Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 830 Chapter 848 Still have to sow discord

Chapter 830 Chapter 848 Still have to sow discord
This is what they did before, encroaching on the territory of the Northland step by step.How can their army not defeat Huaizhou?

Qingyun listened quietly without making any comment. He glanced sideways at the excited Hong Xingwu from the corner of his eye and secretly exclaimed that this kid was a little distracted!

Thinking back then, if they dared to fight the regular army, it would be too late to hide.

During those years in Qishan, all possible means were used to suppress bandits. The bandit gangs with no more than a thousand people used every possible means to attack, ambush, sow discord, dig tunnels, and set up traps. Every time the bandits were suppressed, almost all the money was used. their resources.

Training every day, training hard, not practicing as usual. When he heard that Qian Qizhi's army was coming to attack them, he packed up his things and ran away.

Compared with Qian Qizhi's army, Beidi's army is like a chicken, there is a huge difference.

There has been no war in the North these years. They have been comfortable for too long, and their ferocious and bloody nature has gradually worn away. They have never seen a real battlefield, so they are suppressed and beaten.

If you don't believe it, they will know how powerful he is when they fight Yuan Shaoxing.

"I'm afraid it won't work! It didn't take much effort to fight like that before, and they still have a way out. For those aristocratic families, Huaizhou is their last way out. If we fight directly and have no way out, we will definitely jump over the wall.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Who knows what other trump cards they have?What if we fight to the death and die together?Yuan Shaoxing is still keeping an eye on our territory, hoping that we will both lose and he takes advantage of it.Not worth it! " Qisha said.

We still need to find a way to get the best of both worlds, which is to destroy the aristocratic families in the North without consuming their army, and not to allow Yuan Shaoxing to take advantage of the situation and rob them.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, yes, after practicing, it is not without benefit to let them out. No, without her watching, they have been trained, and they can figure out how to fight by themselves.

Your brain will only become more flexible the more you use it.

Qingyun blinked, how about letting them all out in the future?Let them figure out what they love.

Qingyun's eyes wandered back and forth at the junction of Huaizhou and Zhongzhou, wondering what he was thinking.

"This is not the worst outcome. I'm worried that if we push too hard, they will be in trouble if they can't resist and defect to Yuan Shaoxing. Yuan Shaoxing is not like those large armies in the North, and they are not easy to fight!" Po Jun smacked his lips.

Qingyun was relieved that there was finally a rational person who could take a long-term view.

Tian Duoliang, Black Bear and the others nodded, agreeing very much with what Po Jun said, Yuan Shaoxing is such a ferocious wolf cub, even the North has heard of his reputation!
"We have to guard against this. We have already taken 99 steps. If the last step is robbed by Yuan Shaoxing, we will be a big joke."

Tian Duoliang's eyes flashed and he said: "This battle is not only between us and Beidi, but also Beidi and Yuan Shaoxing. We must prevent them from forming an alliance and uniting to fight us."

The generals nodded, this is the reason!
"How to stop it? Sow discord?" Black Bear scratched his head and glanced at the brothers with doubtful eyes, "How are we going to pick a fight? Beidi can't pick a fight. They are enemies with us. We don't know Yuan Shaoxing well?"

But that's not the reason.

To sow discord, there must be a relationship. If there is no relationship, it is all nonsense.

Po Jun thought about it and said, "How about we do what the barbarians did. The troops were divided into two groups. One group pretended to be the Northland army to fight Yuan Shaoxing, and the other group pretended to be Yuan Shaoxing's army to provoke the Northland. What do you think, brothers?"

 Thank you Muzi for your monthly pass, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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