Chapter 828

They are both girls, and she has experienced many battles and suppressed several bandits. However, General Tian and others did not treat them female soldiers the same as they treated male soldiers. There was a big gap in the middle.

The general is obviously a girl, and his attitude is completely different. However, General Tian and the others worship her, fear her, are loyal to her, and regard her as a god.

She also wants to be that person.

"Tomorrow morning, I want to see the transcripts of all of you. That's the end of today's meeting. Go back and think about it carefully and come up with a charter. That's the end of today's meeting!"

Qingyun waved his hand, indicating that they could leave. He placed a bomb and gave the brothers time to digest it.

When everyone filed out of the tent, their heads were buzzing, and they stumbled back to their tents. They waved away the deputy general, who wanted to be quiet for a while to digest what happened to Mr. Qing.


County mansion, study room

Today, the county master is not the protagonist. The heads of the four major families, Jiang, Han, Yun, and Luo, as well as the current generals of the four major families are here. The unranked county chief is at the bottom.

In the past, these high-ranking dignitaries rarely met each other, but now they gathered together because of someone.Nowadays, these people no longer have the relaxed and leisurely expressions on their faces, and all of them look gloomy.

"Where did Shangguan Qingyun come from?" The head of the Yun family glanced at everyone present with his cold eyes, and paused when he glanced at the two heads of the Jiang family and the Han family.

The head of the Luo family also had a cold look. Since the full-scale war against the rebels in the North, the soldiers of the Yun and Luo families had suffered heavy losses, losing almost one-third of their troops.

The Jiang and Han families suffered the least loss, less than a quarter. It’s strange that their faces look good.

"At the beginning you said they were just a mob and not enough to cause trouble."

The head of the Yun family, who had cultivated his mind and character for decades, could not suppress his anger. He slapped the table and roared: "Is this the mob you talk about? It's not a problem? A wild boy appeared out of nowhere and occupied the three states of the North.

So what is a problem?Being driven out of the four northern states?
You are all selected generals, well versed in the art of war, carefully trained by aristocratic families, defeated by a group of rabble, fled in confusion, and came back as dejected as a dog. "

Such insulting words made the generals present look ugly and even more embarrassed.

The heads of the Jiang and Han families looked calm, as if they had not heard the head of the Yun family criticizing Huai.When the rebels attack, the army will defend if it can, and retreat if it cannot.

No problem!
If you can't hold on and still fight with the rebels, that's because your brain is caught in the door.Their army is gone. Will they still have a foothold in the North?

"The Northland was conquered by our ancestors with all their might, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. It is a sin for future generations not to carry it forward. Now that our ancestors have lost their property, how will we see them in the future? We are all sinners in the Northland. "

When the head of the Yun family was condemning himself, his eyes were looking in the direction of the head of the Jiang family, the head of the Han family.

If their two families hadn't escaped before the battle, why would the Northland have been lost so quickly?

The general, whose conscience was reproached, couldn't help but argue.

"Master, it's not that our army is incompetent and can't fight, it's that those rebels are too despicable, shameless, insidious and insidious. They never confront our army head-on. They ambush halfway and attack from behind.

When we attacked, they just ran away. When our army stopped pursuing, they caught up from behind and attacked..."

Under the cold gaze of the head of the Yun family, the general could not continue speaking. The more he spoke, the more incompetent he appeared.

Why did the rebels ambush them halfway?
Two reasons can be seen from this. The rebels are more familiar with the terrain than they are and know where the best place to ambush is.Another reason is that the rebels know their marching route so that they can ambush them accurately. "Where are the guards in the towns and cities? The rebels captured one city after another. Why didn't they report it?"

The head of the Jiang family and the Han family knew full well that they were looking for a scapegoat!

Nowadays, all the major military personnel are panicked, their morale is low, and their morale is in turmoil. They must sacrifice the chicken to the monkey, and urgently need a war to restore the situation.Once the morale of the military is weakened, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Master Jiang, Master Han, if I remember correctly, Suzhou, which was first captured by the rebels, is the descendant of your two families. The rebels captured Suzhou, and not long after they captured Gao'an, such a big thing happened, and we actually I don’t know, you Jiang and Han families have unshirkable responsibilities. This matter..."

"Master Yun,"

The head of the Han family suddenly cut off his words and said expressionlessly: "The people guarding Suzhou City are indeed descendants of the Jiang and Han families. To get to the bottom of this matter, let's talk about what happened back then.

Suzhou is almost the barbaric border of the Northland, with a lack of materials, barren land, and ignorant people.

When the four families were discussing, you said that the Luo family was unwilling to send their descendants to Suzhou. It was the Han family and the Jiang family who sacrificed the descendants of the Han family and the Jiang family for the benefit of the family. You don't want to do this. Will you forget it?
The person who went to Suzhou was a direct descendant of my Han family. He was also a famous young talent in the North at that time. The one from the Jiang family, don’t say you don’t remember.

At that time, the armies of the four families competed, and the army he commanded completely destroyed the armies of the other three families. Even in the Northland now, no one can surpass him.He is a general who has not been produced by the Jiang family or Beidi for hundreds of years. "

The face of the head of the Jiang family was even colder. Why did the Jiang family sacrifice their most outstanding generals back then? The Yun and Luo families had the greatest credit.

Patriarch Yun: "..."

Patriarch Luo: "..."

This is awkward!
The pot was only halfway thrown, but it seemed that the pot was about to be thrown back on their heads.

Thinking of the loss of the most outstanding general of the Jiang family, the head of the Jiang family looked sad and said: "In the battle of Suzhou, the descendants of my Jiang family and the Han family lived and died with Suzhou City. They stood firm to the last moment. Their bodies were hung on the wall of Sushou City Gate. Last month. Hundreds of thousands of troops were all killed."

The generals present also looked sad. They had all heard about the Suzhou War and felt the same way. It was so tragic!General Chiang Kai-shek, Han Futai and others were fierce-tempered and would rather die in the city than live.

Such a heroic act leaves people in awe!

The generals looked at the leader of the Jiang family and the Han family in awe!As military generals, dying on the battlefield is their destiny, and General Han Futai is their role model.

When the generals thought about how they abandoned the city and fled, compared with General Jiang Hanfutai, they were so ashamed that they wished they could find a hole in the ground to crawl in.

Their plan backfired, and the head of the Yun family, the Luo family, almost vomited blood. They were a bunch of reckless men without any brains. No wonder they couldn't defeat the rebels.

A dark light surged in the eyes of the head of the Han family, and he said slowly: "It's not just the Jiang and Han families who are in Suzhou. You said, the Luo family also has their descendants there. I heard that the rebels haven't come over yet, so they fled with their wealth and family members, and Send people around the city to stir up trouble, spread rumors, and shake the morale of the army. You two deserve justice from the Han family and the Jiang family for this matter."

Who can't settle old scores?
There was no suitable opportunity before, but now they brought it to my door.

Even though the head of the Jiang family is a military commander, he is very thoughtful.In the past, he was too lazy to argue with them. He wanted to push them, the Jiang family, to take the blame, but it also depended on whether he was happy or not.

"When the rebels attacked Suzhou, both Jiang and Han families sent people to Gao'an to ask for help. Why didn't Gao'an send a large army to rescue? It seems that the people who received the soldiers asking for help were also members of your two families!
I remember that the descendants of your two families who escaped from Suzhou went to Gao'an.All the troops of the Jiang family and the Han family were sacrificed, and no one conveyed the news, so they didn't know what the circumstances were.You Yun family and Luo family were in Gao'an, and Gao'an fell. What was General Futai of Gao'an doing at that time? "

Who doesn't know how to blame others? He does it more beautifully and smoothly.

 Thank you for your monthly vote from Yi Forget Thousand Years√, okay?
  Thank you Nifeng Xiya for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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