Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 776 She wants to join the army

Chapter 776 She wants to join the army
What does this mean?
Liang Yusu glanced at the general, and his firm heart suddenly became uneasy.

Does the general not like her joining the army?Or, like everyone else, don't like women in the army?Taboo barracks with women can only bring bad luck?
But she had specifically inquired that the general employs people in a variety of ways, as long as he has the ability, he will still use beggars.

Liang Yusu wanted to fight, and nodded again: "Thought it out!"

Qing Yun smiled, and his tone was suddenly the same as that of La Jiachang, "Why did you suddenly think of joining the army? Did someone bully you? Being a soldier is very hard and tiring, and you can afford it?"

"There is nothing that can't be endured, and there is nothing that can't be endured. When a person is in a desperate situation and cornered, he dares to break through mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Qing Yun raised her eyebrows, this is the truth, she was forced to have no choice but to bump into bumps, bumps, bumps, bloody head to come to this day.

"Since you have made up your mind, I will not persuade you. But I want to remind you that this road is not easy to walk. The road ahead is full of thorns and blood. You need to fight and bear it alone.

From ancient times to the present, the military camp has always been the domain of men and the forbidden area of ​​women. If you want to join them, you have to pay unbearable hardships and pains, as well as the price of blood.

The moment you step into the barracks, you are no longer a woman, just a soldier.You have to eat and live with them, endure their exclusion, endure their cold eyes and ridicule.

In this world, sometimes paying a price does not necessarily pay off.

In the eyes of the world, women should stay in the backyard to care for their husbands and children, instead of showing their faces, carrying guns, riding horses, and shedding blood to fight with men on the battlefield.

What you are challenging is not the authority of a family, but the secular world, the authority of men in the world.

I won't help you, you need to rely on yourself to get their approval.No one understands what you have done, including your family, and all your grievances, heartaches, and pains will be broken teeth and swallowed with blood. "

Following Qingyun's words, Liang Rusu's expression became more and more rigid, and his eyes became more and more cold.

Qing Yun looked cold and serious, and asked her solemnly, "Liang Rusu, are you ready?"

Are you ready to face accusations and curses from all over the world?

"I'm going to the military camp." Liang Rusu said firmly.

"Go, someone will take you to the barracks later." Qing Yun said.

Liang Rusu suddenly smiled like a flower, the general did not refuse because she is a woman, she can't repay her great kindness, and she can only dedicate her life to the general twice for the rest of her life .

She is ready to be rejected, at worst she will go to the rivers and lakes and become a chivalrous woman.But being a chivalrous woman and joining the army is not the same idea, the difference is too much.

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

Liang Rusu clasped his hands and saluted and jumped out. Seeing Bai Yanheng, Lord Bai was not afraid anymore, and even saluted before going out.

"Is that why you let her go to the military camp?" Bai Yanheng said.

As soon as he came back, he heard the conversation between the two, and Qingyun didn't mention it. Liang Rusu, this girl, made him look at him with admiration.

How fresh are these words!

"If she doesn't go like this, is she still going there with drums and gongs?" Qingyun asked strangely.

Bai Yanheng: "."

Bai Yanheng was quite speechless, where is the barracks?Does it make sense to send a girl in and let a sheep in among wolves?

"You thought she was" You!
Bai Yanheng looked at the unconscious Qingyun, unable to say anything.When a person is so strong that everyone looks up to him, gender is meaningless.

But Liang Rusu is not Qingyun.

 Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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