Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 826: Chairs are for sitting on. Does it matter if it’s male or female?

big tent

Everyone who hadn't seen each other for almost a year finally gathered together again.

Among a group of rude men, Liang Rusu, who was wearing silver armor, a ponytail and a red ribbon, stood out.

“There are two things to say about this meeting.

The first thing is that Yuan Shaoxing from Zhongzhou has taken a fancy to our Beidi and has sent a war message to the Beidi families, forcefully asking them to give up. He wants to win the Beidi without any bloodshed, so as not to bleed and sacrifice in vain.

The two sides are still negotiating. We don't care what the family's attitude is.What do you think about this? "

Gonghuo, Qingyun is also a professional.

She didn't need to know whether Yuan Shaoxing had made a war announcement, and it didn't matter whether the family had discussed it with Yuan Shaoxing.

Yes, save your energy, if not, she will let them have it.This fire is meant to burn more and more prosperously.

What do you think?
The generals slapped the table and roared.

"What the hell! It's not like their aristocratic family has the final say in Northland. They just gave it up when they said they would. Have they asked us?"

"That's right, we are half the masters of the Northland. If you ask me, don't say anything and just do the damn thing. There are not many bloody men in the Northland. When they hear our call, they will run faster than rabbits. quick."

"Damn it! It's not given to anyone, let's grab it and see who dares to object!"

Qingyun glanced at the murderous black bear with cold eyes. She didn't like to hear this. She was a serious person, how could she talk about robbing?

When Tian Duoliang saw Qingyun's expression, he secretly thought something bad and immediately intercepted the message:
"The past two years have been so unfair in the North. Either the bandits are burning, killing and looting, or the rebels are fighting everywhere and recruiting young people. I don't know how many people have been killed. Ten villages are empty!"

孽 孽!
The family has suffered a great evil!

With such a huge mess, no wonder the family doesn’t want it anymore.It’s just that our Qingye has a kind heart and a Bodhisattva heart, and cannot bear to see the people’s families destroyed and displaced, so we have great compassion to take over this mess for Bei Di and save the people of Bei Di! "

Po Jun Qisha immediately agreed.

"Brother Tian is right. We are all from the North. Seeing them suffer makes us feel really bad. We should save what we can ourselves. It is better to ask for others than to ask for ourselves.

Knowing the person but not the heart, who knows whether Yuan Shaoxing is a human or a ghost?There is no reason for an outsider to bully us Northerners. The aristocratic family can stand it, but we cannot. "

The generals nodded, they were absolutely right.

"You gave them face? You glared at them. They beat you too little and didn't hurt your muscles and bones. That guy named Yuan is not a thing. He should be kept behind closed doors. That's our business in the North. What's his business? ? Our fight with the aristocratic family has nothing to do with him. Even if he is completely dead, he will still be bored in our northern land. If he has to come and interfere, he is not a thing. "

Liang Xuansu's face twitched, and he looked at the indifferent general, and then at the room full of indignant people...

Do these people have any sense of self-consciousness?
Where do they have the nerve to call others outsiders? To the Beidi family, they are also outsiders.

Why is there no peace in the North?Don't they have any idea?

Before they came to the Northland, there were at most a few petty thieves robbing homes. During the most chaotic period, several rebel armies emerged, ranging from 2 to [-] people, and as small as a few thousand. They occupied a hilltop and became kings and hegemons. They could not conquer it. What kind of waves are there?

The Beidi family didn't even pay attention to the small fight, and the local city guard army could annihilate them.

Look at what they did.

Either on the way to attack the city or in the city, many aristocratic families in the North were frightened when they heard their name.

The most hated person in the Beidi family is none other than the general. Yuan Shaoxing is nothing!
If the Beidi family ranked a hate list, the general would definitely occupy the first place on the list, leading the list. He is the only one in the past hundreds of years, and he is the only one.

"What do you mean by Yuan Shaoxing? He gave Bei underground war stickers, but not our Qingye. In his eyes, Qingye is worse than the coward from Beidi? Qingye, that kid is so arrogant, how dare you not give it to me?" From your perspective, I can’t swallow this breath. I’m going to teach him how to behave?”

This fire arch... pulls and stomps to give myself a chance to fight.

The generals who were still angry at the Northland family for their inaction all rolled their eyes when they heard Qisha's words, and then glared at him angrily.

This guy is so unkind!

The brothers agreed to work together to the outside world, but you secretly do the work for yourself... you are not a thing.

Master Qing: "..."

There was no need for it, she could still swallow this anger.

Seeing that Master Qing ignored him, the generals breathed a sigh of relief and continued to scold the Beidi family and Yuan Shaoxing for not doing human affairs. While scolding, they denounced: War, we must fight!Those who don’t fight are dogs!

When the fight was fierce, spitfire was flying everywhere, and foul words were heard all over the room. Qingyun watched their performance indifferently, and his peripheral vision glanced at Liang Junsu, who had a gloomy face...

The brothers are all rough guys, and they talk like this on weekdays. For a moment, they forgot that there was a girl here.

Qingyun slapped the table, and suddenly the whole hall was silent. The generals shrank their heads quietly, their eyes focused on Qingyun, looking at him eagerly.

It's useless for them to argue. In the end, it all depends on what Master Qing wants.

"After intense discussion among the brothers, the result is very clear. Let me repeat the results of your discussion. Retaking the Northland is imminent. Do you agree or not?"


The generals shouted in unison, while scanning the people on the left and right with their peripheral vision. If anyone dares to hold back, hum...

Liang Junsu: "..."

Liang Xuansu was very confused. Isn't that how the word 'recover' is used?The Northland is not theirs, let alone lost from their hands. How can it be recovered?

Were you talking about salvation just now?
Liang Junsu was still an upright girl. She opened her mouth to remind him, but when she saw the general smiling like a flower, she finally closed her mouth in depression.

The result was very gratifying. All the generals were laughing. The brothers had a tacit understanding and no one was holding back.

Qingyun is also very satisfied.

"Very good, retaking the Northland, everyone approved! The first thing is solved perfectly. The specific battle plan will be discussed later. Now let's talk about the second thing..."

Qingyun's smile suddenly disappeared, his face darkened, and his expression was serious and solemn. This frightened the generals to sit upright and panic at the same time. They subconsciously reflected on whether they had done anything that violated military discipline recently, or stepped on Qingye's minefield?
Liang Junsu and many of the newly promoted lieutenants had never experienced this kind of battle, and the oppressive atmosphere in the tent made their nerves tense.

"The second thing is something you have been thinking about. Today, I will tell you a clear answer."

Qingyun frowned and suppressed the smile in his eyes, he had dug a trap for her, it was up to them whether the brothers would dance or not.

When Mr. Qing finally let go, the generals were excited and excited. They wanted to shout to the sky. The veins in the arms holding the armrests were bulging, and beads of sweat were forced out of their foreheads to suppress his emotional gaffe.

Hold on, hold on, must hold on!
Qingye hasn’t announced it yet!

Brothers, hold on!Must be steady!Unable to stabilize himself, he turned around and grabbed the person next to him desperately. The person next to him was in pain, so he fought back and grabbed him back. Then the two stared at each other and hurt each other.

Qingyun naturally saw the brothers losing their composure, raised a wicked smile, and thought maliciously, he would be frightened after a while.

"This journey is all due to the full support of my brothers. I am not overbearing and unreasonable. I always listen to my brothers' suggestions. Since this is the wish of all brothers, I will naturally fulfill your wish.

Qian Qizhi wanted to sit in that chair, and General Dan also wanted to sit.Don't Yuan Shaoxing, Duan Jiaxu, and Tan Linyu want to sit down?

They all want to sit, even in their dreams, why can't I sit?
Anyone can sit on an ownerless thing, as long as they have the ability.Go sit down, do you have any opinions? "

Qingyun's eyes were sharp, his momentum was majestic, and he asked sonorously and forcefully.

"No, it's an ownerless thing. Mr. Qing is sitting here!"

"It's an ownerless thing, sit down, Mr. Qing!"

"It's an ownerless thing, sit down, Mr. Qing!"

The generals roared together, the sound was so loud that it almost overturned the tent roof.

Qingyun raised his hand again, and all the generals silenced their voices.

"There is no rule about who should sit on that chair, and there is no rule that only men can sit on the chair and women cannot sit on it. What kind of chair is not important, what is important is who sits on it, brothers, are you right?"


After the generals finished shouting, they always felt something strange. It seemed to make sense but not so much.

"I'm telling you today that I'm actually a girl. Chairs are for sitting on. I want to sit on that chair. Do you have any objections?"

"No! Mr. Qing, sit down!"

After the generals finished shouting, they continued to shout their chants. When they realized what Mr. Qing had said, they blinked and then they were all dumbfounded. They followed the fish that landed one by one, their mouths wide open but they couldn't breathe.

Click, click, turn your neck to look at the brothers next to you, laughing stiffly.

After drinking too much, my ears didn't work properly and I had hallucinations. I seemed to hear someone saying that Mr. Qing was a girl.

I heard it wrong, I heard it wrong.

"Qing... Master... Qing... Master... Qing Master... don't joke, it's not funny at all!" Tian Duoliang stuttered. It was obvious that he was frightened and looked like he was about to cry.

"Master can you be a girl?"

Black Bear Pojun Qisha had an expression of shock and disbelief on his face, and then looked at him pitifully with a sad face.

Take a look at it for yourself, from beginning to end, from top to bottom, inside and out, how does it look like a girl?

a bolt from the blue!

One second they were happy that Mr. Qing had finally made progress, but then he turned around and sent them to hell eighteen times, the kind that they couldn't get over.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, stretched out his legs, put them on the table and shook them, and said carelessly: "I am a girl, are you in the way of that chair?"

The generals shook their heads.

"If it weren't for your strong request, I wouldn't be able to sit down. If you object, I won't sit down. If you can't accept it, let's break up as soon as possible. I'll take off my armor and return to the fields. Go home and farm. You can do whatever you like!"

As soon as they heard that the group was disbanded, Tian Dorao, Black Bear and the others immediately became concerned. They had reason to suspect that Qingye was deceiving them when he just said he wanted to sit in that chair.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear, and the other generals looked at each other, and then looked at the person in the seat. With his lazy look and normal behavior, I would have believed that he was a woman.

Brothers all grew up bare-bottomed...well, no, that's wrong.

The brothers have been together day and night for several years, and when they went to inquire around, who could tell that Master Qing was a woman?
Oh, I remembered that they went to the flower house together and drank wine. Qingye was much better at teasing and coaxing women than they were.

When they saw that Mr. Qing was leaving, Tian Duoliang, Black Bear and the others were startled, and their chaotic minds immediately sobered up.

Mr. Qing can’t leave!
Master Qing is gone, what will they do?
Thinking about it carefully, what Mr. Qing said makes sense. Chairs are for sitting on. Does it matter whether the person sitting on the chair is male or female?Is it important?Isn’t the point about who is sitting in the chair?

Master Qing finally let go, and he must not be allowed to back down.

It doesn’t matter whether he is a boy or a girl, let’s hold on to Mr. Qing first.

Tian Duoliang glanced at Pojun, and the two of them rushed to hug Qingyun's legs, crying: "Master Qing, you can't leave your brothers behind and go and be happy by yourself!
Brothers have followed you through life and death, narrowly escaped death, fought through thorns and thorns along the way, climbed mountains of swords and descended into seas of fire, a tiger in front of you and a wolf in the back. If you leave, brothers will have no way to survive!
The brothers all have an old mother who is in her [-]s and have squealing babies. It’s a pity that they haven’t seen their father since they were born.”

Black Bear Qisha and the others rushed to protect their waists, and they would not let go even if they were beaten to death. They must be nailed here.

I've boarded a pirate ship, but I still want to get off the ship easily, dreaming!
Or, take a boat with your brothers, ride the wind and waves, and move forward.Or, everyone will sink and die together, they are so stubborn!

Qingyun's head was covered with black lines, damn, his pants were about to be pulled off by them.She gave them a lot of sex, stared at her nose, and looked at her bad temper. She pressed them hard and rubbed them hard, not sparing any one of them.

What he said at the beginning seemed like a human saying, but what the hell he said after that.

How many of your brothers are married and have a business?
A bunch of old bachelors still have the nerve to cry here.

She's not dead!Cry your ass!
Everyone had a bruised and ugly face, and they were beaten half to death and still laughed like idiots. Everyone felt at ease.

They can rest assured that Mr. Qing has not been possessed by any strange things. He is still the same cruel Mr. Qing.

A pervert is a pervert, a pervert wearing a woman's skin.

It hurts!It's so vicious.

Then again, God is fair.

He is not like a certain person. It is estimated that when he became a god, his arrogant and domineering attitude definitely offended many gods. There was nothing that could be done to him at that time, and he was not allowed to stumble in secret.

No, when he really comes down to earth to overcome the tribulation, he will secretly give him a woman's skin to punish him.

It wasn't that they deliberately misrepresented him. Qingye had indeed summoned thunder and lightning. They had seen it with their own eyes and experienced it themselves. They never wanted to experience being struck by lightning again.

It is really impossible for them to treat Mr. Qing as a woman and forgive them!
Thinking about it this way, Master Qing is quite pitiful.He should obviously be a upright man, but he was born with a pretty face, tsk tsk tsk...

Tiantara Black Bear and the others suddenly felt that their faces no longer hurt so much, and they looked at him with pitiful eyes.

Qingyun didn't know that his brothers were confused, so he waved his hands and hit more than a dozen people at once, his hands were sore. He glanced over and saw their strange looks, and they immediately drifted away.

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