniforms have to be bought outside. Almost 35 taels of silver."

Not to mention that Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, and the others were wiping cold sweat, and Qing Yun was also wiping cold sweat. She quietly calculated in her heart that the military salary alone was almost 1000 million a year, and double rewards were given to the armed forces during the holidays.

I don't know, I was taken aback.

"All the medicinal materials for the army have to be bought outside. Now it's not like in Qishan, when there were only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and the medicinal materials were purchased by the lord, and it didn't cost money. Now the world is in chaos, everywhere is in chaos, and the medicinal materials are more expensive than before. Several times. The medicinal materials purchased are about 4000 to [-] million taels of silver, and there may not be medicinal materials to buy."

Qingyun understands that raising soldiers is a waste of money.

Listen, it can easily cost tens of millions of taels of silver, who can afford it!
Even if there are mountains of gold and silver, they have to sit and eat, not to mention that she has no mountains of gold and silver, and there is no mine at home.

Since pulling up this army, not to mention getting promoted and getting rich, they have all been subsidized. I don't know how much I have subsidized her, and the family business is probably all subsidized.

Tens of millions of taels of silver... God is sorry to see, after she crossed over, she never carried silver on her body, but she carried hundreds of cash in copper coins, who would believe it.

At any rate, the brothers all had military pay, and so did she, but it seemed that no one had paid her.

Qingyun is so sad...

He Xiaoli is still on the account.

"...After coming out of Qishan, the army's weapons are not enough. Some of them are confiscated, and the quality is uneven, and many of them cannot be used. Most of them are sold, and the price is very expensive, a batch of several million taels."

There is no need to explain the channel, the kind that is shameful, it will die anyway.A small part was bought from the enemy Qian Qizhi, and most of them were bought from the underground black market, provided by Crazy Wolf.

"After coming out of Qishan, I have experienced dozens of battles, large and small, and lost a lot of weapons. I have bought four batches so far..."

Tian Duoliang's black bear broke the army and killed them all. He was sweating like a waterfall instead of in a cold sweat. He didn't know what expression to look at Master Qing other than a dry smile.

Thanks for the monthly ticket voted by 20100304020027637, okay?
Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

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