Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 805 The Dangerous Person

Qingyun joined the gossip team, and said with a distressed face: "The people in Suzhou City can't find a job to make a living, and they come from other places to compete with us for a job, how are they going to live?"

Hearing this, all the gossiping people rolled their eyes, there is work everywhere in the city, how could there be no work, you are too lazy to do it, okay?
Just thinking about the money falling from the sky for nothing, why don't you go to the sky?No wonder your father copied the soles of his shoes and beat him every day, he deserved it!
Everyone was only complaining in their hearts, and it wasn't their sons. It's none of their business to be lazy, whoever's son should worry about it.

When it comes to outsiders, everyone has something to talk about.

This one said where he had been, the accent of the group who came earlier was from that place, the other said that he met someone who was playing somewhere yesterday, and he also came to Suzhou to do business after eight hundred miles away. It can be seen that Suzhou The prosperity of the city.

The one next to him said that he had been to Huaizhou. Two days ago, he went to a teahouse to listen to stories. He met a few people with a Xianghuaizhou accent, and then he patted his chest to assure him that he was definitely from Huaizhou.

Hearing this, Qingyun smiled and passed the word, the only thing he heard was the word 'Huaizhou', he squinted his eyes, not knowing what to think about.

Qing Yun's appetite has long been seen by the people around him. After finishing breakfast, he said goodbye to the people around him with a smile, left the morning market, and wandered all the way.

Qingyun was snuggling by the door with a few sections of bananas, chatting with the waiter at the inn, there were not many guests in the lobby for breakfast, it wasn't very busy, it didn't matter if he took some time to rest.

The important thing is that Qingyun is also a frequent visitor to their inn, and he often comes to the inn for breakfast. They go up and down the inn, from the shopkeeper to the waiter who does odd jobs to know him.

"Didn't sleep well last night? There are so many guests? Is the inn full?"

Xiao Er looked like he hadn't woken up, and yawned while shaking the rag. Seeing that he was listless, Qing Yun handed him a section of banana for him to chew.

Xiao Er was not too polite, thanked, took it, and gnawed it, the sweet taste spread in his mouth, he really lifted his spirits in advance, and immediately became interested.

The gossip is similar to what she just heard. In recent months, many foreigners and locals have come to the city. You can tell where it's coming from just by hearing it.

I confirmed from Xiaoer that there is indeed a group of people with an accent that seems to be from Huaizhou, who have lived in the inn for about half a month. I heard that they came to Suzhou to sell medicinal materials.

Chattering with Xiao Er, dawdling until guests of the inn came to the lobby for breakfast one after another, she left with two baskets of crystal buns.

The crystal steamed stuffed bun was given to Bai Yanheng and the others, it was a reward for their hard work.

"I just heard something. A group of merchants from Huaizhou came outside to sell medicinal materials in our Suzhou. Do you have any thoughts after hearing this?" Qing Yun lay on Bai Yanheng's desk, before he answered Then, she went to lean in her special chair again.

Jiao Yuguang and his staff paused after hearing the words, Jiao Yuguang put down the official document in his hand, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Qingyun.

"Where did the general hear the news?"

"Where is it?" Qingyun motioned him to put down the cup, and said with a smile: "Where else can I hear it, it's been heard in the market, and it has spread in the market. Apart from Huaizhou, people from other states have also come."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, "Our Suzhou has become a favorite."

Jiao Yuguang and other staff members were contemplating, rather they were reflecting.

They thought they managed Suzhou as strong as a fortress, and the spies they sent out were watching the movements of various forces, and the nails of the states and regions had sneaked into the city, but the spies didn't find out, but it spread in the market.

The key is that the news was brought back by the general, which makes everyone feel so embarrassed.

Qingyun didn't know what the staff were thinking, so he continued to mutter.

"Don't you find it strange? Isn't it the biggest joke in the world to sell medicinal materials to Suzhou? Suzhou is a heavy war zone, and the surrounding cities are fighting everywhere. What is lacking is medicinal materials. The medicinal materials in our military camp are all sold from outside. of.

The medicine shop in Suzhou City is almost empty, except for some commonly used medicinal materials placed in the shop to confuse the people.These things, as long as you go to the medicine shop to see, you can't hide it from the medicine dealers.

Fortunately, these people have been here for half a month and are still staying in the city, so they don't know what their intentions are.

Selling sells, sells or sells.I've inquired about it, and the things they brought are not medicinal materials. There are no medicinal materials to sell, and they don't sell medicinal materials. The identity of this medicinal material dealer is suspicious.

I went to the city gate to inquire, and the guide they took was not from Huaizhou.A group of medicine merchants with a Huaizhou accent lured Su Zhou with their way from other continents..."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What's interesting is that they are not the only ones who did this, and people from other continents also did it. Let people check it out, what are these people doing here? I have something wrong Premonition."

Qing Yun scratched her chin, puzzled, she didn't do anything earth-shattering recently, why are people from the four continents staring at her?
That's right, Qing Yun felt that these people were here to stare at her.

The corners of Bai Yanheng's mouth twitched, and from the corner of his eye he glanced at the information that he kept at the bottom.

What else can I do?
To assassinate her!

In addition to the people on the bright side, many killers were secretly dispatched to assassinate her.

Why was Qingyun assassinated, because the Beidi government finally felt that she was a dangerous person and had to be eliminated quickly.

"This is the information that was sent back last night. General, take a look." Bai Yanheng pulled out the information and gave it to her.

Thanks for the love of Qiangwei and Peony for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

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