Chapter 779

Liang Rusu wanted to establish a women's army, Qingyun not only did not stop, but praised her for her foresight, and strongly supported and encouraged her.

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others, all of them smiled when they heard that Miss Liang was not coming to join the army in their camp, and they were really relieved.

It's better not to come!Come, they don't know how to arrange her instead.

However, when she heard that the girl wanted to pull up a women's army, she didn't show it on the face, and everyone snorted coldly in their hearts, happy to watch her mess around.

Do you think the army is so easy to pull?
How much painstaking effort and energy did they spend pulling up this army?
Work hard, work hard, and do your best.

Besides, she thinks that all the women in the world are as tough as her, so that they can disregard shame, disregard the world, and abandon everything?
As a woman, you should keep to yourself, take care of your husband and children at home, and show your face in public is a man's business.

Except for Qingyun, no one is optimistic about Liang Rusu.

No matter what others think, Liang Rusu ignores it all, as long as the general supports her, she can handle the rest by herself.

Liang Rusu said that she took care of the matter of the Detachment of Women by herself, she rushed to do it, and didn't care what Qingyun did, and let her do it by herself, just freeing up her hands to do other things.

For example, the matter of gold mines and silver mines has not been seen until now, and people are anxious to death.No matter how urgent he was, Qing Yun had to remain calm, so as not to disrupt Bai Yanheng's plan, at worst she would lead people into the mountains to explore.

"General, someone is asking to see you outside."

Bai Yanheng gave her up on Suzhou City's official business again, using the excuse that he was going to interrogate General Jiang and the others in Hanfutai, so he couldn't spare time for yamen affairs.

No, Qingyun is busy like a dog again!

"Who is it? I'm not as busy as I am. It's not important. Let them wait for a few days." Qing Yun didn't even lift her head, she was so annoyed that her head was about to explode every day when she took care of rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

Just as the messenger was about to go out to convey Master Qing's words, he was called back by Qing Yun.

"Who is here?"

"All the merchants in Suzhou City who are worthy of the name have come."


Qingyun pondered for a few seconds and understood.

During these days, Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong, and the others divided the land, making the city full of noise, and touched the interests of the merchants in Suzhou City. They came to her to complain and sue.

Isn't it the wrong person to complain to her?
The warehouse is all empty, and she still counts on Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and the others to scrape more money back for her.

Qingyun scratched his chin, everyone came to his door, how did Tian Duoliang and Heixiong do things?
Qingyun thought about it carefully, now Suzhou City is also her territory, no matter the people or merchants are her subjects, she has set up an upright personality, so those merchants can still be seen!

"Ask Master Bai to come here."

The two had gotten along for a long time, so they naturally had a tacit understanding. If she said something bad, Bai Yanheng could make it up for her.

The merchants who came to Qingyun to file a complaint were all prepared, and all the preparations were prepared. For example, the house deeds of the shops, the land deeds of Tiandi Zhuangzi, etc., all had the official seal of the government on the deeds.

The expression is decadent, the face is colorful, and when they see Qingyun, they all have mournful faces, and then they cry and tell them all kinds of grievances, sufferings and miseries, that they are about to die and so on.

Qing Yun smiled and went in and out of his left ear, without distracting a single word.

No traitors, no businessmen!

She is really going to be unlucky and bankrupt, so she has no mood to come to her to cry, she probably cursed her as a villain in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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