Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 793 Flicker is not dead, flicker to death

The back hall of the General's Mansion
Qingyun Bai Yanheng and Jiao Yuguang Lin Zijie gathered together, and information from various places came back continuously. Initially, the effect was not bad.

All the staff waited for the general to speak.

Qingyun blinked, she didn't expect it, but just spreading some news about Suzhou, the whole Northland was almost in turmoil.

"The strategy is very good. Mr. Jiao and Mr. Lin have done a very good job, and we will continue to maintain it in the future. The heroes will be rewarded. All the adults present will be rewarded with 100 taels each, and Mr. Jiao and Mr. Lin will double the reward."

Although there was not much money, Qingyun's attitude made all the staff feel very comfortable, and at the same time they felt more at ease.

No matter how good others say, it is not as true as what they saw with their own eyes.

It can be seen that this master seems unreliable, but he is an open-minded person, not the kind of headstrong, conceited, arbitrary person.

In this way, they are relieved.

Qingyun scratched her chin, but the effect was so good that she had to change her plan.

It would be impossible not to fight Qinsi Mansion and Nanfen Mansion. Thinking about it differently, if she was in the position of these two city mansions, she would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"To fight or not to fight? If you have any suggestions, just ask and brainstorm!"

Before Jiao Yuguang and Lin Zijie made a good start, a group of staff expressed their suggestions one after another. It doesn't matter if the general doesn't accept it, let's brainstorm!

"Fight, must fight!"

All the staff voted unanimously and agreed to play.

They were all slapped in the face of Qinsi Mansion Nanfen Mansion Mansion Tai and General, it's no wonder they can choke on this breath!
Master Bai had already emphasized the general's dog nature to them, and all the aides used their tongues to lobby the general.

This is no longer a question of whether the general has the ambition to fight for hegemony, but a question of whether everyone can survive.

It is impossible to say that everyone has no ambition to make contributions.It's a chaotic world, who doesn't want their loyal master to dominate the world?

Of course, they had to be alive before that, and if they wanted to live, they had to coax and lure their master to move forward.

Master Bai hinted to them that as long as they unite as one and concentrate on fooling the master, he will leave the rest to him.

Master Bai said well, the literati only need to be responsible for making suggestions, as for how to fight and how to win, it is the business of the generals.

In short, as long as you can't fool your master to death, then you can fool yourself to death.

This one said: "General, if you were the mansion of Qin Sifu, can you bear it?"

Qingyun blinked, there is nothing she can't bear, as long as the gun is not pointed at her, she doesn't care.

The one said: "After the incident of land distribution broke out, the riots in several nearby cities became more severe, and many rebels suddenly appeared to revolt. The excuse was to "plead for the people and eliminate corrupt officials." It's the general. Do you think they hate you?"

Qingyun blinked, can't it?Wasn't she an uprising?
"Since ancient times, the land has been in the hands of the aristocratic family and the powerful. The general's reforms have affected the interests of the aristocratic family and the powerful. Can they tolerate it?"

Qingyun still blinked.

"To quell this storm, the most effective way is to wipe out the general, and completely wipe out the existence of the general. With the general gone and the soul person, the storm will naturally subside."

Qingyun: "."

This, she can't bear it.

During Qingyun Bai Yanheng's discussion, Hei Xiong Pojun and the others squatted at the gate, looking inside from time to time.

"Brother Xiong, is it appropriate for us to squat here?"

The brothers who haven't seen the door have been watching them for a long time.

Po Jun asked and looked into the room with his head. He was thick-skinned, and the soldiers at the door stared at him as if they didn't see him.

"What's inappropriate, who stipulated that you can't squat at the door?" Hei Xiong smiled innocently, except for Master Qing's study and sleeping room, there is no place where you can't squat.

They even squatted at the door where Qingyun slept.

"Why is it taking so long! Literati are just moji!" Po Jun muttered.

The two of them squatted until they retreated numb, only to see the group of literati coming out, all of them had smiles on their faces, and greeted the two of them, which flattered the two of them.

Thanks for the cool breeze and no leisure time, only love without CP, and voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

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