Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 833 The Northland is insidious

Chapter 833 The Northland is insidious

Yuan Shaoxing was also thinking about how to bypass the northern army, go deep behind the enemy's rear, and connect with the rebels.

The first task before joining forces is to find out whether the relationship between the rebels and the Northland family is as bloody as the intelligence.

Another thing we need to find out is, where did Jiang Jiajun go?Are you really going to suppress the rebels, or are you hiding in secret and waiting for an opportunity to ambush them?

The generals understood.

What the general meant was that they colluded with the rebel Shangguan Qingyun, cooperated internally and externally, and attacked the Northland army secretly, beating them until they cried for father and mother.

Thinking of that scene, the generals smiled again, and a fool suddenly said: "Will the rebels collude with us?"

this question...

No, can you speak? What is collusion?What is collusion?They are regular troops and not bandits. How can they be called collusion?
The two armies are forming an alliance, do you understand?

Yuan Shaoxing had a black line on his face and tried to ignore those two words. Although, it was possible, but the essence of what they did was similar, but those two words just made him unhappy.

"Why don't you want to? The rebels want to seize the territory from the Beidi family, and we also want to seize the territory from the Beidi family. Our interests are the same. If Shangguan Qingyun is unwilling, we will beat him."

The general's expression was: It was his good fortune that they favored Shangguan Qingyun. Shangguan Qingyun could form an alliance with them, but it was because of the smoke coming from his ancestral graves that he didn't know how to appreciate others, so he beat him until he knew how to appreciate them.

Fighting with real swords and guns, who have they been afraid of?

Yuan Shaoxing and his group were each a rebel and the bandit leader Shangguan Qingyun spoke as if they were not rebels.

The Dayong Dynasty was dead and the court no longer existed. Where did the rebels come from?If we really want to talk about it, it’s hard to say who the rebels are.

"Inform the spies in the Northland to sneak into the rear of the Northland as soon as possible and focus on investigating the relationship between Shangguan Qingyun and the Beidi family, as well as the whereabouts of the Jiang family army. Until the news is received, the army will stay put."

If Shangguan Qingyun doesn't know how to promote, there are many people who know how to promote. The bandits can have a few people who are sincere and moral, but there are many people who want to pull him down. I hope he will like the big gift he gave me.

I hope Shangguan Qingyun will not disappoint him.

Yuan Shaoxing had a gut feeling that Shangguan Qingyun was very dangerous. If possible, he would most like to form an alliance with the Beidi family.

The people in the North are very xenophobic. To them, Yuan Shaoxing is a foreign invader, and it is impossible to form an alliance with them unless all the noble families in the North are dead.

"It's easy to form an alliance, but we are afraid that we will eradicate the Northern Family, feed the appetite of the rebels, increase their strength, and become another powerful enemy of ours."

That's right, for Yuan Shaoxing and others, the alliance is only temporary. Apart from them, the Northland does not need other forces.

After the Beidi family disappears, the next ones to disappear are the rebel Shangguan Qingyun and others. They are not kind enough to raise a powerful enemy for themselves.

The army stood still, and Yuan Shaoxing planned to send an army of 20 to test the strength of the Luo and Yun families first.


Qingyun didn't know yet that she was cared about by Yuan Shaoxing. If she knew that Yuan Shaoxing was planning to use her as cannon fodder while also thinking about killing people and silencing him, she would probably spit on him a few times.

What a sweet dream, can anyone take advantage of her?
"Master Qing, I just received the news that General Tian and their plans were very successful. General Jiang successfully attracted the attention of the Beidi family and is sneaking around with the Jiang family's army!" Qisha handed the information he had just received to Master Qing.

Qingyun knew that Tian Duoliang was a poisonous person. He knew that the Beidi family had objections to their occupation of two states. Beidi wanted to pass the blame to Jiang Hongli in Suzhou, but Jiang Hongli died and the matter was over. Leng Buding saw the death The dead people are resurrected...

Tsk tsk, this wave of hatred is sucking...

The family's face was swollen.

If she were from a Northern family and was humiliated like this, she would definitely fight to the death.The Jiang family, who did not go to the border to guard the border, must pursue the traitor Jiang Hongli in order to give an explanation to the Beidi family and to clear the shame of the Jiang family...

If Jiang Hongli is not dead, will the Han family think that their unscrupulous descendant is also dead and has become a traitor...

Link after link, link after link, they cannot be trapped.

After the brothers learned about Tian Duoliang's plan, they secretly became more vigilant towards him. Most people would not be able to do such a harmful thing.

Fortunately, these are brothers. If it were the enemy...

Just thinking about it makes me break out in a cold sweat.

"How is the situation over there with Po Jun Bai Shaojie and the others?" Qingyun asked.

"They have gone ahead as planned, the plan is going well, and there is nothing abnormal for the time being."

"Very good, where is Yuan Shaoxing? What's the situation?" Qingyun quickly read through the news from various places. Everything went well for us.

"Yuan Shaoxing's army is still in Annan County and has not moved." Qisha smacked his lips, not understanding what Yuan Shaoxing was selling in his gourd.A few months ago, they had received news that Yuan Shaoxing was going north to fight, but they stopped moving when they arrived in Annan County.

God knows what he was thinking.

Qingyun blinked. She couldn't understand Yuan Shaoxing's thoughts. Logically speaking, he and the Northland army had been fighting for a long time. They hadn't fought yet, so they didn't know what they were planning.

"Did he secretly send someone to contact the Beidi Family?" Qingyun scratched his chin.

Qingyun put herself in her shoes and couldn't think of anything else except this possibility.

"No." Qisha shook his head, and their men stared at them from all directions.

"That's weird!"

Qingyun pondered for a while, but still couldn't figure it out and was too lazy to think about it. Anyway, they were about to attack Yuan Shaoxing. No matter what conspiracy he had, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks were just paper tigers.

Qingyun thought about things, Qisha walked away for a while and then came back, with a smile on his face.

"The scouts have just returned new news. Yuan Shaoxing has allocated 20 troops and is heading towards Huanlang Mountain. Huanlang Mountain is where Luo and Yun's armies are located."

Qingyun also smiled, and the opportunity came to his door.

"Twenty armies, he wants to test the fighting strength of the Luo and Yun families. Our opportunity has come, and we will act according to the plan. We will notify the army to rest in place. At the quarter of an hour, the army will set off. We must arrive at Hanguang Valley on the fifth day. ."


At night, the army flag was changed from the word Shangguan to the flags of the Luo and Yun families, and then rushed to the destination in a hurry.

Hanguang Valley

Qingyun Qi, who waited for three days to kill them, finally waited for Yuan Shaoxing's vanguard army. When they entered the encirclement, they immediately surrounded and killed them.

Yuan Shaoxing's vanguard army did not expect that there would be an ambush army here to attack them. They had no time to make arrangements and were surrounded.

"Who are you? Why are you intercepting us here?"

Seeing the military flags of the Luo and Yun families hanging opposite, the vanguard general's heart was filled with chills, and he had to pretend not to know on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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