Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 820 The Northern Land, The Aristocratic Family Can't Hold It Anymore

Chapter 820 The Northern Land, The Aristocratic Family Can't Hold It Anymore

The previous dynasty advocated Buddhism and not Taoism. When Buddhism flourished, every village and village had temples, and [-]% of the people in the world were Buddhist believers.

Taoism has long since declined, and it rarely walks in the world. There are only three or two kittens, and there may not be one or two Taoist temples in a state.

Suddenly seeing a Taoist priest in the general's mansion, he was shocked but surprised.

According to the soldiers in the army, the Taoist priest has followed this master for a long time, and his status is somewhat unique, but it is not clear how unique it is.

Besides, this man is really too young, he is only around 23 now, and he has commanded millions of soldiers. Judging from the results of his investigation, he is the spiritual pillar of the army. From soldiers to generals, he is loyal and devoted to him, Go through fire and water.

And their loyalty, as time goes on, grows day by day.

In other words, in layman's terms, every soldier is his dead soldier.

The aristocratic family cultivated dead warriors from childhood. Every dead warrior was carefully selected after undergoing rigorous training and screening.

It's weird to come to this master, as long as you enter his camp, it seems that everyone's mind has been changed, and only this master and great cause are in his mind.

Thinking hard.

Not sure how they did it.

too frightening.

He did not enter the camp, but his soldiers and horses were taken to the camp for training every now and then. The concepts of the soldiers were assimilated quietly under the subtle influence of those people, without knowing it.

What a terrible thing!The soldiers didn't think so.

Think about what he was doing when he was in his twenties?Mastering hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, he is already very outstanding among his peers, and his family and parents are all proud of him.

He thought so too.

Now that I see this master, I know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!

The aristocratic family has dominated the Northland for too long, and their blood and ambition have been wiped out for so long. They thought it was the glorious era when their ancestors were alive and dominated the world. They stood on top of everyone and were admired by all generations.

Holding the glory of the ancestors, looking down at the world, but can't see the current situation of the world clearly, selfish, only see a little profit in front of him, and intrigue.

The Northland rebels had just started, and he wrote many times to send troops to encircle and suppress the scourge in its cradle, but the higher authorities rejected his requests time and time again, and the reason for the refusal was that the rebels were not in danger.

The mob of rebels is indeed not a problem, but there are also people who have sprung up suddenly.

For example, this grandpa.

In just one or two years, of the four northern states, he occupied two states, and the two states he ruled had the popular support, and everyone was praising his deeds.

The series of policies he promulgated are all for the people of the world.

You think he was born as a commoner, and the soldiers all know that his family is rich. At the beginning of his uprising, all the military pay and food were given by his family.

He thought that he was from aristocratic background, he didn't have the arrogance and dignity of aristocrats in him, he was like a commoner in the city, he got along with the common people, he called a beggar a brother, and he should bow his head and bow his head unambiguously.

He has millions of soldiers in his hands, without any pretensions, he still carries hoes and dung, and works in the fields with the people.

After losing half of the country, the aristocratic family has a sense of crisis and wants to eradicate him.

Now that he is powerful, he cannot be eradicated if the aristocratic family wants to eradicate it.The ridiculous thing is that the family doesn't even know whether he is round or flat, how to assassinate him?

No, this master has already arrived in Taiyang, and the aristocratic family has not heard any news, so what can we expect from them?
In the Northland, the aristocratic family can no longer hold on.

 Thanks for reading, 110921115305167, the monthly ticket voted by 77889, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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