Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 814 The Counterattack Begins

Chapter 814 The Counterattack Begins

"You can go if you want, as long as you do us a small favor, it's easy for you."

It was not the gangster who stepped on Qingyun who spoke, but the man sitting in the main seat, his tone was quite gentle.At least on the surface, he wears a mask, and the devil knows what expression is under the mask.

Qingyun rolled his eyes, did not agree, and asked cautiously: "What can I do for you? You can see that you are a person who is doing great things. I can't lift my shoulders, I can't lift my hands, and I don't have ink in my stomach. I really can't help you. I'm busy. Alas"

Qingyun suddenly screamed, and as soon as she shied away, the gangster kicked her stomach immediately. The pain was so hard that she broke out in a cold sweat.

How cruel!

The few people in the room presumably didn't see her miserable appearance.

Qingyun let out a 'bah' in his heart, these people are no good, they pretended to be perfunctory to coax her and refused to say a few words, and wanted to ask someone to do something for them?

Black bears are stronger than them.

"You see, you are not young anymore. You don't even have a daughter-in-law, and you don't have a family business. Just relying on your sister's little money every month is not enough for you to fight a cock. If your brother-in-law knows you, every time he steals his house If your things are mortgaged, will he still care about your life?"

Qingyun didn't know what to think of, his face turned paler, his eyes flickered, and he said guiltyly; "I didn't steal it, it was all given to me by my sister."

The person in the seat looked at him sarcastically, "Then you have to believe your brother-in-law. Some things are not owned by ordinary people, such as this one in my hand. As far as I know, it seems to be something from the general's mansion. You said it was your sister Could it be that your sister stole something from the general’s mansion, or your brother-in-law stole the general’s stuff?”

Seeing the thing in his hand, Qingyun's eyes shrank suddenly, his face turned pale in an instant, and screamed: "Where did you get that thing? I obviously hid it."

"Where is it hidden?" The person on the main seat looked at him with a half-smile.

Qingyun looked at him in horror, his whole body trembling.

"I heard that the general treats those who betrayed him very cruelly. Have you ever heard of a human pig? It means cutting off a person's hands and feet, gouging out his eyes, cutting off his tongue, and leaving a mouthful of air bubbles in the jar."

Qingyun shivered, his teeth chattering.

MMP, when did she ever do something like this?She doesn't have such perverted hobbies?
How did the outside world spread the word about her?
Usually after the interrogation, she would give people a clean sentence.

"Think about it carefully, I won't let you help in vain."

"What do you want me to do?" Qingyun pondered, weighed half a cup of tea, and his attitude softened a lot.

The person in the main seat glanced at his companion, and then the gangster whispered in Qingyun's ear.

When Qing Yun heard what they wanted her to do, her eyeballs were as big as a gong.

Damn it, she thought that these gangsters wanted her to secretly smuggle them into the general's mansion and assassinate the general.As a result, the desires of these gangsters were beyond her expectation!
"No, no, no," Qingyun shook his head like a rattle, and said with trembling lips: "The map of the city defense is in the general's study, and I can't get it at all. The two most heavily guarded places in the general's mansion are the general's bedroom. One is the study. Except for the general's confidants, outsiders can't get in at all.

I'm not someone on the cards, and I don't work in the general. I can only enter and leave the general's mansion because of my brother-in-law's honor. There are many places in the mansion that I can't go to, and they are guarded.

The places I can go are limited, except for my sister's house, which is the garden of the General's Mansion, I can't go anywhere else.

My brother-in-law respects the general very much. If he knows that I am not good for the general, he will kill me.

A few days ago, my brother-in-law accidentally said that someone wanted to harm the general, and asked me not to wander around the city and not cause trouble with the general's mansion.

I really can't help with this, really, I'll be arrested before I get close to the study. "

There is self-knowledge.

The few people in the room knew in their hearts that this kid was able to get along like a fish in water in Suzhou City because of his brother-in-law's glory. If his brother-in-law was ruined, he would not be able to get better, and he would definitely not want to betray his brother-in-law.

"You're right, it's really difficult for you to go to the general's study. You can't go to the general's study, can you go to your brother-in-law's study?" The gangster pressed Qingyun's shoulder, and then squeezed it so hard that his bones almost shattered , Qingyun gasped in pain.

"Go. Go. I don't like reading, and I don't like going to the study. If I go to the study suddenly, my brother-in-law will be suspicious."

"You said that if we spread the word that you were bribed to steal the map of the General's Mansion, would your brother-in-law kill you? You must know better than us how the General's Mansion treats traitors.

You said you were framed, does your brother-in-law believe it?Do the people in the general's mansion believe it?
He's not your serious brother-in-law, so what good is it for you to protect him like this.People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves. After the matter is completed, we will give you a penny of money, which is enough for your siblings to live in wealth and honor for the rest of their lives. The world is so big, why don't you have nowhere to go?Your sister can also find you another brother-in-law. "

Listen, is this what people say? !

"If you don't go, I'll kill you now." After speaking, he suddenly grabbed Qing Yun's neck.

Qingyun tilted her head to avoid the gangsters' hands, knowing their purpose, she didn't bother to play tricks with them, and rolled out of the opponent's attack range, and caught a glimpse of the astonishment on the gangster's face from the corner of her eye.

Others were also frightened by Qingyun's move.

The attack failed, and the gangster looked a little hideous. Not only was he ashamed in front of his master, but he was also tricked by a trash. This was the most embarrassing thing for him.

Qingyun didn't care if they were shocked or not, she got up and attacked the bandit who was close to her at the same time, at the same time, a throwing knife attacked the bandit leader on the main seat.

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(End of this chapter)

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