Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 822 Not Here To Make Trouble

Taiyang City is worthy of being the center of political power in the Northland. Leaving aside what the city looks like, this road is different. It is all paved with large bluestone slabs, flat, clean and spacious. The main road is lined with several carriages. not a problem.

The stalls start from the gate of the city and go all the way in, without end in sight.

The shops are row upon row, with a dazzling array of products, both ordinary and rare, and things that are so rare that they shouldn't appear here.

For example: Pass a shop that looks relatively high-end, and see pocket watches in the cabinets on the wall.

That's right, it's a pocket watch. The pocket watch used in the Republic of China on TV makes people doubt the authenticity of this dynasty.

There are many magnificent mansions, looking at the past, there are several streets, and there are many rich people!
Beyond that is a more splendid and magnificent house, not just a few streets, but a large area, with guards guarding the exit from a long distance away.

In the first month of Qingyun's arrival, he didn't do anything, just strolled in Taiyang City, not a selective stroll, he walked the entire streets and alleys of Taiyang, not letting go of every corner.

To put it bluntly, even slipped around the mouse's nest.

I don't know what's wrong, every time she goes to a new place, she will do this, if she doesn't do this, she will feel restless and unable to sleep.

The fourth brother once laughed at her, laughing that she is like the monsters and beasts in the novel, every time she goes to a place to enclose territory, if she doesn't have the ability to leave a scent, otherwise she will keep some.

In addition to the prosperity of Taiyang, another important point is that there are millions of troops guarding the city.

Qingyun asked Lao Jiang, but Lao Jiang didn't know.

He was a little famous among his peers, but it didn't matter to that extent. Later, he went to Suzhou, which was equivalent to a distribution. After so many years, his relationship with the family has become weaker and weaker, and he is a side branch, and the family doesn't value him even more. him.

Qingyun didn't come to Taiyang to make troubles. After wandering around Taiyang, he planned to drink tea in a teahouse, listen to gossip, and then find a few good friends, fight cocks and walk the dog, and arranged himself clearly.

Bai Yanheng is the exact opposite of Qingyun, who lives in seclusion!

After eating breakfast and drinking a bowl of soup, Qingyun got up and went out. Old Jiang followed immediately. Qingyun waved his hand and said, "Don't follow me. I'll go for a walk outside. You can handle the rest of the trip yourself."

Today she deliberately changed into civilian clothes.

Lao Jiang looked at Bai Yanheng, and hoped that Master Bai would stop the general, without a single guard, in case something unexpected happened
Bai Yanheng said: "Don't follow. Master often does this. When you are at home, you often go out for a walk like this. You will get used to it after a long time."

"You still understand me!" Qingyun grinned and patted Bai Yanheng on the shoulder, turned to Old Jiang and said, "I'm just a country boy who came to Taiyang to gain knowledge, and the owner of the merchant is here."

Qingyun raised his chin to Bai Yanheng, "I have a little relationship with him, and I came to Taiyang by Dongfeng. Have you ever seen that poor boy who can bring guards? By the way, when you meet me on the street, call me Guanyun , remember, I will be called this name from now on."

Qingyun waved his hand and walked away gracefully.

Qingyun was sitting in the corner, drinking tea, listening calmly to the storyteller in the lobby, who scolded her passionately and angrily.

She came late, and all the good seats were taken up, and there was no empty table in the corner, so she shared a table with someone.

She came to the teahouse to listen to gossip, and the first time she came, she heard the storyteller talk about her.

According to the storyteller, she is a maddened and heinous devil. It is a trivial matter to kill hundreds of thousands of people. She would massacre a city at every turn. She also likes to eat people's hearts, especially children... wherever she goes,
Is it so magical?

Is that human being?
Qingyun clicked his tongue, exaggerated, too exaggerated!Outrageous, outrageous!

The key is that everyone believes it, what about the brain?Look at the expressions of the big guys who are deeply hurt and hateful, and follow the storyteller to swear, without delaying everyone to listen with gusto.

Qingyun: "..."

Qingyun was in the same boat, and scolded a few times, she couldn't do without scolding, everyone was scolding, if she didn't scold, she wouldn't look different.Especially the man at the same table as her, whose voice was like a gong and drum, making her ears buzz.

There is no need to guess about this handwriting, it must be done by the northern family.

Does this method sound familiar?

Because she did it too!
Qingyun pushed the plate containing peanuts forward, and asked the people at the same table to eat.

"Brother, try it. I heard it's a new food in the tea house. It's a small dish of eighty cents." Qingyun made a comparison, with a face that was extremely expensive and distressed, with a hint of showing off.

As soon as the men asked for 'eighty renminbi', they retracted their outstretched hands. How could they have the nerve to eat such an expensive thing?
They drink tea for only a few renminbi, and they can sit for half a day. If they have some money later, they will add pickles, and the total will not exceed [-] renminbi.

"I can't get enough of this food, so I just try something new. Come, come, you're welcome, a few brothers have a taste." Qingyun repeatedly invited, and several men at the same table declined several times. Just reached out and took it.

A plate of peanuts brought the relationship of several people closer in an instant. While eating peanuts, they chatted about homework. With a cup of tea, Qingyun cleaned up their details.

A few men thought this boy was a scholar, and they were a little cautious. After chatting, they realized that he came from the countryside and was not a scholar.

No, the attitude and tone immediately became more easy-going.

"I've been here for a few days, and the storyteller in the teahouse talks about it every day. It's new at first, but it's okay after listening to it too much. I want to hear something new, big brother, do you know?"

Think about it for a few men, the rebel leader is the only one these days, and there seems to be no others.

"Want to hear about that?"

A few men hesitated, eating human peanuts, it is not easy to refuse, but they do hard work and sweat to earn a living, where do they know anything new, they know the same people as them.

"No matter what, who's wife overcame the wall, that man hooked up with the widow. What fun things are popular in the city recently?"

Qingyun doesn't make things difficult for the men, if she opens her mouth to inquire about the government, believe it or not, she will be arrested as soon as she leaves the teahouse?
Hearing her question, the men breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they didn't get in touch with the rich and powerful, they would have something to talk about gossip.

From the pier, whoever embezzled wages was caught, and the man on which street hooked up with the wife of the next street, and was caught by the mother-in-law, and then became the concubine of a certain big family, beautiful and beautiful, Was taken away by a high-ranking adult
Qingyun was very polite, removed the teapot, ordered some pickles and side dishes and two jugs of wine, chatted while eating and drinking.

Being treated so sincerely, the men were both happy and touched, and chatted more vigorously. They must be worthy of the little brother Chicheng.

No, after talking about the gossip, I would like to mention Qingyun, that street is the territory of some hooligans, if you see it, you'd better hide it, and don't provoke it.

If you are bullied by local hooligans, don’t think about suing the officials. Suing the officials is useless. Behind these local hooligans there are people from the government. It may be solved by spending dozens of dollars. If you sue the officials, you won’t get dozens of taels of silver Can't get out.

People who come out are not necessarily neat.Those who do hard work like them can't earn dozens of taels of silver in their lifetime, and spend money on medical treatment, which makes the situation worse.

A good family just broke up like this.

They would rather spend dozens or hundreds of big money to local hooligans, and treat it as a waste of money to eliminate disasters.

"That's not it, the government is where we ordinary people can go. It's okay to take off a layer of skin." Qingyun echoed while pouring wine for several people.

After the storyteller in the lobby finished scolding her, she also finished gossiping with a few guys. They called each other brothers, and if they were good, they would be like real brothers. They even made an appointment to drink tea together next time.

After sending a few freshly baked brothers out of the teahouse, Qingyun casually glanced at the street, and then returned to the teahouse to pack a bag of peanuts. It was fine to go back, and continued to stroll on the street. (end of this chapter)

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